[3.14] Dejuvenate's Flameslinger Elementalist. Best League starter and unethical clear speed

DecentDanny 님이 작성:
What do y'all reckon is my next upgrade?
My boss dps is decent, not too much, but its okay i guess
Same goes for survival. It's okay, not insane, but i can survive quite a bit.
i have 4k life and 2k ES.
What to do next? Thanks!

1. Your wand doesn't have the "Trigger a socketed Spell" craft. Unless you're self-casting WoC, the gems in it are useless.

2. Get a Basalt Flask of Warding and a Cinderswallow Urn, replace Mana and Silver Flask.

3. Getting an Enlighten 4 and allocating Charisma on your Amulet will allow you to use Herald of Ash alongside Malevolence.

4. Consider dropping Arcane Guardian/Glancing Blows and some other minor nodes in order to focus on more life.

Here's a PoB with these changes: https://pastebin.com/Vw7x87SW
It should be ~500k more dps, ~800 more hp and better defences from flask at the cost of block chance.
Flameslinger PoB: https://pastebin.com/dqbLZnda
BergMichel 님이 작성:
DecentDanny 님이 작성:
What do y'all reckon is my next upgrade?
My boss dps is decent, not too much, but its okay i guess
Same goes for survival. It's okay, not insane, but i can survive quite a bit.
i have 4k life and 2k ES.
What to do next? Thanks!

1. Your wand doesn't have the "Trigger a socketed Spell" craft. Unless you're self-casting WoC, the gems in it are useless.

2. Get a Basalt Flask of Warding and a Cinderswallow Urn, replace Mana and Silver Flask.

3. Getting an Enlighten 4 and allocating Charisma on your Amulet will allow you to use Herald of Ash alongside Malevolence.

4. Consider dropping Arcane Guardian/Glancing Blows and some other minor nodes in order to focus on more life.

Here's a PoB with these changes: https://pastebin.com/Vw7x87SW
It should be ~500k more dps, ~800 more hp and better defences from flask at the cost of block chance.

Thanks! But i purposely took these block nodes. Because with glancing blows, and my block flask (which is up most of the time) i get 75% block. This synergises with my ES on block shield. Dont you think im wasting a good mod (es on block) when im dropping block for life?

I am actually selfcasting WoC on bosses. Do you think "Trigger a socketed Spell" is necessary? Im willing to make/buy a better wand if this would help!

I'll look at the pob u made for me. Thanks again man! ur a legend
DecentDanny 님이 작성:

If you're selfcasting it's completely fine, it won't be usefull for clear but it's not like we lack clearspeed.

The block thing depends on how you like to build defense. I dislike any sort of chance based defense, so I always go for big healthpools. but if you prefer block it's obviously still good, especially with a recover shield mod.
Flameslinger PoB: https://pastebin.com/dqbLZnda
BergMichel 님이 작성:

The block thing depends on how you like to build defense. I dislike any sort of chance based defense, so I always go for big healthpools. but if you prefer block it's obviously still good, especially with a recover shield mod.

I struggle with the same issue. To be honest, I would like to drop my shield, go dual-wand and just have life. But saving 3 block nodes allows me to take 3 x 5% life nodes. That's.... really not worth it. On top of that, I lose 100 life from shield.

Any suggestions around that? Not sure how people break the 7k HP mark, I barely reached 4.6k HP / 1.8k ES....
Cry0nicS 님이 작성:
CuchulainnMC 님이 작성:

IMO there's not much room for significant improvement on amulet, unless you want that juicy malevolence reservation like cake's amulet.
I'd start improving other gear slot such as elusive+tailwind boot, shield, belt, archdemon helmet if I were you.

Thanks for the tips!
I started with the boots and belt. Got new ones

When you say shield.... I'm not sure what you mean. What can I get better?

P.S. RIP archdemon /w spellslinger enchant...

You could get +120% spell damage on shield. Ideally it would be %Fire/Spell damage, +1 fire gem, life and 15% mana reserve, here's the one i'm using, can be forced with harvest craft once you have a base shield with %mana reserve mod.
I'm using glancing blows so I crafted my last two suffix with recover when block
CuchulainnMC#1409 님이 2021. 2. 26. 오후 7:07:14에 마지막으로 편집
CuchulainnMC 님이 작성:
Cry0nicS 님이 작성:
CuchulainnMC 님이 작성:

IMO there's not much room for significant improvement on amulet, unless you want that juicy malevolence reservation like cake's amulet.
I'd start improving other gear slot such as elusive+tailwind boot, shield, belt, archdemon helmet if I were you.

Thanks for the tips!
I started with the boots and belt. Got new ones

When you say shield.... I'm not sure what you mean. What can I get better?

P.S. RIP archdemon /w spellslinger enchant...

You could get +120% spell damage on shield. Ideally it would be %Fire/Spell damage, +1 fire gem, life and 15% mana reserve, here's the one i'm using, can be forced with harvest craft once you have a base shield with %mana reserve mod.
I'm using glancing blows so I crafted my last two suffix with recover when block

>wanted to make shield for this build
>end up with shield with all offensive stats for some other build

well i guess that i can sell this and start over.
Someone has any idea for which build would this do well? Volatile dead, flameball maybe?
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Hey, has anyone considered "Sadist" node on Large cluster jewel?
For those who is using shock on Ascendancy tree it should give like.. +45% elem dmg just from a single node, looks a solid choice comparing to others

15% increased Elemental Damage if you've Chilled an Enemy Recently
20% increased Elemental Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
25% increased Elemental Damage if you've Shocked an Enemy Recently
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
judikator#2053 님이 2021. 2. 27. 오전 1:04:30에 마지막으로 편집
judikator 님이 작성:
Hey, has anyone considered "Sadist" node on Large cluster jewel?
For those who is using shock on Ascendancy tree it should give like.. +45% elem dmg just from a single node, looks a solid choice comparing to others

15% increased Elemental Damage if you've Chilled an Enemy Recently
20% increased Elemental Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently
25% increased Elemental Damage if you've Shocked an Enemy Recently

I added one of these into my pob and it reduces my DOT by 150k compared to my Prismatic Heart/Disorienting Display/Burning Bright, which also gives the utility of a little more res :D
So I think I'm pretty much finished with this build now, could add in a Malevolence WE but I really don't think the build needs it;

POB suggests almost 7.3m dps and this build easily clears all content. Genuinely thank you to this thread for all the inspiration from the start to now! Great guide :D

CuchulainnMC 님이 작성:

You could get +120% spell damage on shield. Ideally it would be %Fire/Spell damage, +1 fire gem, life and 15% mana reserve, here's the one i'm using, can be forced with harvest craft once you have a base shield with %mana reserve mod.
I'm using glancing blows so I crafted my last two suffix with recover when block

Would you mind sharing the steps to craft one? Not sure where even to start xD

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