[3.12] Vaal Power Siphon Deadeye Revisited
" Well thanks for answer, but i decided to go cold siphon raider. Easier to gain much more damage, but less hp. |
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" Sure thing! I also want to do a Raider cold wander a long time ago, but I find it quite hard to gear up and make it work. |
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what annointment are you going for?
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" My amulet was a talisman so I couldn't put any anoint. My plan was to go for Prism Wave as I was using a Piscator's Vigil and I was not stacking spell damage. If you have a good amulet and you are using Piscator's Vigil then pick Prism Wave. If you are using a rare wand with Lightning damage + Spell damage and if you are stacking Spell damage then pick Wandslinger it will give you more DPS overall. Educmack#7685 님이 2020. 11. 4. 오전 8:22:39에 마지막으로 편집
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can i use power siphon with chain instead of barrage for clear? i checked the poe and it seems like its better damage then kinetic blast
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" This is not entirely clear to me. I use Power Siphon with Barrage Support as a single-target damage setup. My Kinetic Blast setup is for map clearing. But if you want to build a Power Siphon setup with Chain instead, of course, is up to you :) |
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Hey there,
thanks for the build guide. I decided to give this a shot when I dropped a Piscators's in the current HCSSF Flashback event. I haven't had this much fun while leveling in a while. Using Storm Prsion along with some leveling gear into Eclipse Solaris allowed me to blast through the campagin while enjoying the good old wander vibes. Now, however, at lvl87 with a 5link I'm feeling kinda stuck in yellow tier maps. The saddest moment was when I got overwhelmed and had to run from a Tul breach with easy map mods :/ That felt really bad. Keep in mind that I'm not blaming the build by any means, and I'm fully aware that it's not meant to perform great a couple of days into a fresh event. I'm just wondering if the situation is somehow salvagable. Here's my current gear: I have high hopes that doing uber lab and grabbing the +1 chain ascendancy point will improve things alongside the Throatseeker notable, which I'm going to pick up with the next lvlup. My PS offhand gem set is still far from 20 sadly, but corrupting to lvl21 for that extra proj might be huge. Any advice how to further improve the build would be appreciated, thanks! |
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" Hey, dude, thanks for checking out my build! Glad to know you are having a blast with it :) You are on the right track, luckily :) you need to do some adjustments to your clear speed setup, for example. At the moment as far as I can see, you are using Power Siphon as your main setup for map clearing and bossing, which is not bad at all, but Power Siphon itself has poor damage for clear speed. So instead use a 4-link Kinetic Blast setup, and leave PS as your main single-target damage. You'll have some troubles at the beginning but once your gems get some levels you'll notice the difference. Leave Power Siphon linked with Barrage Setup + WED Support + Added Lightning (or Inspiration if you like and if you are not stacking lightning damage) + Elemental Penetration (we have it as a gem now, so you can stick with your rare chest and you don't need Shroud of the Lightless) as a 5-link. If you manage to 6-link your chest, socket Elemental Focus in. For the KB setup, KB + WED + Inspiration + GMP. About your last ascendancy point, yes. It will improve your clear speed by a lot. Having an extra projectile and more area damage plus chain is a big boost so as soon as you can do your last lab. Another point is your jewelry, it isn't bad but can be better, more knowing that you are on yellow maps already. Remember that Piscator's doesn't deal physical damage. Instead, you need to stack elemental damage, most of it on your jewelry. Search for lightning first, cold damage is a plus but not needed, life + resistances/stats wherever you need them. You can have also some Wave of Conviction setup as I showed in the post to apply elemental exposure, but this is up to you and not mandatory at all. For the Wave of Conviction setup: Wave of Conviction + Arcanist Brand is all you need to make it work, remember to keep Wave of Conviction on a low level, otherwise, you'll get some troubles applying Elemental Exposure. Keep it up! If you have any more questions, leave them in a comment. I hope this helps you! Educmack#7685 님이 2020. 12. 29. 오전 11:13:19에 마지막으로 편집
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Thanks for the helpful input! Turns out that getting the +1 chain ascendancy along with the KB clear setup were a game changer. I was kinda hesitating to switch to KB, since it felt awful when I tried it earlier with my very early mapping gear.
Now that I got lucky with this Elder gloves fossil craft, I'm exploding multiplie screens with the gems not even leveled yet. Once I get my lvl21 PS online I will prolly switch to red maps, since the character feels quite tanky overall at this point. I'm a bit worried though that rolling and sustaining maps might be quite the pain in the butt, cause more than 2 defensive mods on top of each other might already be too much to handle right now. I'm really enjoying the wander vibe regardless, and I'm looking forward to remake this toon in the upcoming league! |
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