[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content

Thanks for the build, im having fun playing it. I just have one question.

I recently picked up a large cluster with call to the slaughter, feasting fiends and raze and pillage. Does raze and pillage have any negative interaction with the combustion support linked to my zombies, or is it beneficial?
thatoldmfsorc1 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build, im having fun playing it. I just have one question.

I recently picked up a large cluster with call to the slaughter, feasting fiends and raze and pillage. Does raze and pillage have any negative interaction with the combustion support linked to my zombies, or is it beneficial?

Deffinitly not a negativ impact.
Should be even be beneficial, but I'm not sure if it is to a noticable extend.
Probably a silly question, but...
Is MinHP and MinDMG multiplicative or additive for Minion Instability?
Like, if i have +100% both , will it be 100%+(100%+100%)=300% dmg, or (100+100%)*(100%+100%)= 400% dmg?
thatoldmfsorc1#5154 님이 2021. 5. 1. 오후 10:55:03에 마지막으로 편집
Rumbis 님이 작성:
Probably a silly question, but...
Is MinHP and MinDMG multiplicative or additive for Minion Instability?
Like, if i have +100% both , will it be 100%+(100%+100%)=300% dmg, or (100+100%)*(100%+100%)= 400% dmg?

afaik "increased" is always addidtive and "more" is multiplicative.

so I guess its additive.

divergent infernal legion, tespest shield and bone ofering. https://pastebin.com/19U0mzHL
knyfito#5804 님이 2021. 5. 1. 오전 11:05:06에 마지막으로 편집
Hi! i'm fairly new to SRS. your build has helped me a great deal. but i do not understand how i am supposed to use elemental equilibrium with SRS and infernal legion all i do is fire damage. i hope this question isnt too stupid. thank you!
MadOwll 님이 작성:
Hi! i'm fairly new to SRS. your build has helped me a great deal. but i do not understand how i am supposed to use elemental equilibrium with SRS and infernal legion all i do is fire damage. i hope this question isnt too stupid. thank you!

Your Minions can't proc EE. So it doesn't matter what sort of damage they are dealing.

We are procing EE by using Stormbrand in our (Trigger-)Wand.
When you don't have a Wand with the "Trigger a socketed Spell when you use a skill" Craft yet, you will have to cast the stormbrand (or any other non-fire damage spell) yourself.
knyfito 님이 작성:

divergent infernal legion, tespest shield and bone ofering. https://pastebin.com/19U0mzHL

Thats some nice gear!

You are not going for Elemental Ailment Immunity?

I'm not sure if the Boot enchantment works for you, since its not you that kills the enemies, but your minions. Might wanna check that. Having the "70% increased Mana Regenerationrate, when you used a Spell recently" helps a ton with your mana sustain and might enable you to drop the Enlighten support. (I'm guessing you are using it to have more spare mana?)
Brand seems to be taging and its working. I have 91% stun avoidance when runing maps. flask for chill and freeze and yugul pantheon during uber elder .Ignite was worst but i can live with it and deflection anoitment give us atacks/projectile/spell 75% block cap. And you can put some avoidance on your clusters with harvest
knyfito#5804 님이 2021. 5. 2. 오전 7:10:22에 마지막으로 편집

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