[3.14] Dejuvenate's Flameslinger Elementalist. Best League starter and unethical clear speed

dejuvenate 님이 작성:
TheKurosawa 님이 작성:
Build looks really interesting, but I can't seem to figure out why the Flame Wall comes out so late. The Flame Wall comes out when my projectiles are already off the screen. Any ideas?

The wall should be cast right as you finish your attack animation.

Only way for your shots to be ahead of your wall is probably lag/latency, and/or extreme projectile speed. Did you check if it is perhaps a display error?

Yep, I figured it out right after I posted. Being on Predictive causes the Flame Wall to visually appear after the projectiles pass, but according to the server, it happened simultaneously. Slightly annoying, but as long as it works.

Switching to Lockstep fixed the visual bug for me.

Thanks again!
How do you sustain RF? I have everything but anime stone and am still degening with like 700 life per sec...
on the hunt
Any advice / guide on how to craft the cluster jewells?
HappyWatermelon 님이 작성:
koikoi 님이 작성:
The Primodial Chains has been changed in the last patch, doesn't give extra golems. So no longer worth taking. probably recommend to go for another jewel to effectivly use Anima stone. What do you think?

I am running Primordial chain, and it gives +3 to max golems. I also checked the patch notes in 3.11.0 and 3.12.0 and couldn't find any changes relating to anima stone or primordial chains.

+3 to max golems is in the item description on the official poetrade website, that line is missing on poe.trade. Just checked.

Ah, in that case! Lovely, thanks for the info^^
Is there any alternative download for the POB community fork?

The github download runs at like 0,01 mb/s and takes almost n hour for 35mb ... on a 12mb/sec connection ...
dejuvenate 님이 작성:
woolfy_pl 님이 작성:
Hey guys update from me. I reached 92, 88 maps discovered, 15 conquerors killed im running now T14-T16 with ease what is surprising how this build is blasting everything. Just killed Minotaur and soon first Sirius encounter will happen at Awakening 4. This is my POB if anyone is intrested: https://pastebin.com/xUZezVpm
Also I decided to buy this wand I think its amazing. Its great quality of life when we dont need to use Wave of Conviction all the time rest is in PoB!

You are one of the best geared lol

BTW to answer ur questions.

I dropped pyre cos I can grab cremator (destroy corpses), safe to do porcupines brainlessly now!

With your money, try to get a flam on hit or ele weak on hit.

Then you can drop your hextouch - flam

you can then use

tempest shield (+3% block, becomes +6% block/spell block)
either Cold snap (for frenzy/chill), void sphere (for CC), or anything u can think of


Hi Deju, amazing build I'm having a blast. QQ does Cremator actually work since our flamewall debuff is killing stuff not the hits from KB?

P.S - you should put this in your guide, if using KB with Combustion DO NOT LEVEL WoC, if WoC deals higher fire damage it will overwrite the ignite from KB and we lose the Combustion bonus.

Also - using gems supported with accuracy Elder gloves, you can drop Precision and then just drop the entire mana reservation nodes, saving 4 passive points :D

omniocean 님이 작성:

Hi Deju, amazing build I'm having a blast. QQ does Cremator actually work since our flamewall debuff is killing stuff not the hits from KB?

P.S - you should put this in your guide, if using KB with Combustion DO NOT LEVEL WoC, if WoC deals higher fire damage it will overwrite the ignite from KB and we lose the Combustion bonus.

Also - using gems supported with accuracy Elder gloves, you can drop Precision and then just drop the entire mana reservation nodes, saving 4 passive points :D

Hello there omni

I am testing it out, anyway I assume people know not to overlvl combustion, just enough to take over the flat added lightning to spells (if any) so fire is higher than lightning. But I will put it there somewhere.

I found with my current build (7 golems), ice golems give so much increased accuracy, a regular gloves with flat +300 accuracy is enough to cap the hit chance to around 97.

I am still trying to swap precision to flesh and stone but need to get some more RMR.
discord id: dejuvenate#5828
[3.13 Ritual] Flameslinger - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3009295
[3.5 Betrayal] Brutus AW Chieftain - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2320224
[3.4 Delve] Toxic Rain - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207700
Hey, one question why do have the lightning golem in the Malachai's socketed on the new POB ?
As you are already consideri8ng flesh and stone- how about an abyssal jewel with either blind of taunt instead?
Sorry to ask a stupid question but.. I'm struggling so much on finding a build this league, spellslinger fascinates me and I've never looked at Elementalist! How does this build perform at endgame? Or is it just something for league start? I'm looking at mapping and bossing obviously :)

At the moment I'm playing Bladeblast Assassin but I find it rather irritating to play, its not my style!
Adjust91#3299 님이 2021. 1. 18. 오전 9:39:03에 마지막으로 편집

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