[3.12] Scion MOM-COC [Ice Nova + Frostbolt] ALL CONTENT - VIDS AND POB -


Which 2 prefixes would be the best options to craft on this ring:

Hi everyone.

Thanks you for this guide.

I've been curious and did a respect on my scion to try that.
Pretty fun and tankyness is awesome

I still have some point i don't understand (never played any CoC build before):

- My crit chance are pretty low, i'm missing the bottled faith for now obviously, but still feeling like i'm missing something

- My Cyclone doesn't consume mana as it should after reading the topic. Beside arcane cloak, my mana is always full i never hit the moment i have to "wait" to refill mana, i can press cyclone forever, but it should not happen. I think i missed something important, but i can't figure it.

So so damage is "okay-ish" from my side, but i know it can be way better.
My character is "Cestpashuge"

Beside that, it's really fun and enjoyable to run + it appeared to be pretty much trap-proof in lab making it a good char to try some enchants.

PS= Sorry for bad english.
Aston007 님이 2020. 11. 7. 오전 8:30:46에 마지막으로 편집
Gedzas 님이 작성:

Which 2 prefixes would be the best options to craft on this ring:

Either 2x Flat Cold Damage Mods or Life + Cold Damage.

Aston007 님이 작성:
Hi everyone.

Thanks you for this guide.

I've been curious and did a respect on my scion to try that.
Pretty fun and tankyness is awesome

I still have some point i don't understand (never played any CoC build before):

- My crit chance are pretty low, i'm missing the bottled faith for now obviously, but still feeling like i'm missing something

- My Cyclone doesn't consume mana as it should after reading the topic. Beside arcane cloak, my mana is always full i never hit the moment i have to "wait" to refill mana, i can press cyclone forever, but it should not happen. I think i missed something important, but i can't figure it.

So so damage is "okay-ish" from my side, but i know it can be way better.
My character is "Cestpashuge"

Beside that, it's really fun and enjoyable to run + it appeared to be pretty much trap-proof in lab making it a good char to try some enchants.

PS= Sorry for bad english.

We're HEAVLY flask depended so you need the Bottle Faith, I highly recommend the flask stun craft as well. You'll get more damage as you level your gems and upgrade your gear.

The mana issue is from cloak + cyclone + helm and long sustained cycloning.
It was only brought up because someone asked about max delirium (these are doable but you have to pause the cyclone and cloak spamming every now and again).
magicdownunder 님이 2020. 11. 7. 오전 9:47:35에 마지막으로 편집
Either 2x Flat Cold Damage Mods or Life + Cold Damage.

Thank you, it looks like a nice ring

Gedzas 님이 2020. 11. 7. 오전 11:55:52에 마지막으로 편집
Gedzas 님이 작성:
Either 2x Flat Cold Damage Mods or Life + Cold Damage.

Thank you, it looks like a nice ring

I don't want to be that guy but thats cold damage to attacks. Your damaging abilities are spells, not attacks.
Ah dang. Will need to change it later on. Well, 2ex isnt that much anyways.

So i should go for the double added elemental damage mods?
Gedzas 님이 작성:
Ah dang. Will need to change it later on. Well, 2ex isnt that much anyways.

So i should go for the double added elemental damage mods?

That's what i did on my ring.
So in terms of min maxing, whats possible to get on a build like this?
Spent quite a lot of currency so far but i still have roughly 110ex i can invest into it.

guys im kinda lost, but how do u equip weapons if i dont have so much int? :D
Ethorian 님이 작성:
guys im kinda lost, but how do u equip weapons if i dont have so much int? :D

You get more int on a piece of gear. With the Atziri's Foible amulet you need 200 int to be able to equip the weapons.

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