[3.12] Aura Stacker CI - 50ex Budget Guide | Upgrades to 500ex budget | Immortal

fivehundredpingthief 님이 작성:

what would be the next steps to increase Energy Shield (3.380 atm) + Survivability and Damage?

(Still need to level some gems and change flasks)

Currently my budget is 20ex.

Thank you


Boots with +1 corruption. Swap to rare boots otherwise. Tailwind.
Divergent purity of elements

Aspect of the avian craft.
Rare shield for more energy shield.

Check out Stormrider passive, it gives you damage and power charges.
Awakened controlled destruction as well.
Spark 21.

Damage implicit on nebulis

Watcher's eye damage
Akshay 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 1:37:43에 마지막으로 편집
xMarox 님이 작성:
here are my jewels upgrades, the cheap ones with 1% mrr:
Nadir Mode 25% spell dmg
Apex Mode 25% spell dmg
Green Dream - DPS boost + Freenzy charges with Medium Cluster (6) 25%, FAE + 5% Cold Res and 3 to all res (cost about 6ex) = 32% chance for freenzy charge. doesnt work on clusters... shit.
assasin haste - but its not so good (in my case ~300k dps)
izaro's turmoil - 20% cold damage + ignite/freeze 2%

also, get any fire dmg but no on rings, they sky rocket to 10ex... better upgrade is +6% inteligance (+ ~200ES with 2)

*need help with phys damage red

whats wrong in my build, i copied my friend pob who have only 10kk dps and he has 100.000phys damage pool, i have nothing, wtf ?? (same build)

What exactly is wrong? all physical damage is converged to lightning right? why would you have physical damage pool?
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fivehundredpingthief 님이 작성:

what would be the next steps to increase Energy Shield (3.380 atm) + Survivability and Damage?

(Still need to level some gems and change flasks)

Currently my budget is 20ex.

Thank you


Compare this pob, upgrade items one by one.
this isn't even that great. there are better ones.
Akshay 님이 작성:

What exactly is wrong? all physical damage is converged to lightning right? why would you have physical damage pool?
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All flask disabled, same auras on both (nothing vaal)
same settings, configuration for lvl 84 mobs
xMarox 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 3:43:52에 마지막으로 편집
xMarox 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:

What exactly is wrong? all physical damage is converged to lightning right? why would you have physical damage pool?
Share your friends POB !

Open image in new tab
All flask disabled, same auras on both (nothing vaal)
same settings, configuration for lvl 84 mobs

You forgot to select Guardian ascendancy!

Picked up a divergent purity of elements and a 21/23 EK and gained several millions of damage overall. With about 20ex left, what would you recommend as the next best upgrade I could get in that price range with the best overall gain whether it be damage or survivability or maybe continue saving for a bigger purchase like a 5 node voices?
obake1 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 9:23:16에 마지막으로 편집
obake1 님이 작성:
Picked up a divergent purity of elements and a 21/23 EK and gained several millions of damage overall. With about 20ex left, what would you recommend as the next best upgrade I could get in that price range with the best overall gain whether it be damage or survivability or maybe continue saving for a bigger purchase like a 5 node voices?

Go for a rare shield with open suffix. To craft Aspect of the avian. This is the best for your setup. Gives you Energy shield. It may give you DPS.

The avian will give you 10% dps, since its open for half of the time. But twice the effect from chest.
your shield may roll spell damage.

With 20ex, you can try to craft 2 shields.
That open suffix is going to be a gamble!

Add in in-game if I am available we can do the craft on stream. RogueStacker. discord - Infinity#6946

And try and use torrent's belt. You may like it.
Akshay 님이 2020. 11. 20. 오후 10:56:46에 마지막으로 편집
Akshay 님이 작성:
obake1 님이 작성:
Picked up a divergent purity of elements and a 21/23 EK and gained several millions of damage overall. With about 20ex left, what would you recommend as the next best upgrade I could get in that price range with the best overall gain whether it be damage or survivability or maybe continue saving for a bigger purchase like a 5 node voices?

Go for a rare shield with open suffix. To craft Aspect of the avian. This is the best for your setup. Gives you Energy shield. It may give you DPS.

The avian will give you 10% dps, since its open for half of the time. But twice the effect from chest.
your shield may roll spell damage.

With 20ex, you can try to craft 2 shields.
That open suffix is going to be a gamble!

Add in in-game if I am available we can do the craft on stream. RogueStacker. discord - Infinity#6946

And try and use torrent's belt. You may like it.

I was either looking at that or tailwind boots, but I am not a gambling type of person, I'd rather just buy the item in it's final form outright than gamble, but both are quite expensive to have an open suffix available hehe
Akshay 님이 작성:
xMarox 님이 작성:
Akshay 님이 작성:

What exactly is wrong? all physical damage is converged to lightning right? why would you have physical damage pool?
Share your friends POB !

Open image in new tab
All flask disabled, same auras on both (nothing vaal)
same settings, configuration for lvl 84 mobs

You forgot to select Guardian ascendancy!

What is the difference between taking 4 nodes on Witch/Necromancer vs. Templar/Guardian ascendancy? Only the starting point on three or some regarding 4(2)?
I saw some ppl dotting the first point on guardian, meaning 14% increased damage&mana. Why to loose a point instead to have this point on cluster?
Personal, i stated Necro 4 nodes/Guardian 2 nodes on my tree. Em i wrong here?
rd6702 님이 작성:

What is the difference between taking 4 nodes on Witch/Necromancer vs. Templar/Guardian ascendancy? Only the starting point on three or some regarding 4(2)?
I saw some ppl dotting the first point on guardian, meaning 14% increased damage&mana. Why to loose a point instead to have this point on cluster?
Personal, i stated Necro 4 nodes/Guardian 2 nodes on my tree. Em i wrong here?

Because of Pure Talent Jewel
Gives you 5% elemental damage penetration

If you don't use pure talent, then it doesn't matter.
Akshay 님이 2020. 11. 21. 오전 2:48:32에 마지막으로 편집

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