[3.14] Aurastacking SRS, Destroy the endgame! Aurabots check this out!

i need help please. if I add it all up, I'm far from 300%. I don't even get 200%. did I miss something? would someone please look at my char? Thank you

Im working on a budget version but check the prices for all the jewels and skill gems you need and thats about what you need + say 10 ex
Post your POB and i can check your build out,

in general to reach 300% aura effect

- all jewels need to have 6 nodes
- perfect victario's roll
- Potency

if you got more question's just add me on discord i can explain there.
Any "cheaper" alternatives for voices ? they are literally going for a couple mirrors at the moment...
RaulIgnat 님이 작성:
Any "cheaper" alternatives for voices ? they are literally going for a couple mirrors at the moment...

Voices with 5-7 passives.
Is there any viable alternative to SRS?
Not really, We are using SRS because we get all we need from the aura's

Any other minion require investment into other things.
RaulIgnat 님이 작성:
Any "cheaper" alternatives for voices ? they are literally going for a couple mirrors at the moment...

Check out the budget guide!
I'm currently crafting a mid tier staff, and got the following mods right now:

- level 1 fortify (prefix)
- 4% aura mod (suffix)
- +27 int (suffix)
- 2 useless cold-tag mods (1 prefix + 1 suffix)

Is it worth removing the cold mods, multi modding, then crafting minion damage + another prefix?
Or is there a way to remove int so I can craft minion cast speed as well?
timmeey 님이 2021. 2. 20. 오전 6:46:09에 마지막으로 편집
any1 selling gears from this build?
japormsx 님이 2021. 2. 20. 오전 7:10:45에 마지막으로 편집

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