[3.15]❄️Ice Shot Deadeye | Shatter everything | League Starter | UElder down ❄️

AscendantZZ 님이 작성:
How trashed is this build after 3.16 nerfs? I'm looking for a league starter since my old one isn't viable anymore

What makes you say it was nerfed?
Is this build viable in scourge?
Why Claws of the Hawktree?

How does this apply to the build, or am i missing something? :P
Dark_Assault80 님이 작성:
Why Claws of the Hawktree?

How does this apply to the build, or am i missing something? :P

Lion's fall jewel transform the nodes into bow nodes.
ok, thank you :)
So, after the passive tree changes, Lioneyes Fall no longer reaches the claw nodes... is the jewel still worth getting and then place somewhere else or skip it for some alternative?
Playing this for the first time liking it so far
Can clear scourge really easy bosses included
Currently my gear
Need to upgrade the rings but it will do it for now
ncredible 님이 2021. 10. 29. 오전 5:48:18에 마지막으로 편집
Can we get an updated pob for scourge? Some of the tree doesnt even work with the changes.
Look at my profile
Guys anyone have a Passive Skill tree guide please? and if possible, an order how to point them since i'm only lvl 74. Much appreciated!

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