[3.14] Aurastacking SRS, Destroy the endgame! Aurabots check this out!

AdamSanders 님이 작성:
Kroschak 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide! I am finally level 80 and mapping feels very good. As of now I am using the low budget version. But could you please explain how you manage to not allocate the first two or three points after each starting area in your PoB? I don´t get it....

After you get your ascendency you can allocate from the witch starting point. then as long as youre connected there, you can un-allocate the ones by the scion start

I get that. But if you look at the PoB https://pastebin.com/hq6ALUwk there is no connection on any side. Neither witch nor scion.
how does the nerfs affect this build? is this build abandoned?
Kroschak 님이 작성:
AdamSanders 님이 작성:
Kroschak 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide! I am finally level 80 and mapping feels very good. As of now I am using the low budget version. But could you please explain how you manage to not allocate the first two or three points after each starting area in your PoB? I don´t get it....

After you get your ascendency you can allocate from the witch starting point. then as long as youre connected there, you can un-allocate the ones by the scion start

I get that. But if you look at the PoB https://pastebin.com/hq6ALUwk there is no connection on any side. Neither witch nor scion.

It does connect with the Witch.
On the right side, it takes the Energy Shield and Mana Regeneration node.
Curious what you leveled with initially? Did you start with SRS or go with a different skill to get you to mapping?

Read through the posts, level as you would normally with a minion build (if playing solo) or as an aura bot (if in party).

I have a templar in my party so I'm going to go flame wall, holy flame totem through act 1 then switch to lightning traps to get me to lvl 30ish, at that point I can start focusing auras for the party. Scion league start suuuuucks. Can GGG please give scion a better starting skill other than spec throw?
Forc3d3ntry 님이 2021. 4. 15. 오후 3:04:49에 마지막으로 편집
Izostar 님이 2021. 4. 17. 오전 6:00:12에 마지막으로 편집
About crafted mods for the staff.

1. How good "minions deal (67-81%) increased damage" really is?
I assume it only affects their innate damage and doesn't scales with the auras. And if so, isn't the overall damage increase kinda meh?

2. "+2 level to socketed support gems" has to be good. But is it better than minion damage?

3. And "Minions have (25-28%) increased attack speed" is probably mandatory. Right?
Handmade cursors for PoE: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740991
Flying_Mage 님이 2021. 4. 17. 오후 5:06:37에 마지막으로 편집
Confused, how do you add an implicit to a cluster jewel?
Forc3d3ntry 님이 작성:
Confused, how do you add an implicit to a cluster jewel?

Harvest has (or at least used to have) such option.
Handmade cursors for PoE: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740991
Thoughts on Devouring Diadem
20% reserve reduction and Flesh Feasts
ssgtparker 님이 작성:
Thoughts on Devouring Diadem
20% reserve reduction and Flesh Feasts

Eldritch Battery

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