[3.13] Hemz [CI] Carrion Me Daddy Golems with 83/88/84/100 resistances 10M DPS

Turbo32 님이 작성:
Yloss 님이 작성:
Hey guys, any experienced with the Golems build can check about my ES pls ?
I'm lvl 85 but i barely have 4k ... not feeling too squishy but if i push a bit im sure i'll be 1 shot pretty easy ...
Also from time to time my Zombies and Spectres die in beefed maps/heists ... i know build is not complete yet and my hungry loop is still eating gems but i'm wondering if i'm missing something ...
Thanks in advance! :)

You don't have %ES on your amulet, low roll es boots. Also I see you're using points to get extra zombies and specters, but you don't need more than 10 supporting minions for your Carrion golems.
If you save those skill points then you'll be able to get more ES nodes.
Oh and you don't need to level the hungry loop gems inside the ring, just level them in your off hand gear and when they reach lvl19 max exp, move it to the ring then click upgrade.
Also you didn't annoint Golem commander on your breathstealer gloves. Blight related Uniques can have annoints.

Thanks for replying mate!
Can't yet craft T2 %es amu (working on it)
Rerolled boots (max es) and anointed Brathstealer Gloves (4th Golem should help a lot on dps department).

I knew about the Hungry Loop but was too lazy lol, now I added in place an Anomalous Convocation which should also help keeping minions alive.

@Hemzokuken i see you are testing scion with spectres now. How is damage and survivability compared to golems with wand+shield?
amadnei 님이 작성:
would anyone have a endgame version of the golem build ? to know what to aim for

or everyone is using spectre now ?

Check my character to get some ideas.
Lisann 님이 작성:
amadnei 님이 작성:
would anyone have a endgame version of the golem build ? to know what to aim for

or everyone is using spectre now ?

Check my character to get some ideas.

Gee whiz how did I not see moving the large cluster jewel to the socket on the far left to make Split Personality better.
Myrmios#4375 님이 2020. 11. 18. 오전 11:04:14에 마지막으로 편집
Myrmigalen 님이 작성:
Lisann 님이 작성:
amadnei 님이 작성:
would anyone have a endgame version of the golem build ? to know what to aim for

or everyone is using spectre now ?

Check my character to get some ideas.

Gee whiz how did I not see moving the medium cluster jewel to the socket on the far left to make Split Personality better.

Why have you got two life flasks?
facelessman122 님이 작성:
Why have you got two life flasks?

I'm going to be brutally honest here: I used them while levelling and have been too lazy to change them out since. I know I need a curse flask. I use the Quicksilver flask, and never touch any of the others despite them being there.
This is what I am using atm. Trying to figure out where to go from here. Ive been farming my own 84 jewels to save money, i can use one more for more aura affect but I'm running out of ideas. I'm quite attached to this helm, but If I had vitality enchant I could run a +1 spectre chest(althought colors would be an issue). I'm doing al8 sirus in 2min deathless but, I feel like I could use more clear in really nasty delirium maps.
so let's say that choice is either doryani's delusion with purity of fire or purity of ice?
Giammafix 님이 작성:
so let's say that choice is either doryani's delusion with purity of fire or purity of ice?

If you are using alpha's howl/golem or phys spectre purity of ice is fine. If you are using elemental spectre you definitely want to have divergent purity of ice so fire or lightning boots are better.
So this is my current I would say pretty endgame LL Golem Build right now: https://pastebin.com/6Umz6zQ2

How would I go about transitioning to CI with this and ideally using Saqawals over a rare (if I can keep 90/90/90 that way at least)

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