Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content
" Thanks! So used to running a golem on LMB that it didn't even occur to me.. |
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Is Arcanist Brand or Hextouch (casting WoC) better ?
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For those wanting a little more QoL/survivability in ultimatums, I've found using a searching eye phasing jewel really great. I haven't died in a t16 ultimatum since using the phasing jewel (I would ocassionally get trapped and die as monsters spawned on top of me, but not anymore). This should work for any build, really.
IGN: OneEyedShadow
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Can anyone tell me how i can craft one of those godly blizzard crowns with the - firee res and ignites?
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the build is just not good if you dont commit like 2mirrors into it
im like 30ex in and my damage is not even close to that of the videos and everything just 1taps you |
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" POB? I have around 20 ex in and I'm not having that hard of a time. Highest level character I've had. |
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" Those videos are from 3.13, now u cant get so good gear. So its obvious than on min maxed 3.14 u wont get that crazy dmg. But endgame in each build is pricy. |
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"hm I've invested less than you have and I do just fine. You would need to post POB you most likely not doing the build correctly. on bossing I use swift affliction and replica emberwake, pob shows dps 16.9m with 5 stacks. Got max res and stacking life up to 4.8k hp so far. rarely die, and mapping is easy. only time I die is to being bad at mechanics such as sirius or maven memory game. All my gear is budget pretty much no insane influence helme or boots or gloves. Dont' really need it all the bosses melt so fast, and only time I die is mistakes has nothing to do with my damage. Impossible to get one tapped if you doing the build right... can even stand still for 3-4 seconds with aegis shield up in ultimatum. of course if it falls off I gotta move it not a tank build but that not one tap. Don't even really feel like I need to invest anything else into it at this point :D no mirrors necessary and don't even need 30ex you don't need blizard crown with - res, you don't need ignite faster 10% on boots, or tailwind... build is cheap and effecient. In about 2 more levels I will hit 5k hp. Gonna start saving for HH as no point upgrading the gear any further. Even the trialmaster is easy, just shot him 4 times and he dead. momonami5#2026 님이 2021. 5. 9. 오후 5:47:09에 마지막으로 편집
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could someone tell me what is my next step for upgrades? i have about 17 ex to spend what would give me the most dps |
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" Looks like jewels be the next thing for you here. Blowback/cooked alive. I only have two so far. Here my bossing set up: https://pastebin.com/fh58gj7e I switched to malachai's artifice with lightning golem and used wrath+male and my damage went way up. When I add this ring and replica emberwake for bossing. |
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