December Events - Mayhem, Endless Delve and Flashback

This looks sick wish we got something like this every year. =) very hyped
/sigh ugh.. VOID leagues, absoulute waste of damn time... so I need to find something to do until the flashback event... hat an utter disappointment....
AkumaNoTsubasa 님이 작성:
I wished the first two events would just run alongside the flashback.
This will be fuuuun <3

edit: Wait... Has Heist now been extended to january or is this an error?

Yep, Heist has been extend in line with us moving 3.13 from December to January.
Seikojin 님이 작성:
Suggestion for the events next month: Make server announcements for each change? Can that be done? Like how you have sale announcements. But for the next event during mayhem...

It wouldn't be possible because the mods vary from area to area, it's not the same mod in every area for an hour.
Sniper_John_Uk 님이 작성:
Will the current Heist Leagues end and migrate to standard on December 4th?

Heist ends on January 11.
MasonThorne 님이 작성:
Will there be a crafting bench in the mine encampment?

No crafting bench.
Sounds fun but 1 week goes by pretty fast for the super fun variants.

Will league unique items drop in Flashback/Mayhem areas that have those leagues active?
No, it's not possible to get past league unique items this way.

Hype! Right?! Wait..
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
cgexile#1534 님이 2020. 11. 22. 오후 3:40:05에 마지막으로 편집
NNeto 님이 작성:
I dont care about temp leagues and events... What i wanna know about is: how harvest will work in Standard? Tks

We will announce this closer to when 3.13 launches.
I'm in :D
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D

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