[Ritual 3.13] TotemPuller's Ice Trap Saboteur - Ultimate Boss Killer - The Feared 6-man solo carry

I just finished campaign with this build and I must say Im impressed with it so far.

I know its only campaign but I did not die even once and those 3 items just carried me from act 1 to maps:

Yeap, those lvl 12 sceptres were enough to blast everything since start so i did not bothered to upgrade weapons. Rest was just some random rares found while leveling.

Just have to now fix resists, upgrade gear and level up. Cant wait to get into red maps and endgame bosses to test it further.
Asag 님이 작성:
I just finished campaign with this build and I must say Im impressed with it so far.

I know its only campaign but I did not die even once and those 3 items just carried me from act 1 to maps:

Yeap, those lvl 12 sceptres were enough to blast everything since start so i did not bothered to upgrade weapons. Rest was just some random rares found while leveling.

Just have to now fix resists, upgrade gear and level up. Cant wait to get into red maps and endgame bosses to test it further.

Thanks for sharing!
Now you just need to wear a 6L tinkerskin!
Whats the best way to craft the helmet and gloves?

I have Redeemer influenced Hubris Circlet (86 ilvl) with Ice Trap penetration enchant. Should I use Cold/Life fossils or something else?

What about gloves? Just buy influenced base (or base + orb) and alt spam/regal for spell damage and frenzy or fossils?

Or just get gloves with spell damage/charge + some removable mods with harvest and later augment life + some resists?

Im not sure about the harvest tho because I avopid TFT discord and Im kinda unlucky with getting augments in my harvest (almost all time rerolls only).
Asag 님이 2021. 3. 4. 오후 1:18:36에 마지막으로 편집
Asag 님이 작성:
Whats the best way to craft the helmet and gloves?

I have Redeemer influenced Hubris Circlet (86 ilvl) with Ice Trap penetration enchant. Should I use Cold/Life fossils or something else?

I just chaos spammed it until I got life and some resist than did remove/add cold until I got the influence mod.

Asag 님이 작성:
What about gloves? Just buy influenced base (or base + orb) and alt spam/regal for spell damage and frenzy or fossils?

Bought one with +1 max frenzy charge (but it's not necessary really) and harvest crafted the rest. Every mod on the item has a tag and easily craftable.
If I can afford only 1 mod Hatred watcher eye best choice would be crit or cold penetration mod?

Does Culling Strike on gloves work with traps?
Asag 님이 2021. 3. 4. 오후 4:31:36에 마지막으로 편집
In a league start scenario, are my primary must-haves tinkerskin and div berserk? Should I be live-searching them on league start?
Nikovic 님이 작성:
In a league start scenario, are my primary must-haves tinkerskin and div berserk? Should I be live-searching them on league start?

Yes, and yes
Asag 님이 작성:
If I can afford only 1 mod Hatred watcher eye best choice would be crit or cold penetration mod?

critical strike chance while affected by hatred

Asag 님이 작성:
Does Culling Strike on gloves work with traps?

culling strike is global but if I'm not mistaken, I don't think it applies to traps (same for totems, minions)
TotemPuller 님이 2021. 3. 4. 오후 11:21:43에 마지막으로 편집
TotemPuller 님이 작성:
Nikovic 님이 작성:
In a league start scenario, are my primary must-haves tinkerskin and div berserk? Should I be live-searching them on league start?

Yes, and yes

Thank you for the quick reply.
I'm running self curse HH and need a dedicateed boss killer. As I have a 96 Shadow sitting around, I'm thinking of trying this build. What minimum average ice trap hit damage should I aim for to kill bosses relatively without problems?

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