[3.16] ❄️ Peak Performance Ice Shot Deadeye ❄️ | Deceivingly Tanky | Start>Endgame

Hi, why you are not using +2 projectiles bow? It's a huge dps boost.
hey, thinking about to leaguestart this next league. How do you guys level this build ? did a small test(not done yet) and it was such a huuuuge pain in act 1 and doesn't seen it get better in the future without leveling uniques. will the struggle end at some point and then its starts to feel better ? or maybe just go for a steel skill to a certain point ?
Next league is somewhere February. I would just use rain of arrows or something like that. Chaos bow skill.
ShoveMoneyDeeper 님이 2021. 11. 29. 오전 5:52:23에 마지막으로 편집
Weatherboy420 님이 작성:
Hello everyone,

Just today got done re-rolling from previous build to test this. The damage and clear is great but my defensive really needs some help. I feel like i fall over too easily. Appreciate any help.

pob - https://pastebin.com/445D37St

What the other guy said, it's not exactly my build so I wouldn't really give much advice, you'd better follow the guy who shared that original build for guidance. What I could say though is the one you posted is very dps-oriented, so you'd have to have some skills to mechanically dodge everything / kill everything before they hit you.

RocketDragon 님이 작성:
This build getting better everyday! For now 62 mln DPS on sirius 9 its so epic

here is my POB:


If creator will agree i can record killing sirius, maven and any other boss except u.atziri and aul.

I swap evasion potion to onslaught for bosses, realy worth it, just dot get sirius hit You and burst him to death :)

Cheers, glad you enjoyed it. Yeah you can record it and post the link if you want, I'll link it in the guide.

Just a heads-up though, your full DPS shouldn't be your ice shot setup x 10 in POB DPS, because additional projectile is already calculated in combined DPS when using barrage. You can try turning off sources of additional projectiles to see the decrease in combined DPS. A closer representation of full DPS is Ice Shot DPS*2 (from arrow + cone) + voidshot*no. of projectiles. Not accurate though because voidshot charges has downtime when attacking faster than it recharges, but you get the point.

mithon 님이 작성:
Hi, why you are not using +2 projectiles bow? It's a huge dps boost.

Sure you can use it if you have the money, but I'm just showing what the build can do without those expensive bows. I don't use barrage / gemswap anyway, so the additional projectile would only help the Voidfletcher voidshots.

negeos90 님이 작성:
hey, thinking about to leaguestart this next league. How do you guys level this build ? did a small test(not done yet) and it was such a huuuuge pain in act 1 and doesn't seen it get better in the future without leveling uniques. will the struggle end at some point and then its starts to feel better ? or maybe just go for a steel skill to a certain point ?

Attack builds are very dependent on gearing for their DPS, vs spells which are more dependent on skill gems. You need to constantly upgrade your gears (weapons usually) whenever possible. League mechanics are a good source of leveling gears in most cases.

Or you can just use those gem level-dependent skills like caustic arrow, toxic rain, etc. for leveling. I didn't really mind because I'm just too used to playing bow builds, so never really benchmarked my leaguestarting experience vs more starter friendly builds.
My Youtube channel guide:
mantol456 님이 2021. 11. 29. 오전 9:13:51에 마지막으로 편집
mantol456 님이 작성:
RocketDragon 님이 작성:
This build getting better everyday! For now 62 mln DPS on sirius 9 its so epic

here is my POB:


If creator will agree i can record killing sirius, maven and any other boss except u.atziri and aul.

I swap evasion potion to onslaught for bosses, realy worth it, just dot get sirius hit You and burst him to death :)

Cheers, glad you enjoyed it. Yeah you can record it and post the link if you want, I'll link it in the guide.

Just a heads-up though, your full DPS shouldn't be your ice shot setup x 10 in POB DPS, because additional projectile is already calculated in combined DPS when using barrage. You can try turning off sources of additional projectiles to see the decrease in combined DPS. A closer representation of full DPS is Ice Shot DPS*2 (from arrow + cone) + voidshot*no. of projectiles. Not accurate though because voidshot charges has downtime when attacking faster than it recharges, but you get the point.

I was pretty sure i should check how much arrow i shoot. Because when You chceck box on ice shot "Include in full DPS" YTou get a line "Deal XXXX damage" and under it sais "ARROW" So i was sure it means it's one arrow. It feels like this DPS or more, when i got some time, im sure in 3-4 days will be done i show You how Sirius Guardians died in 1-2 seconds, all of them, and fighting maven is just burst :P And i didnt calculate cone DMG, but You get a point here cause it gose through hydrosphere. Anyway, i think about some influenc craft body armor but is hard to change hyrri's, cause of alot of evasion, SPELL SUPRESION and many more...
RocketDragon 님이 작성:
mantol456 님이 작성:
RocketDragon 님이 작성:
This build getting better everyday! For now 62 mln DPS on sirius 9 its so epic

here is my POB:


If creator will agree i can record killing sirius, maven and any other boss except u.atziri and aul.

