[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites

after going over it, i think a large cluster with 2 mediums is ideal. the mediums should probably be blowback+fan the flames and blowback+wasting affliction. the large jewel should probably have burning bright + 1. i went doryani's lesson, but i think there's like 4 that are similarly good and this build doesnt get much from leech (just got what worked that was reasonably priced....small market). if you want the most damage you'd probably do this twice, taking another cluster on the left side between templar and marauder. doing this the first time (up to large+2 medium, from 1 medium) was a more than 70% ignite dps increase. clusters are really strong. its how the original pob warrior build got so much damage.
gmofosho89#7520 님이 2021. 1. 23. 오전 3:26:42에 마지막으로 편집
Any improvements for the current iteration of my build?


valhallah 님이 작성:
Any improvements for the current iteration of my build?



took a quick look, you dont have to agree with everything

better chest

take arsonist node (2 points, its super good dps)

get a better weapon (elemental dmg>spell dmg. get +1 to lightning or phys for divine ire with fire dmg multi or get phys as extra chaos or somesuch)

get a cluster jewel setup including the medium youve got going now (a large+another medium)

get more spell block (yours is low without rumis idk if its worth taking glancing blows?)

get better amu with annoint

gmofosho89#7520 님이 2021. 1. 23. 오전 3:24:49에 마지막으로 편집

could someone review my build and tell me what to spend currencies on and what to improve? currently have some exalt to spend but no idea what to get.

i did notice that i had more damage with obliteration wands which is odd.
steijn#4186 님이 2021. 1. 23. 오전 4:42:43에 마지막으로 편집
steijn 님이 작성:

could someone review my build and tell me what to spend currencies on and what to improve? currently have some exalt to spend but no idea what to get.

i did notice that i had more damage with obliteration wands which is odd.

You have fire spell damage on your staff which is a problem for EE. Try get a remove fire harvest craft for it, and then craft fire dot multi on it.
Zunr 님이 작성:
steijn 님이 작성:

could someone review my build and tell me what to spend currencies on and what to improve? currently have some exalt to spend but no idea what to get.

i did notice that i had more damage with obliteration wands which is odd.

You have fire spell damage on your staff which is a problem for EE. Try get a remove fire harvest craft for it, and then craft fire dot multi on it.

yes i'm already going for that, but it takes a while
Here is my kind of finished Version of the build, if anyone is interested i whould say this is the biggest thougness you can get as elementalist without going CI.

My Amulett Belt and Wand is still trash, but i am at the point were every single upgrade startes at 10x (i know still missing conversion on gloves)
if your wondering, yes i dont have a life flask the recovery of golem and diadem is more than enough.

give me your thoughts. :)
everything done deathless in the game besides Maven i wasn't fast enough to try her at all.

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/42RG9FS9
Zonder06#5478 님이 2021. 1. 23. 오전 7:42:37에 마지막으로 편집
steijn 님이 작성:
Zunr 님이 작성:
steijn 님이 작성:

could someone review my build and tell me what to spend currencies on and what to improve? currently have some exalt to spend but no idea what to get.

i did notice that i had more damage with obliteration wands which is odd.

You have fire spell damage on your staff which is a problem for EE. Try get a remove fire harvest craft for it, and then craft fire dot multi on it.

yes i'm already going for that, but it takes a while

Remove EE until you get this taken care of.

EE ruins your damage if it is not handled properly, with your current setup you get 20% MORE dps simply by dropping EE.
Wouldn't EE be procced by the channeling sparks and reduces the damage of the release hit, which in turn reduces the damage of the ignite? How do you deal with that?
Is there any way to make pyre ring work, or is 80% burn just not enough to be worth the effort?

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