Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content

naxus123 님이 작성:
Hey to all,

If anyone can help please,

Even with a jewel with 202 accuracy, i only have 97% chance,

Am i missing something?

Ty in advance,

probably to reach over 97% you need q20 anomalous ice golem
imo if you are over 92% it is fine
Mithroo#5502 님이 2023. 8. 26. 오전 7:37:10에 마지막으로 편집
Mithroo 님이 작성:
Can I start play this build with 5ex? What to focus on in the beginning?

It'd probably be pretty tough to get the build going on 5ex imo. The cluster jewels alone right now cost around 20ex total. I personally didn't play the build without clusters, so I have no idea how good or bad it is without them though.
ckp2906 님이 작성:
medwannabe 님이 작성:
i plan on using this build as a league starter next time; how do you level on 1st day of league considering you don't have access to berek's respite and perhaps other uniques? any tips n tricks to rush through acts as fast as possible with limited gear?

It feels great once you get normal lab with Shaper of flames. Just stack ele damage on gear. You can get into maps jsut fine without uniques.

It is quite reliant on the golems for survivability, but you can get quite far without it. With the node on the tree and Elementalist, you have 4 golems which is okay, until you get jewels and amulet.

So just throw essences on the gear you find. I used a doomfletch until I could use xoph and it one shotted everything.

As I am thinking about league starting with this for the next league as well, my biggest question when it comes to this is, how do we do our tree before cluster jewels? I think the gearing is fairly cheap to get started. The cluster jewels are not.
How you deal with Porcupines ??

and with mana problems ???
Use an Enduring Eternal Mana Flask.

Porcupines: just right-click(use burning arrow) a lot even if you don't see stuff on screen. The only times I die to porcupines is when I don't do this. But if I see porcupines, I back the hell up and fire in their general direction.
Keylors 님이 작성:
How you deal with Porcupines ??

and with mana problems ???

Use an Enduring Eternal Mana Flask.

Porcupines: just right-click(use burning arrow) a lot even if you don't see stuff on screen. The only times I die to porcupines is when I don't do this. But if I see porcupines, I back the hell up and fire in their general direction.
Phixus 님이 작성:
Mithroo 님이 작성:
Can I start play this build with 5ex? What to focus on in the beginning?

It'd probably be pretty tough to get the build going on 5ex imo. The cluster jewels alone right now cost around 20ex total. I personally didn't play the build without clusters, so I have no idea how good or bad it is without them though.

Playing without clusters is fine until you're hitting like, t16 bosses/guardians etc.

I've done everything up to a8 with like, 1 medium cluster.

5L Bow, Bereks, Primordial jewels + amulet. Fire DoTM quiver, rares to cover resists and get life & stats.
My least fav thing about build is just how slow it can be to physically move around, and HH has solved that a bit. Was wondering if anyones played w/ Torrents Reclamation belt yet?

NVM just realized ammy prevents the summon
muzaroni#6701 님이 2021. 3. 7. 오후 7:06:14에 마지막으로 편집
brunowa#6253 님이 2021. 3. 7. 오후 7:13:24에 마지막으로 편집

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