[3.12] Aura Stacker CI - 50ex Budget Guide | Upgrades to 500ex budget | Immortal

Schwitzberger 님이 작성:
god build, thx so much. 150x was plenty... 40x left now

where should i go next? divergent ele purity was pretty expensive (24x) that one i didn't buy.

thx a ton, can't wait for next upgrades.

The biggest gains for me when I was similar to your gear was divergent purity of elements, followed by awakened cold pen + controlled destruction, and then more levels of course
Hi can anyone help me out here , i want to go spark as i really enjoy the skill , i'm currently on the low life version of aura stacking and would like to switch over to this. I can put about 15 ex + 67? ex (if i sell the HH) into this build if i switch over.
How do i move forward from here and would that amount + the current gear/jewels be enough for this to happen.

Also apologies if my english is a bit scuffed (not my mother tongue)
Heres my current PoB: https://pastebin.com/5RHbrvHB

Thanks and stay safe ^^
Enable Grace in POB and of course turn on grace in the game to get evasion.

Biggest upgrades are usually the divergent versions of both purity of ice, purity of elements

For EK you should do this
Use this jewel and watcher's eye like this.

Remove cold pen or controlled destruction and use anomalous Physical to lightning.
Akshay 님이 2020. 11. 23. 오후 10:49:13에 마지막으로 편집
ryan_MD 님이 작성:
Hi can anyone help me out here , i want to go spark as i really enjoy the skill , i'm currently on the low life version of aura stacking and would like to switch over to this. I can put about 15 ex + 67? ex (if i sell the HH) into this build if i switch over.
How do i move forward from here and would that amount + the current gear/jewels be enough for this to happen.

Also apologies if my english is a bit scuffed (not my mother tongue)
Heres my current PoB: https://pastebin.com/5RHbrvHB

Thanks and stay safe ^^

Swap your chest and get more Reserved mana jewels and remove blood magic
Get cluster jewels with sublime form and uncompromising. Both in 1 jewel.
Akshay 님이 작성:
ryan_MD 님이 작성:
Hi can anyone help me out here , i want to go spark as i really enjoy the skill , i'm currently on the low life version of aura stacking and would like to switch over to this. I can put about 15 ex + 67? ex (if i sell the HH) into this build if i switch over.
How do i move forward from here and would that amount + the current gear/jewels be enough for this to happen.

Also apologies if my english is a bit scuffed (not my mother tongue)
Heres my current PoB: https://pastebin.com/5RHbrvHB

Thanks and stay safe ^^

Swap your chest and get more Reserved mana jewels and remove blood magic
Get cluster jewels with sublime form and uncompromising. Both in 1 jewel.

So swap chest to saqawal - get more rmr jewels - get 1 jewel with sublime form and uncompromising - swap some of the auras around and get malevolence? (also new watchers eye)
Yes, can remove pure might, guile and keep pure aptitude.
Or get a helm enchant for reduced mana reservation.
This way you can fit in Malevolence.

If you keep pure aptitude. you won't reach 4.0.
To keep pure aptitude and reach 4.0, you will need 2 voices.
Using 2 voices is a DPS loss. The 7 nothing voices.
Other ways include more RMR jewels. Like Hazardous jewels, conq efficiency with 1%

Put everything in place and then check how much mana is missing to turn on Malevolence.
Then decide your path to free up mana. Jewels, Enchant or Pure Aptitude.
thx @akshay. updated everything +1 shield, +1 boots, +2 helm + all upgraded gems.

11m dps now with ek <3 i still need to get used to the build in terms of clearspeed. coc ice nova had way better clear but way worse defence...
Akshay 님이 작성:
Enable Grace in POB and of course turn on grace in the game to get evasion.

Biggest upgrades are usually the divergent versions of both purity of ice, purity of elements

For EK you should do this
Use this jewel and watcher's eye like this.

Remove cold pen or controlled destruction and use anomalous Physical to lightning.

where in the tree should i put ring of blades?
Schwitzberger 님이 작성:

where in the tree should i put ring of blades?

Replace fertile mind with Ring of blades.
You will lose energy shield.
But ring of blades will now have 40 dex in radius, will increase dps and clear.

You can move fertile mind else where, since it has 20 int

Also get the watcher's eye and skill gem lightning to physical.
thx a ton :) love it so far. I need to save 10x now for the watchers... i am broke :D best guide i have ever seen and most helpful man. you rock!!!
Schwitzberger 님이 2020. 11. 24. 오전 11:41:32에 마지막으로 편집

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