[3.12] Aura Stacker CI - 50ex Budget Guide | Upgrades to 500ex budget | Immortal

Hi, can u please have a look at my build and tell me what i need to improve?


savinho5#4823 님이 2020. 12. 20. 오후 10:55:22에 마지막으로 편집
Akshay 님이 작성:
Z333k 님이 작성:
Build guide is very well written, hats off there, if it doesn't get nerfed into the ground next league will definitely go for this already made a LL stacker this league. thanks

You can still transition and try to have some fun!

well i went ahead and did it, couldn't resist anymore, if someone can check the build and provide some feedback that would be very helpfull , Thank you

Z333k 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:
Z333k 님이 작성:
Build guide is very well written, hats off there, if it doesn't get nerfed into the ground next league will definitely go for this already made a LL stacker this league. thanks

You can still transition and try to have some fun!

well i went ahead and did it, couldn't resist anymore, if someone can check the build and provide some feedback that would be very helpfull , Thank you


There are a few things that easy to change and would boost your dmg by 30% and your survivability.

1. Drop Herald of ice and Fortify. On my point both gems are pretty bad for dps or survivability.
2. Use Empower for Wrath, Discipline and Smite.
3. Your Gems are wrong placed.
Wrath, Discipline and Smite are Gems thats get most of gem lvl --> Helm with Empower
Zealorty, Haste, Precision needs lvl and quality. --> Gloves
Divergent Purity of Ele/Ice and Vitality just needs gem quality. --> Boots
Shield --> Grace, Determination, Hatred


Pendulums13 님이 작성:
Hey, could you please have a look at my build? What am I doing wrong?


It seems to me that in some cases I have items even better than in this 120ex build but still 3mil dps less.

Another question is regarding the POB itself. I cannot see the mana reserved tab in my POB (fork version). Please help.

I was on a vacation, back now.

You can buy any pair of boots which has +1 to level of socketed gems, this will greatly improve dps.
Here is the search URL, buy from here.

buy divergent purity of elements, divergent purity of ice. Connect these both to enhance 4, put them in boots. Also put determination in boots.
savinho5 님이 작성:
Hi, can u please have a look at my build and tell me what i need to improve?



get all clusters with 6 passive nodes.
And buy alternate quality gems
see the upgrades section
start with divergent purity of ice, determination, vitality
then divergent purity of elements.
and anomalous dread banner.
Z333k 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:
Z333k 님이 작성:
Build guide is very well written, hats off there, if it doesn't get nerfed into the ground next league will definitely go for this already made a LL stacker this league. thanks

You can still transition and try to have some fun!

well i went ahead and did it, couldn't resist anymore, if someone can check the build and provide some feedback that would be very helpfull , Thank you


Oh thats a very squishy version.
Check this pob, its immortal version. use militant faith transcendence.

I can stand in sirus maze, in the meteor.
in the sirus die beam in phase 3 with 8 stacks of debuff.
unkillable version


u need sublime form and uncompromising on clusters
you can use the 35% clusters of course.
Akshay 님이 작성:
savinho5 님이 작성:
Hi, can u please have a look at my build and tell me what i need to improve?



get all clusters with 6 passive nodes.
And buy alternate quality gems
see the upgrades section
start with divergent purity of ice, determination, vitality
then divergent purity of elements.
and anomalous dread banner.

For the clusters, i need level 95, right?
Which alternate quality gems?
It's a good thing i use empower in helm with Wrath, Discipline and Smite?
can this facetank sirus A8? with the 500ex version
Akshay 님이 작성:
SerbianRaven 님이 작성:
When I import pastebin links they do not work on Path on building, and I have latest version of it. Help?

I use the community fork edition, its better

man7down7 님이 작성:
can this facetank sirus A8? with the 500ex version

You can face tank sirus at 150ex, you just need to use Militant faith, It gives you Transcendence.

You can stand in the maze and die beams and also the lasers 8 stacks die beams.
Akshay#5418 님이 2020. 12. 22. 오전 2:42:04에 마지막으로 편집

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