[3.13] [SSF] Lightning Strike Raider | League Starter

trashmain 님이 작성:
Any thoughts on what flasks would be ran here?

I was thinking Mana, Diamond, Quicksilver for sure, no real ideas for the last two slots (I guess Bottled Faith would still be BiS for Sulphur flask DPS?)

You wanna use a mana flask until you get soul Raker, right now I'm using life - jade - diamond - quartz - quicksilver.

You can swap one of the defensive flasks for a Sulphur, but so far damage is not being a issue.

If you are on trade league Wise oak - Atziri's Promise are good options
bottled faith (if you have the currency for it) is also very good

Probably tomorrow I will update including flasks, pantheon and Anointments options.

Edit: I forgot to mention about the mana flask :)
RedHoodOmega#5982 님이 2021. 1. 17. 오후 9:35:53에 마지막으로 편집
I am trying out this build, so far I like it, mostly for the speed.
But I must be doing something extremely wrong, cause my damage feels horrible.

I don't have all the links or gems yet, only level 32 and just did normal lab but it really takes ages for things to die, especially yellow mobs.

EDIT: Nvm, I'm stupid, ignore this post.
There are two kinds of people, hunters and their prey.

Let me assure you, I am one of the hunters!
Maurodax#5061 님이 2021. 1. 19. 오전 7:51:21에 마지막으로 편집
Maurodax 님이 작성:
I am trying out this build, so far I like it, mostly for the speed.
But I must be doing something extremely wrong, cause my damage feels horrible.

I don't have all the links or gems yet, only level 32 and just did normal lab but it really takes ages for things to die, especially yellow mobs.

EDIT: Nvm, I'm stupid, ignore this post.

haha, not gonna lie I took a good laugh with your edit.

But Yeah tbh takes a while for the damage to pop off, try to remember to upgrade your claws, since its a melee damage this is very important

Curse bosses and keep frenzy and acenstral protector up is also important in order to increase damage.

Hope you have a good time bro.
Hey been looking for a fun melee build and I remembered playing LS some years ago with Bringer of Rain and decided to see how is this build now.

So, my main requirement for a new char is to be insane boss killer given the league that we have, how is this build handling bosses?
xmassacre#3636 님이 2021. 1. 21. 오전 5:16:08에 마지막으로 편집
xmassacre 님이 작성:
Hey been looking for a fun melee build and I remembered playing LS some years ago with Bringer of Rain and decided to see how is this build now.

So, my main requirement for a new char is to be insane boss killer given the league that we have, how is this build handling bosses?

Hi, I didn't had enough time to play until the true end games bosses yet, I've been doing around T10 maps in SSF, so far the build is dealing really well against bosses. I've defeated 2 sets of conquerors so far, all before they change phases, something about 8-12 seconds of a fight.

On top of that, this build is optimize to be cheap, so you can scale better in trade league with some currency.

But tbh I don't know if the LS is the best boss killer in the game, its possible to have trouble against A8 or maven, I believe the true strength of the skill lies in clear speed. If you are looking for insane boss killing potential maybe you wanna go with Blade flurry, BF+BB, DD, vortex or something like that.

The build is very fun though. Run around like a madman, entire screen lightning strikes.
Also you should ware sunglasses while playing this.
Bump for a lovely build.

Wanted to run a LS build after the chages to the projectiles this league and this set me on my way. Didn't even know about the Silent Steps on the tree, love the blind mechanic. Was a little concerned about the low hp on the PoB but with Silent step, the dodge and evasion (I'm still using a Tabula), you barely get hit for it to be a worry. Though I can see the one shot con listed coming into play.

The leveling was a little rough on stats, so be aware of that, you're going to need plenty of int and str from gear.

I did change out the ascedancies, went for avatar of slaughter as apposed to avatar of chase. Wanted more of a passive playstyle with regards to frenzy charges, and it seems to be working fine. Boss damage seems fine, not a boom and dead, but it handles itself. Solo self found so I imagine this will get better with more found gear.

Cheers again, much needed buff to LS this league, always enjoyed it.
Karix86#2722 님이 2021. 1. 23. 오후 6:44:04에 마지막으로 편집
Mxeon 님이 작성:
Bump for a lovely build.

Wanted to run a LS build after the chages to the projectiles this league and this set me on my way. Didn't even know about the Silent Steps on the tree, love the blind mechanic. Was a little concerned about the low hp on the PoB but with Silent step, the dodge and evasion (I'm still using a Tabula), you barely get hit for it to be a worry. Though I can see the one shot con listed coming into play.

The leveling was a little rough on stats, so be aware of that, you're going to need plenty of int and str from gear.

I did change out the ascedancies, went for avatar of slaughter as apposed to avatar of chase. Wanted more of a passive playstyle with regards to frenzy charges, and it seems to be working fine. Boss damage seems fine, not a boom and dead, but it handles itself. Solo self found so I imagine this will get better with more found gear.

Cheers again, much needed buff to LS this league, always enjoyed it.

Glad to hear that you having fun, and I'm also happy that the guide was helpful :)

I also made some changes trying to fine tunning and boost the boss damage a bit.

LS is such a fun skill, it deserve some love.

Have a good one!
Just wanted to pop in and say that the Wasp Nest unique claw is really good for this build and cheap. I got it from a ritual and it was better than my claw at the time and I kept it all the way until tier 12 maps and just finally bought a replacement for like 100 times the price lol.
I'm enjoying the build so far - still leveling, and I'm not particularly fast so it will be a while before I hit maps. I'm not a brand-new player, but I don't usually play melee builds so this is somewhat new for me. I have a couple of questions, though.

That said, you mention Tribal Fury a couple of times in the main description, but it looks like the skill tree doesn't go near it. What am I missing?

Ancestral call is huge for lightning strike, in the pastebin bellow we already have anointed Tribal Fury, but until you get this node use ancestral call with lightning strikes and frenzy. You wanna attack from a little far, for the ancestral call deal the melee hit and you character hits with the projectile.

If you have any suggestions for leveling gear, it would be appreciated. I play SSF so no plans to purchase or trade for items. Thanks!
hdupuis73 님이 작성:
I'm enjoying the build so far - still leveling, and I'm not particularly fast so it will be a while before I hit maps. I'm not a brand-new player, but I don't usually play melee builds so this is somewhat new for me. I have a couple of questions, though.

That said, you mention Tribal Fury a couple of times in the main description, but it looks like the skill tree doesn't go near it. What am I missing?

Ancestral call is huge for lightning strike, in the pastebin bellow we already have anointed Tribal Fury, but until you get this node use ancestral call with lightning strikes and frenzy. You wanna attack from a little far, for the ancestral call deal the melee hit and you character hits with the projectile.

If you have any suggestions for leveling gear, it would be appreciated. I play SSF so no plans to purchase or trade for items. Thanks!

Hi, we anoint tribal fury (blight oils or talisman) or craft hunter gloves with +1 target, I got mine doing heist contracts. Until that keep ancestral call on your links :)

About leveling gear, if you have tabula plus goldrim helps a lot (If its your first character in the league, you might wanna farm blood aqueducts), someone point it out that wasp nest are really good in early maps as well.

In late game you can get more dps investing in crit claws, but you can stick with a physical one for a while, try get a good roll with crit chance, crit mult lightning damage.

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