[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
I ended up dropping the midnight bargain, reserved life for me is Zzzzz until I have my defenses respectable. Also having below 3k hp seemed to be bad and no trigger or no shield/block if i dual wield wands is bad for defenses too..
So with 6 with tavuki and infernal legion i can cast, move cast move cast move pretty ok and keep myself below 6.. a lot less casting but i have to think about my casting now lol Damage feels fine, especially since i am missing some big parts of my build for damage. Screw doing the affliction before i finish the map cuz it takes 20000 years to kill multiple empower things and not worth the time IMO. so i just go back and do it when I'm done. Im running high quant/pack size maps, so it didn't feel bad doing affliction pre-clear before i started doing those. I don't die but Zzzzz on time to kill. Its different, and getting used to how fast to cast, and im not near my max yet. |
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" That is a nice charm, gonna test it. But is a bit expansive, at least RN. About AG, do you have any touble maintaining it alive? What gear do you use on it? Ty! |
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" Here's a video of this setup in a T16 map. The clear speed is not ideal yet but much much better. In this setup I'm very squishy, I'm using Flesh offering instead of bone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mZymxBgmZY My gear is HORRIBLE, but even with that horrible gear you can see it is well worth investing in these charms and forbidden jewels. I'm just skipping the league mechanic for now in t16 maps due to the awful gear, it's literally impossible depending on the situation. When I get everything I have in mind for the complete build the clear speed will be amazing! About the AG, I'm using very cheap stuff and he never died. Link it to minion life and make sure to use Convocation (preferably on a trigger wand for qol) Helmet: Leer cast Weapon: Dying breath Body: Belly of the Beast Boots: Any cheap rare one with Scorch implicit, life and resists. viuvadod2#6811 님이 2023. 12. 14. 오전 3:29:22에 마지막으로 편집
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" That's incorrect. You should be more careful about spreading misinformation like this. Headhunter works with any build, even minion builds. livejamie
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ok, i think i have like a couple million damage.. Have to carry a frost bomb for stupid empowered mobs that have too much regen. I haven't fine tuned anything yet, was stacking defenses at first, now working on getting rid of my overcapped block etc to get more min life and working on my wand and trying to see if I can make a minion shield work. Seems pretty ok-ish so far for my mapping strat.
short vid of the game play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeXnx173p90 but it seems to be working. (I don't use AG cuz I have ptsd with expensive AGs dying on me) I also make my build so I can run any map mod cuz I use Twist of Fate and have no control over my map mods. vylettes#6090 님이 2023. 12. 15. 오전 9:53:48에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thanks for politely pointing out, that I was wrong in expecting the "you gain on kill" works the same as on any other item in the game... learnt something today. Headhunter is indeed an exception to that rule. But still, in general you can assume that "you gain on kill" don't work with minions. (Don't work in the sens that you, the player, gains it EXCEPT: When the monster dies from a DoT (like poison or ignite). When a monster dies from a dot, applied by a minion, totem or mine, the kull is attributed to the player. Poeatlas.app Weo_#5318 님이 2023. 12. 15. 오전 11:47:10에 마지막으로 편집
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" No problem! In most cases your logic is sensible/correct and it's even how Headhunter initially worked but GGG changed it and made an exception so Totems/Minions/Mines could enjoy the belt. Minion builds won't get nearly as much value out of it as a phys conversion zooomer build but it will be a fantastic defensive item your yourself and your minions will benefit from any of the party-wide auras you steal. (allies deal extra phys damage, extra fast, etc.) I wouldn't go out of my way to buy one but if I had one laying around it would be a good mapping item especially if you're pushing levels. livejamie
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Thank you! Very good detailed guide with amazing PoB
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" Do you have a pob of your character? Isn't it squishy? |
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" I was following your insights and it feel really better. Increased my armour and got elemental ailments immunity, and put a Perfect Judgemental Spirit (Discipline). Way better. About clear speed, the thing that works the most is SRS of Enormity with Unleash and Infernal Legion. IL plus Minion Instability makes summoned raging spirit die faster, so Unleash provide you a better and faster cleaning, since you can spend more time moving and not casting. Didn't get that charm with explosion on enemies yet, but would also help on mappin. Managed to kill a few bosses, the build now feels nice. Better content for us is Heist. Really clean to do. |
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