3.11 Supreme Ego Immune Build

started a scion and have crafted the bow so far.
was wondering if the mana and mana regen is necessary on the helmet.
JavLord 님이 작성:
started a scion and have crafted the bow so far.
was wondering if the mana and mana regen is necessary on the helmet.

On my build I was struggling with mana, you can see that almost all my jewels have secondary mana or mana regen roll (in the current build if u check profile). You can craft reduced channeling cost on your jewelry, but you gonna have less damage.
whissp_ 님이 2020. 8. 13. 오전 9:11:58에 마지막으로 편집
What would be a budget alternative for the Weapon? I play on Standard and no such weapon is craftable nor possible to buy.
StorgutBorsit 님이 작성:
What would be a budget alternative for the Weapon? I play on Standard and no such weapon is craftable nor possible to buy.

You don't need synthetized base.
Added FAQ, make sure you read that because it contains things that are not in the video.
How much a budget version would cost?
Athreous 님이 작성:
How much a budget version would cost?

You pretty much only need clusters, Soul Ripper and the chest for budget version... it would probably be zDPS but all the currency you would invest afterwards would be for more DPS.
So the chest must have that +2 gem lvl mod?
I would really like to try this build.
This is only my 3. season and I have never tried a Scion before. But I like to play the more exotic builds.
How do I level this Char? When do I switch to CI etc.
Can someone please come up with some hints.

Thanks in advanced
You need AT LEAST 11.25 base duration on Shade Form (before Temp Chains). The longer duration after 11.25, the more room for mistakes.

Why is that ? how can having 12sec duration is bad ?!

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