[3.13 Ritual] TXMANN Toxic Rain Pathfinder

AirTrafficControl 님이 작성:
isn't it better to get master alchemist instead of master surgeon, to get immunity to ailments

He did change it to Master Alchemist on Day 4, but he still recommends Master Alchemists to beginner players for more flask charges and more life.
Torie_theYordle 님이 작성:
FnX_za 님이 작성:
Hey, thanks for the short and on the point guide. I currently have a tabula with +2 duration mod on it for my TR and a Quill Rain.

Should I get a cheap 6 link bow and a 5 link carcass? Or save for a 6 link carcass and keep my current quill rain.

You don't need even a 5 link carcass jack, so get the cheapest one with decent rolls. 4 link is the maximum you need.

A 6-link bow should be your highest priority. The Porcupine divination card is 2 chaos at the moment - which means you can get a 6 link bow for 12 chaos only. If you have slightly more money and time to spare, get 22 Imperial Legacy divination cards for a ilvl 100 6-link Imperial Bow.

A tabby has no defense mod whatsoever, so switch to any armour with life or a Carcass Jack if you can afford it.

I ended up with a cheap 5l carcass and a 6l Thicket bow with +1 +1 , attack speed and chaos DoT. Absolutely melting t12 maps so far.
FnX_za 님이 작성:
Torie_theYordle 님이 작성:
FnX_za 님이 작성:
Hey, thanks for the short and on the point guide. I currently have a tabula with +2 duration mod on it for my TR and a Quill Rain.

Should I get a cheap 6 link bow and a 5 link carcass? Or save for a 6 link carcass and keep my current quill rain.

You don't need even a 5 link carcass jack, so get the cheapest one with decent rolls. 4 link is the maximum you need.

A 6-link bow should be your highest priority. The Porcupine divination card is 2 chaos at the moment - which means you can get a 6 link bow for 12 chaos only. If you have slightly more money and time to spare, get 22 Imperial Legacy divination cards for a ilvl 100 6-link Imperial Bow.

A tabby has no defense mod whatsoever, so switch to any armour with life or a Carcass Jack if you can afford it.

I ended up with a cheap 5l carcass and a 6l Thicket bow with +1 +1 , attack speed and chaos DoT. Absolutely melting t12 maps so far.

Glad to hear that. That's an excellent bow you could use to do any content. If you get big loot get a cluster jewel. Alteration orbs are expensive at the moment, so check if it is cheaper to get a ready-made one rather than crafting your own.
Hey I'm playing Remi's toxic rain and I feel squishy at tiers 15-16 with 4.3k life.

I saw txxmann have 6k life.

I am at lvl 91, have a 6L quill rain and a 5L carcass. Gloves and quiver with chaos damage over time multiplier and +1 chaos amulet. What should I improve next?

How much currency do you think this build needs to kill Sirus a8 comfortably?

Alamirion 님이 작성:
Hey I'm playing Remi's toxic rain and I feel squishy at tiers 15-16 with 4.3k life.

I saw txxmann have 6k life.

I am at lvl 91, have a 6L quill rain and a 5L carcass. Gloves and quiver with chaos damage over time multiplier and +1 chaos amulet. What should I improve next?

How much currency do you think this build needs to kill Sirus a8 comfortably?


If you have a 6L quill rain I suggest getting a good TR bow first. Grab a +84 ilvl Thicket Bow, get that 'damage over time' tier 1 mod and start crafting one. I promise you, it will be a great addition to your dps and probably solve some of your survival issues, because you can kill mobs before they do their thing.

The main part of this build is to get Toxic Rain gem to as higher level as possible. If you have this bow + at least level 3 empower support, your TR will be at least level 28 - which means huge damage. (21 from gem level + 1 from socketed gem level mod + 1 from chaos gem level mod + 5 from level 3 empower support, if you have the +2 support gem level mod on your bow = 28 level Toxic Rain.)

The bow upgrade will cost you about 8-10 exalts.

I think your amulet also can see a quick upgrade. Get a +1 to dexterity skill gem amulet instead, block all suffixes and slam a harvest augment chaos on your amulet - it is guaranteed to get +1 to chaos skill gem mod. Make sure to block all suffixes, because if you do not you may get a chaos resist suffix instead. There is only one chaos prefix in the mod pool for the amulet.

In order to have 6k life you need practically every gear to have tier 1 life. But it's quite expensive to do that. But 4.3k life is by no means too low. It is still handy to have more than 5k life. If you get one shot, it probably means you should invest skill points into life rather than into dps. If you don't get one shot, pathfinder's ascendancy will bring you back up to full life if you react and use your flasks.

For the AL8 Sirus fight, it's more about the mechanics... But in order to bypass some phases with pure DPS, you would need all the upgrades without the awakener's orb or maven's orb part. AL8 Sirus is hard, but if you are blasting through T15-16 maps you will earn your currencies for upgrades in no time.
Thank you so much, I will try to get that bow first.
Alamirion 님이 작성:
Thank you so much, I will try to get that bow first.

Make sure you use the Thicket Bow base, as it has the highest attack speed in the game.
A note on Maloney's Mechanism -

I have been playing out different combinations, and found that Blast Rain + Withering Touch + Greater Multiple Projectiles results in passively applying Withered to basically everything on the map that is under my Toxic Rain. By doing this, I feel that you could potentially completely drop the Withering Totem setup/links from the build and open up 4 linked slots.
Txmann thx bringing this to me, I swear if I could afford ...
Txmann thx bringing this to me, I swear if I could afford ...

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