The Most Well-Rounded Starter Build In PoE - Detailed Leveling Guide for CA/TR Starter by Asmodeus
Sorry if it's already been asked here, but I didn't find my answer in the original post.
How does this build fare against Trickster version ? Even though it's been nerfed this patch it still looks really strong on paper, and people seem to swear by it over Pathfinder (on reddit at least and the 300 something pages long build guide). Any TLDR pro/cons ? I should mention, even though TR is a popular skill I never actually played it in all my years :) Thanks again for the time you put in this. I'll definatly play TR starter, just undecided on the version, cheers! EDIT : nvm you actually covered most of it in your recent youtube video :) Anyone having questions/doubts about the new ascendencies changes should definatly watch it Katak#5614 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오후 1:31:49에 마지막으로 편집
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" I wanna know this too. With a league of 10 bosses fight and throwing millons of dangerous things at the same time, we all know that survival its the only thing that matters when everything in that circle is x 10 and all are trying to kill you. yissus#1647 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오전 9:07:04에 마지막으로 편집
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" And have you guys read the first post? Or even the title? This is a leveling guide not and endgame build. It was meant to help you level fast through the campaign (and it's very good in that). You need to transition into another build of your choice after that, or use the creator's build or just do your own build with this template. sirdond#1468 님이 2021. 1. 14. 오전 9:22:13에 마지막으로 편집
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" I'm curious about this as well. I saw it was touched on earlier before the nerfs. I know I've played TR Trickster before, both Hybrid and CI. I know Trickster is pretty tanky with high evasion, ghost shrouds, and energy shield regen. I was considering going PF but I'm a little worried about it's survivability in comparison to Trickster. |
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"Only if you invest in it. Baseline it's average, not pure glass, but not tank. You can add defensive layers (I mentioned some a few pages ago I reckon) but they're not there automatically like on a guardian, champion or gladiator where you just spec into armor / fortify / block and have it always up. |
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"Thank you for posting this. I was just about to say the same until I read your comment. I've tried virtually all forms of TR, trickster, pf, sabo, mines, selfcast, totems, you name it. The method in this thread is really good & well rounded as title says, but you have to realize, it's still just a guideline and eventually you will outgrow it and have to spec into end game. The TR PF selfcast which is ultimately what you will play is 100% capabale of all endgame content, it's not cheap but it doesn't break the bank. Hence why this build is excellent at league starting (literally 1c quill rain) and can scale VERY well with investment. I can honestly say from personal experience, if you can manage to buy a Quill Rain within the first act or 2, you can literally ditch this entire guide and go selfcast, this is what most PF trade league players do. This build is not complicated at all, here is a very quick and dirty upgrade path for trade league players: 1) Buy Quill Rain A S A P 2) Get 4L GGGG starting in A3, this 4L setup will take you to yellow maps, no joke, but imagine not having 6L by yellow maps. KEKW (TR - Mirage - Vicious - Void) 3) Get a 6L Tabula or Corrupted chest 5G1B, QR + Tabby/equiv will take you to early red maps. (TR - Mirage - Vicious - Void - Swift - Efficacy) 4) Fix your damn flasks! 5) Buy/craft starter clusters this will let you do early reds comfortably like t11-13s 6) Replace starter 6L with Quill or Carcass. This makes doing t14+ easier 7) Buy/craft some spicy clusters, this will make T14+ very comfortable, some deaths 8) Craft a neck, anoint hardened Beyond this is just empowers, divine flesh, can do +3 bows or corrupted QR, TR enchant, woke gems, maybe new fortify helm crafts, corrupted Carcass, etc etc. I mean you can shit out money on this build and do very very well. |
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Hey, really liking this Build so far! I played with other Builds before and reached red maps, but now im at T5 maps and almost cant make them because i instant die so many times, i just get nuked xD any tipps with my charakter?
Euxyl#4885 님이 2021. 1. 17. 오후 12:22:44에 마지막으로 편집
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"Profile is private, if you wanna people to look at your character you need to unblock it. |
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I've leveled this build twice now, one at the end of heist and one as my league start, i transitioned to TR quite early in heist but in ritual i seem to lose so much damage and aoe when i swap it out. Anyone mind taking a look at the gear and telling me why my standard character seemed fine but the new one is much better with CA?
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" Sorry mb ;) should work now.. |
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