[Old Thread] CoC Ball Lightning Ascendant

dragnmith1 님이 작성:
enemies you kill explode be ok on chest piece?
nvm found the answere cant use it ;-(
Gorrinako 님이 작성:
N0esy 님이 작성:
Gorrinako 님이 작성:
Im building my char and i have this pretty gloves, maybe good for this build?? Because of the "increased damage with hits against chilled enemies"

It grangs more life and resists but a lot less damage.

I thought that mod is good, but.. ball lighning make "hits"? Or just a weapon like sword or bow can get "hits"?

BL hits. The difference is that Algor Mortis offers "enemies take increased damage taken", which is a multiplicative modifier, while your gloves offers a generic increased damage mod which is additive to other increased damage mods.
Oh, thx for the explanation! I love this build too much, i need a new league to start from 0 that awesome Ascendant. Im playing from a witch and the feelings... wow

You can check my profile, obviously a have low dmg and cant do everything right now but i love tanky builds, i hate when i die xD

Gorrinako 님이 2020. 11. 10. 오후 1:17:14에 마지막으로 편집
best i can do right now not bad tho i think
dragnmith1 님이 작성:
best i can do right now not bad tho i think

Nice gear. The body chest looks illegal, as it has the incursion life mod on top of 4 influence mods. I guess it was crafted in Harvest.
If we are generating corpses with desecrate I don’t understand why we can’t have an explodey chest.
LexLocke 님이 작성:
If we are generating corpses with desecrate I don’t understand why we can’t have an explodey chest.

While clearing, you typically channel cyclone through the map. In this scenario, you don't use skills very often to trigger desecrate and bone offering. You cast vortex maybe every 2 seconds, and that's it. So, you try to trigger bone offering 2 seconds after desecrate, but you are too far away from the corpses created by desecrate. This is why you need enemy corpses while clearing. Desecrate is used for boss fights, where you stay in a small area for a certain amount of time.

You can solve this problem by intentionally stopping cyclone and channelling it again or cast flame dash. But you have to do this every 5-8 seconds to keep bone offering. I think this is too tedious and not worth it.
N0esy 님이 2020. 11. 15. 오전 1:56:02에 마지막으로 편집
N0esy 님이 작성:
LexLocke 님이 작성:
If we are generating corpses with desecrate I don’t understand why we can’t have an explodey chest.

While clearing, you typically channel cyclone through the map. In this scenario, you don't use skills very often to trigger desecrate and bone offering. You cast vortex maybe every 2 seconds, and that's it. So, you try to trigger bone offering 2 seconds after desecrate, but you are too far away from the corpses created by desecrate. This is why you need enemy corpses while clearing. Desecrate is used for boss fights, where you stay in a small area for a certain amount of time.

You can solve this problem by intentionally stopping cyclone and channelling it again or cast flame dash. But you have to do this every 5-8 seconds to keep bone offering. I think this is too tedious and not worth it.

That makes sense and I am fine with saving buckets of Ex for a QoL. ;)
Thanks for responding.
Have you had the chance to run the build in delve? A friend of mine pushed up to 1k with the Assassin version back in Delirium, do you reckon Scion version can pull it off as well?
KodiakTheBard 님이 작성:
Have you had the chance to run the build in delve? A friend of mine pushed up to 1k with the Assassin version back in Delirium, do you reckon Scion version can pull it off as well?

I don't have time to try 1k depth this league, but I think 1k depth is not a problem for this build. 1k depth with the assassin version was easy, and the ascendant version is, in my opinion, stronger than the assassin version. You may need some modifications, like more chaos res, though.

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