would like help creating a cobra lash build


i am not a totally new player but i have never gotten past tier 14 maps. i tried a lot of builds i have seen here or on youtube (lacerate, vortex, kinetic blast/power syphon, purifying flame mines) but i always get stuck. it is often impossible to get the items they use in the build. i play on console (series S) and the economy is super weird. no matter how i try i cant make "just 15 exalts" etc,

long story short.
i have seen a couple of skills i like but have not seen good guids for them.

i would love to play cobra lash
can someone help me make it work? take it al the way to the end of the atlas atleast? can it be a build that does bossing and mapping? can it move fast?
can someone tell me just in short and to the point.

what should my skill tree look like?

what skill and support gems should i use?

what gear should i use?

how do i increase my damage?

how do i increase my defence?

im never getting a watchers eye, or a bottled faith or whatever other crazy expensive item.

thanks for reading this, your help would be much apreciated.
마지막 추천 2021. 1. 5. 오후 6:06:43
This should help.


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