I swap evasion potion to onslaught for bosses, realy worth it, just dot get sirius hit You and burst him to death :)

Cheers, glad you enjoyed it. Yeah you can record it and post the link if you want, I'll link it in the guide.

Just a heads-up though, your full DPS shouldn't be your ice shot setup x 10 in POB DPS, because additional projectile is already calculated in combined DPS when using barrage. You can try turning off sources of additional projectiles to see the decrease in combined DPS. A closer representation of full DPS is Ice Shot DPS*2 (from arrow + cone) + voidshot*no. of projectiles. Not accurate though because voidshot charges has downtime when attacking faster than it recharges, but you get the point.

I was pretty sure i should check how much arrow i shoot. Because when You chceck box on ice shot "Include in full DPS" YTou get a line "Deal XXXX damage" and under it sais "ARROW" So i was sure it means it's one arrow. It feels like this DPS or more, when i got some time, im sure in 3-4 days will be done i show You how Sirius Guardians died in 1-2 seconds, all of them, and fighting maven is just burst :P And i didnt calculate cone DMG, but You get a point here cause it gose through hydrosphere. Anyway, i think about some influenc craft body armor but is hard to change hyrri's, cause of alot of evasion, SPELL SUPRESION and many more...

The OP is right, your setup shouldn't be x10, so really its just "6m PoB DPS". It feels like more because it is more - how much more I don't really know. This is an entry version of the build from last league with basic equipment which also has 6m DPS: https://streamable.com/kdpb6z

You definitely want to be picking up an influence chest, I'm surprised you picked up a fractured bow and bottled faith before that.

Here is my take on the build for this league:

Pure mapping setup: https://pastebin.com/94jVciU7

14.7m DPS, using Arborix, no blood rage or bottled faith. No grace or spell suppression, but they are basically dead stats unles you are trying to do Simulacrum..which requires an ungodly amount of currency. If I really wanted I could get about 80% spell suppression and grace and still hit 9m DPS (switch to 1 cluster setup, spell suppression mod on boots, both spell suppression wheels and pathing to RMR wheel and revenge of the hunted wheel).

Here is what the build looks like with 18m DPS: https://streamable.com/rkammh

Pure mapping setup: https://pastebin.com/94jVciU7

14.7m DPS, using Arborix, no blood rage or bottled faith. No grace or spell suppression, but they are basically dead stats unles you are trying to do Simulacrum..which requires an ungodly amount of currency. If I really wanted I could get about 80% spell suppression and grace and still hit 9m DPS (switch to 1 cluster setup, spell suppression mod on boots, both spell suppression wheels and pathing to RMR wheel and revenge of the hunted wheel).

Here is what the build looks like with 18m DPS: https://streamable.com/rkammh

Nice clip....what changes did you make compared to the mapping setup pastebin ?
azamantes 님이 작성:

Pure mapping setup: https://pastebin.com/94jVciU7

14.7m DPS, using Arborix, no blood rage or bottled faith. No grace or spell suppression, but they are basically dead stats unles you are trying to do Simulacrum..which requires an ungodly amount of currency. If I really wanted I could get about 80% spell suppression and grace and still hit 9m DPS (switch to 1 cluster setup, spell suppression mod on boots, both spell suppression wheels and pathing to RMR wheel and revenge of the hunted wheel).

Here is what the build looks like with 18m DPS: https://streamable.com/rkammh

Nice clip....what changes did you make compared to the mapping setup pastebin ?

The Formed clip is from 3.15 with 18m PoB DPS - which includes inc. effect bottled faith and blood rage. The current 3.16 build has 14.7m DPS and reaches 18m if you include inc. effect bottled faith and blood rage.

I don't actually make any changes, I still do all the invitations (minus the feared), Sirus and Maven just like that. Each boss in the elder/shaper guardian invitation die in less than 1 second each. If you did want to make changes, you would:

-Replace IC + CWDT to Steelskin (left click) and blood rage. I use IC + CWDT because I have endurance charge on kill on my timeless jewel.
-Slap on inc. effect bottled faith.
-Consider a different belt. I would be looking at redeemer stygian vise (very easy to get something strong), corrupted ryslatha's coil, double implicit string of servitude, or even just using a torrent's reclamation with DPS implicits instead of MS.
BrettLee 님이 2021. 11. 30. 오후 6:51:44에 마지막으로 편집
sorry if this has been answered,
is there a reason why awakened cold damage and awakened elemental damage support gems are kept at lvl 1 and lvl 4 respectively?
ty for the build, having fun currently mapping and gearing :)

Found this and was wondering what would be the best way to craft this further. Playing STD.

Suffixes are full but need cold damage and phys damage as prefix.

Any advise would be nice thanks!

Emalijones 님이 2021. 12. 2. 오후 1:35:05에 마지막으로 편집

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