[3.14] Qosmoz’s LL Sabo GC Miner | Freeze All End Game | Great League Starter & Boss Killer

For crit chance you probably want a watcher's eye with hatred flat crit.
Got a question, was playing around with split arrow mines but the dps feels a bit low at higher tier maps and bosses. It's also not really my type, while it's a very good clearer, I want to go towards endgame without needing extreme investments into gear.

So now I am starting to buy gear,got the 6L shavs,got some es boots, belt is coming soon, weapon and so on as well. But before I switch I want to know what I should switch to. GC or BL? I know BL was nerfed, but as far as I can tell it's a bit weaker than it was in 3.10 and in 3.10 I pretty much melted everything with a LL BL miner. 3.11 was a buff,even though it was supposed to be the nerf that we now got.

Does GC feel better? As in smoother for clear and single target? What would be the advantage/disadvantage of GC over BL? What feels better in heists,maps,bosses etc.
Nosferat 님이 2020. 10. 6. 오전 6:21:13에 마지막으로 편집

Just bought today, I`ll test soon my DPS with the new chest, gaves me a huge burst in the PoB :)

Dont`t remember If I shared it, but almost 300C in the following drop, during my tests :)

(It`s using my old armor)
Video with Shav +2


Nosferat 님이 작성:
Got a question, was playing around with split arrow mines but the dps feels a bit low at higher tier maps and bosses. It's also not really my type, while it's a very good clearer, I want to go towards endgame without needing extreme investments into gear.

So now I am starting to buy gear,got the 6L shavs,got some es boots, belt is coming soon, weapon and so on as well. But before I switch I want to know what I should switch to. GC or BL? I know BL was nerfed, but as far as I can tell it's a bit weaker than it was in 3.10 and in 3.10 I pretty much melted everything with a LL BL miner. 3.11 was a buff,even though it was supposed to be the nerf that we now got.

Does GC feel better? As in smoother for clear and single target? What would be the advantage/disadvantage of GC over BL? What feels better in heists,maps,bosses etc.

This is highly my personal opinion between the two. I still like BL a bit more for bossing and overall. However, GC is really fun for mapping, especially delving (no corpses, easier delving).

I switch between the 2 almost everyday to test out, and change the playstyle. You can have two prism guardians (one with B-B-B and the other one with B-B-G) and you can switch between. I optimized my build for BL more, but when I switch to GC, I loose 5% of max potential DPS which is already excellent damage for everything in game.

If I recommend only one, I would say go with GC, it's flavor of the month and it's more fun to play.

Let me know if you have any questions.

QosmozGaming 님이 2020. 10. 7. 오전 3:46:42에 마지막으로 편집

My new upgrade :)

I had no time to play on this week, my plans is starting making videos soon of Sirius T8 (I`m still on Awakened 5 lol), Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Guardians, etc ...

afonsosp 님이 작성:

My new upgrade :)

I had no time to play on this week, my plans is starting making videos soon of Sirius T8 (I`m still on Awakened 5 lol), Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Guardians, etc ...

beautiful wand. Also check mine, I might spam a crusader orb to get lucky with Wrath Aura but probably will end up with a crappy mod. Still keeping it as it is for now.

What is better helm enchant ? can't really decide what to pick
QosmozGaming 님이 작성:
afonsosp 님이 작성:

My new upgrade :)

I had no time to play on this week, my plans is starting making videos soon of Sirius T8 (I`m still on Awakened 5 lol), Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Guardians, etc ...

beautiful wand. Also check mine, I might spam a crusader orb to get lucky with Wrath Aura but probably will end up with a crappy mod. Still keeping it as it is for now.

How can i craft wand like this? I have +1 light spell fractured wand and dunno how can i hit +1 spell too.
QosmozGaming 님이 작성:
afonsosp 님이 작성:

My new upgrade :)

I had no time to play on this week, my plans is starting making videos soon of Sirius T8 (I`m still on Awakened 5 lol), Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Guardians, etc ...

beautiful wand. Also check mine, I might spam a crusader orb to get lucky with Wrath Aura but probably will end up with a crappy mod. Still keeping it as it is for now.

How can i craft wand like this? I have +1 light spell fractured wand and dunno how can i hit +1 spell too.

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