[3.12] Scion MOM-COC [Ice Nova + Frostbolt] ALL CONTENT - VIDS AND POB -

Great build, thanks
started playing with him from the second week of the Ritual league
Thats my second coc, first mom, good survive, sick damage

20-25ex Minotaur https://clips.twitch.tv/RefinedCrazyKleeBrainSlug
30-35ex Sirus https://clips.twitch.tv/AgreeableAbnegateTurnipSeemsGood

uber https://clips.twitch.tv/IgnorantHomelyGnatRickroll
shaper https://clips.twitch.tv/ProductiveBreakableRhinocerosTF2John

BeeBun 님이 작성:
Hey just wanted to ask why exactly use Transcendent Spirit for this build? On your POB it says we get more accuracy without the Transcendent Spirit. And its also super expensive xD.

Im playing without transcendent spirit, its enought for clearing all content is easy
but anyway lost some % damage
Ruseq 님이 2021. 2. 1. 오전 4:28:23에 마지막으로 편집
Nicely done~

You mind if I update the OP with your video links tomorrow?

EDIT: I don't understand why the jewel is so expensive.
magicdownunder 님이 2021. 2. 1. 오전 7:15:42에 마지막으로 편집
sure i dont mind
Can you please explain, why the treshold is 12 aps? I tried to do some research, but I got mixed information and cant figure out, what is the correct answer:X
nikeyla 님이 작성:
Can you please explain, why the treshold is 12 aps? I tried to do some research, but I got mixed information and cant figure out, what is the correct answer:X

I should have included it in the OP but here is how it works (unless it changed and I didn't know about it):

Ideally we have 12.12 ASP (no more no less and 0 global cool down recovery effects) for your Malices to hit on point.

These are the breakpoints:
0% 6.06
14%+ 7.57
52%+ 10.10

12.12 is needed because we're running 2x Malice, we COULD go 1x Malice and lower our attack speed slightly and use ICR belt but I prefer the current set-up.

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The main take away is with 0 ICR (Increased Cooldown Recovery) CoC triggers every APS 6.06, we need 12.12 because we're using 2x Malice (before the stat stick nerf we only needed 6.06 but now it counts each weapon separately).

The Awakened CoC is just for the chest pc which we have no hope in saving.

I hope that helped? If it did let me know and I'll update the OP.

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Note I didn't hit 12.12 APS in my videos and its still fine.
magicdownunder 님이 2021. 2. 2. 오후 9:41:38에 마지막으로 편집
magicdownunder 님이 작성:
nikeyla 님이 작성:
Can you please explain, why the treshold is 12 aps? I tried to do some research, but I got mixed information and cant figure out, what is the correct answer:X

I should have included it in the OP but here is how it works (unless it changed and I didn't know about it):

Ideally we have 12.12 ASP (no more no less and 0 global cool down recovery effects) for your Malices to hit on point.

These are the breakpoints:
0% 6.06
14%+ 7.57
52%+ 10.10

12.12 is needed because we're running 2x Malice, we COULD go 1x Malice and lower our attack speed slightly and use ICR belt but I prefer the current set-up.

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The main take away is with 0 ICR (Increased Cooldown Recovery) CoC triggers every APS 6.06, we need 12.12 because we're using 2x Malice (before the stat stick nerf we only needed 6.06 but now it counts each weapon separately).

The Awakened CoC is just for the chest pc which we have no hope in saving.

I hope that helped? If it did let me know and I'll update the OP.

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Note I didn't hit 12.12 APS in my videos and its still fine.

So the calculation is based on cospris instead of the main link? I thought the main link would be more important and I expected 15,14 aps would be the goal,which seems rly hard to get tbh, so I was surprised by 12 aps you mentioned. However Im not an expert in this. Dont take this as argueing, more like explaining my thought.
I play kinda similar build to yours based on your idea and I like it, but the Maven fight made me go full rage since I cant see anything through the vortex, cyclone and nova effects even with no mtx on. Have you tried it in 3.13? Even breachlord Maven fight seems rough af with it. But other than that, the build works very well.
nikeyla 님이 2021. 2. 3. 오전 1:09:17에 마지막으로 편집
The focus is on the Malice since all the overlapping from the frostbolts spreading your novas is where all the damage comes from (if you cut frostbolts the damage difference is very notable).

Idk where you got 15 APS from 😵 I'm guessing someone is doing some extreme ICR build.

In regards with Maven I havn't tried it yet, I might give it a shot next league since all my failed experiements demotivated for the current league.
magicdownunder 님이 2021. 2. 3. 오전 3:49:50에 마지막으로 편집
So i've been doing this build now as my boss killer. I threw on Chainbreaker just to see how it feels, it's pretty good but I can't sustain it forever. It does help a bit with the tankiness of the build though.

magicdownunder 님이 작성:
The focus is on the Malice since all the overlapping from the frostbolts spreading your novas is where all the damage comes from (if you cut frostbolts the damage difference is very notable).

Idk where you got 15 APS from 😵 I'm guessing someone is doing some extreme ICR build.

In regards with Maven I havn't tried it yet, I might give it a shot next league since all my failed experiements demotivated for the current league.
Heh I feel you. I have few failed experiments too. This mom indigon is what I work on atm, but my indigon experience is limited and Im struggling to understand the aps breakpoints since every build or explanation seems to give me different numbers. I got the 15 aps from "14%+ 7.57" and in the reddit topic it was saying you multiply it by 2. I might just be absolutely confused, so ignore me. I will stick to what you said with 12 aps, Im at 12,4 or something right now.
Just one more question Im unsure about if you dont mind. How about inspiration support? I see you use it and many ppl do, but Im a bit unsure about its inconsistency. Is it really worth it over other options? With indigon it drops pretty often, doesnt it? I must admit that using it gives me a huge boost for average ice nova hit.
nikeyla 님이 작성:
I got the 15 aps from "14%+ 7.57" and in the reddit topic it was saying you multiply it by 2.

^That correct, your multiplying by two for the malices.

This is assuming your running an belt with ICR 14% IF you are running an ICR belt then 12 APS wouldn't be fast enough for malice procs.

The chest pc doesn't require you multiply anything which is where you confused me on.

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Inspiration support help with the build up where we're weakest, once the crit chain is on its fine.
magicdownunder 님이 2021. 2. 4. 오전 3:55:21에 마지막으로 편집

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