[3.19] ⚛️ Qosmoz's ❄️ LL CoC Ice Nova/Spear Assassin ❄️ Ready for 3.19 Fun Lake Farming!!!

lucagonza 님이 작성:
Hey, i've been playing ur build and im lv94 atm, its awesome, but i cant reach 100% crit chance and i dont know why, i looked into ur pob and the tree and items are exactly the same, i cant find the mistake..

I can let u mi pob, it will be great if u take a look



hi LucaGonza, I've just checked your build. Reason was using Controlled Destruction in the main 6link. If you use Critical Strike Chance, you'll hit 100% chance. I suggest to use that for you, since your items are starting items yet.

Moreover, you got Precision & Retribution and also Attack Speed jewel on the right jewel socket, which makes your attack speed more than 7.57 APS which actually cramps your damage vs. helping for more since you dont have enough CDR (You need at least 52%+ to make extra attack speed counts.) I suggest take out all nodes leading to Precision and place them to get more ES (Unnatural Calm) and revise the tree slightly with my adapted tree (please check Budget Build PoB).

mik101 님이 작성:
hey, u can check my build?


im feel squishy and if remove crit chance from cyc shotgun dont work properly...

thanks for your time

hi Mik, I just had a look on your build. It was very difficult to understand from PoB what skills you use, or items, but my only suggestion is to use catalyst to boost Presense to 24%, and maybe use Mark of the Shaper instead of Circle of Fear to get higher ES for the last levels.

One thing to look for is to have also CDR boots, and you can go higher APS to boost your damage.
QosmozGaming 님이 작성:
mik101 님이 작성:
hey, u can check my build?


im feel squishy and if remove crit chance from cyc shotgun dont work properly...

thanks for your time

hi Mik, I just had a look on your build. It was very difficult to understand from PoB what skills you use, or items, but my only suggestion is to use catalyst to boost Presense to 24%, and maybe use Mark of the Shaper instead of Circle of Fear to get higher ES for the last levels.

One thing to look for is to have also CDR boots, and you can go higher APS to boost your damage.

oh sorry, there is my ,,clear,, PoB...


Hey guys there is something that i dont get with the elusive buff,it increases my AS when i check it on the pob,making me break my current ideal 7.57 cap...
Quick question, how are you capping res?

ignore pls. I did some bad calculation. Sorry
itworks830 님이 2020. 11. 8. 오후 6:35:00에 마지막으로 편집
the build is nice for mapping but for boss... can't seem to be able to finish any t16 boss.

Im at 6.7k es, cap res, cap chaos res
Is there a special setting in configuration for "Nearby enemies has -9% to cold resistance"?
When I compare target build Hubris Circlet to mine Crown of Inward with +1 to power charges it sees it as a 11% dmg loss, with slightly more ES and hit chance
amadnei 님이 작성:
the build is nice for mapping but for boss... can't seem to be able to finish any t16 boss.

Im at 6.7k es, cap res, cap chaos res

hi Amadnei, could you please check the videos I've posted and compare to your build. I am preparing also Shaper Guardian videos with my gear lower than many of you guys post here. I am doing this not to make any huge expectations for the build to keep it budget. I am going to post a final video of showcasing with min-maxed gear towards the end of the league to show full capability of the build.

You can also post your PoB here, and I can check.
QosmozGaming 님이 2020. 11. 9. 오전 10:10:10에 마지막으로 편집
Hey guys, with current market prices, what it will take to get the set up for the endgame atlas content and heists ( so without juiced delirium maps,delving etc)?

Any ideas why im so squishy and my dps is so bad

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