[3.13] Lancing Steel Deadeye/Raider | Very Fun Playstyle | 4-50M DPS Easy Gearing Path
" i used Farruls from the start works good for me. |
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could i throw a savior on the offhand?
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How well does this build work in SSF? I'm considering it as a second option if my initial char idea doesn't work out, and I played a similar one (2h sord iron reflexes deadeye) in Mayhem and loved it.
TarrasqueSorcerer#3538 님이 2021. 1. 6. 오전 9:56:15에 마지막으로 편집
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Welp, this might be dead. Life gain on hit from Rupture was removed in Deadeye rework.
Edit: Powerful Precision was removed too. However, chain + extra projectiles can still provide good clear, and terrain ricochet can add damage against bosses too. Either wind ward or focal point add defense, the former conditional up to 30% less dmg once, the latter conditional 25% less dmg with an extra heap of dps from mark effect. I'd go with focal point. TarrasqueSorcerer#3538 님이 2021. 1. 8. 오전 5:15:15에 마지막으로 편집
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How do you guys level this character?
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" I've adjusted PoB to suit dual wield with Saviour and I am actually thinking of doing league start with this build. I have a feeling that meta league start builds will go through the roof with the prices this league, especially bleed bow and such. " I'll just start with the projectile damage nodes instead of life ones, and use Frost Blades from level 1 until actual steel skill is available. Frost Blades struggles a little on Brutus but nothing what some iron rings and phys damage belt cant solve with small effort. Alt Art items as League MTX - When? G0rr#5651 님이 2021. 1. 11. 오후 12:12:14에 마지막으로 편집
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" Definitely not dead, but does require some tweaks. You can still get enough life gain just from rings and powerful precision can be made up for with Lioneye's Vision. Aside from that, I think the Deadeye version actually gets SIGNIFICANTLY better if you make those tweaks. Chain and +2 projectiles is a massive damage boost, and chain off walls is basically 30% more damage if you position the boss right. The raider version is just getting a little better at everything. " I've updated the PoB link in the OP for builds staring at level 1. I keep it simple and use splitting steel until lancing steel becomes available. Check out the new PoB, it has 4 versions of the main skills for leveling+endgame, several passive options starting at the first ascendancy point, as well as different item sets as well. " Saviour is bar none the single best item for this build. If you can get it, use it. Period. |
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I will most likely use your build as my league starter in 3.13.
Deadeye : +1 chain, +2 Projectile, Tailwind and reduced damage per Gale force. What can I use until I get the Beltimbers ? Is the LGoH needed or I can sustain with life leech only in early mapping ? Will the nerf on Lord of Steel affect the damage ? Edit: Saw your 3.13 manifesto review section on the 1st page. Got my answer Thanks Thanks RaccoonGoRawr#2226 님이 2021. 1. 12. 오후 2:40:53에 마지막으로 편집
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Looks interesting do you have a leveling guide or one you can recommend for starting league with this build? i am quite lazy person
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" I don't really have a suggestion for pre-beltimber; I don't think there's any weapon that's a standout, just use the best thing you find and maybe pick up one of the decent commodity uniques. I think with +2 projectile and chaining you should be more than fine all the way through mid-tier maps. I never tried to play wit with leech, so I can't say. Honestly pick up a Thief's Torment and use it until you figure something else out. It's an incredibly strong leveling item on pretty much any build that uses attacks. " I'm not really the best person to give good leveling strats. The new PoB does have gear, passive, and skill setups starting at level 1 though if you want some general ideas. |
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