[3.13] Hemz [CI] Carrion Me Daddy Golems with 83/88/84/100 resistances 10M DPS

Brutus_4711 님이 작성:
Turbo32 님이 작성:
hipposcottamus 님이 작성:
If you put your spectres in Pledge you will have a hell of a time summoning 4 syndicate operatives since you will always revive two corpses at a time. normally when you summon your spectres you unsocket spell echo.

Lol that is so true

You can use wapon swap, the spectre gem only needs the same level and must be socketed at the same place. At least that used to work the last time i played poh with spectres

Or just socket a zombie gem, zombify all non-SO corpses and proceed to spell echo spectres away.
phocas99 님이 작성:
Are golems just that much worse than spectres, end game?

Not at all, I was using carrion golems a while back on my witch, it was doing around 15-20 mil DPS per golem. I didnt have insane cluster jewels, also no AG and crappy flasks(I am lazy to gear my flasks and AG).
POB: https://pastebin.com/9Ghdq46h
phocas99 님이 작성:
Are golems just that much worse than spectres, end game?

I honestly think one of the strongest variants I've played was still the physical damage golems.
They do not lack damage, they only lack clear speed.
When compared to spectres they clear much slower, but this is like comparing a melee build vs range build at clear speeds. It is just how they were designed.

Also the carrion golems require you to have 10 supporting minions for them to reach max Dmg, so this would force you to have to run zombies and that's one gem socket lost.

Overall I think carrion golems might have a higher dmg output potential but you feel it's weak because it takes time for them to stack their impale and they are melee. To compensate this, you can try to use Div melee splash instead of Dmg on full life and punishment curse could give explode effects and make clear speed a bit better.

I realized your Div dread banner is not linked to a generosity and I'm on mobile can only see two large clusters but you only have 1 rotten claw. So I'm guessing you don't have a very high impale chance, so it will take even more time to ramp up your impales than other people.

Also because you only need 10 supporting non golem minions, you really don't need to skill into death attonement, instead use those points and get another jewel socket and get a medium sized thread of hope on the top to reach ravenous horde, all the attack speed will help you with the impale stacking and clear speed.
Turbo32#5327 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 2:16:16에 마지막으로 편집
phocas99 님이 작성:
Are golems just that much worse than spectres, end game?

Golems just have lower ceiling. I would say that 100m dps is kinda it. It’s more than enough for any content though, besides t17 and higher fully juiced. You can run them, but that won’t be that time effective as doing it with spectres with the same amount of currency invested.
But for bossing and heisting golems are better (don’t take out pitchforks guys, it’s just my opinion). And you can pump spectres constantly with upgrades, golems would be harder and harder to push after a couple of mirrors in. And they still would be flawed for double beyonds t19 cos of the way they deliver dmg.
So, I've just finished switching to this from LL version. Survivability was scaled very much but dps is significantly lower. Like, from 6 to 4 golems and it feels like even single dps was significantly lowered.

As for now i like tankiness (the build cost is 30 ex ish) but dps is very low.
And I'm not talking about clearing speed, single target boss dps is low.
Do you have any advices what my first priority for dps should be?

My pob is here -> https://pastebin.com/xQrBsr7C
Ignalion 님이 작성:
So, I've just finished switching to this from LL version. Survivability was scaled very much but dps is significantly lower. Like, from 6 to 4 golems and it feels like even single dps was significantly lowered.

As for now i like tankiness (the build cost is 30 ex ish) but dps is very low.
And I'm not talking about clearing speed, single target boss dps is low.
Do you have any advices what my first priority for dps should be?

My pob is here -> https://pastebin.com/xQrBsr7C

It's like you mixed and matched several pobs into one.

You don't even have 300% aura effect, that is very much required. Your dps is low because of this. You need both 6 passive mediums and a 15%rmr/10%effect shield for this with saqawals.

Your right large cluster is also very bad, you are supposed to link divergent dread banner with generosity, in which case your left large cluster already provides the rotten claws you need.

An AG will also boost your damage.
Lisann#6312 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 5:14:00에 마지막으로 편집
i see a lot of builds use trigger socketd spell wand but almost all these builds are full of auras and i dont see a single activated skill

what is proccing this on most of these builds?
hipposaver 님이 작성:
i see a lot of builds use trigger socketd spell wand but almost all these builds are full of auras and i dont see a single activated skill

what is proccing this on most of these builds?

Bone armour
Sygnal 님이 작성:
hipposaver 님이 작성:
i see a lot of builds use trigger socketd spell wand but almost all these builds are full of auras and i dont see a single activated skill

what is proccing this on most of these builds?

Bone armour

ty i forgot that would trigger it
So yesterday I found out that FAS and SO spectres both could gain the effect of the %inc dmg while on full mana from a divergent clarity, and I proved that they don't use or loose any mana in combat.
Today I did the same and also proved golems to be the same when linked to blood magic.

Thus if you have 356% aura effect like Valk_d
(I'm using him as refrence cause I think he has the best GG endgame gear for phys dmg variant)
you can use something like this

linked with

They will become 98%/92% quality gems = inc 98%/92% dmg while on full life & mana
Then you multiply that by the aura effect.
(98% + 92%) x 3.56 = 676%

This will be boosting 670% of your minion dmg with a single hand weapon.
Below is a POB of Valk_D if he had the above setup
It close to doubled his DPS (Both I didn't edit configs)
POB: https://pastebin.com/7acimuRU

*Note: Because POB is bugged and doesn't calculate Div Vit and clarity, so it was edited onto his amulet instead.

At the same time, if you wanted to run faster you could move the Movement speed anger into it.

And finally at the end, I would like to say this was not my idea but I saw it from a youtube video of a scion aurastacker with FAS spectres.
So this idea credit would be going to "Rikkuh"
Turbo32#5327 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 11:03:39에 마지막으로 편집

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