December Events - Mayhem, Endless Delve and Flashback

Darkxellmc 님이 작성:
Hyped for this!
The real heist league launch!

Also, thanks for endless delve. Honnestly, this looks like it will be VERY fun, can't wait!

i see no fun in endless going down delve solo, its just like playing singleplayer with 1 map
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Will probably give these a miss. I so wish it was harvest that was extended this much :(
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
And now I'm hyped again. Good lord I'm all in.
I has always wanted a "Adventure Mode" kind of leveling like in D3, where you just go rifts over and over again. Leveling through acts is kinda a pain in the ass for me. This endless delve has everything I want, plus it's SSF. What a wet dream!
Maybe its the first GGG's attempt for an alternative leveling experience? I do wish this endless delve would go core.
Three free mystery boxes is fair reparation for the delay to the next league.
I love these events.

Thank you GGG !!
shit race,shit event, no fun at all.
Zalpha 님이 작성:
I find it weird that the amount of rewards mxt drop the higher your level gets. Like wouldn't you want to encourage people to reach higher levels by offering them more mtx to stand a better chance at actually getting something?

mtx does not raise your chance, it's just a reward of aesthetic nature.
the better you play the higher the reward,there is absolutely nothing weird in this.
destrock 님이 작성:
In the Mayhem Event, you'll be automatically awarded a Twilight Mystery Box for reaching level 50. This is a guaranteed prize that's only available once per account per event.

There is only ONE Mayhem event, right ? How does it apply on all events ????

each event has the rewards listed under it.
maihem is not the only one that has the box as a reward at lvl 50
Ughhh. Can you please add the option to make us migrate to standard on the time this league was supposed to end if there was no delay? MAKE IT OPTIONAL. I don't want any more Heist. Thank you!
JunoExile#0743 님이 2020. 11. 22. 오후 8:46:28에 마지막으로 편집
oneeye513 님이 작성:
Nice rewards.

much more than what ziz ofers for his sponsored league.
2 video cards... for the guys who have poop socks next to their chair.

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