[3.15] Indigon mana stacking Kinetic Bolt Ballista

Was shotgunning fixed or was the bug fix about a sweet spot doing more damage than usual?

Can you test in standard once league starts?
Eathb 님이 2021. 4. 14. 오전 5:41:00에 마지막으로 편집
Hi there,

I have leveled this build in the following order without any issues:
Lvl1 - 4 -Kinetic bolt only (any wand will do the job)
Lvl4 - 8 add Volley
Lvl8 - Ballista Totem - KB - Added Lightning - Volley
lvl16 - Arcane cloak (on left mouse button - dmg is enough for clearing)+

Lvl18 - 31 - add Ele focus and Ele dmg with attacks
Lvl24 -

lvl31 - 38 - Add Lightning Pen and remove Added lightning
Lvl 38 Switch Volley with Greater Volley

As for Passive tree this was my pathing:
1- Totemic Zeal for placing speed
2- Dynamo - for buffing Arcane cloak
3- Point Blank - shortest route
4- Watchtowers
5- Acrobatics
6- Battle rouse
7- Surveillance
8- Golem Blood
9- Revelry
10- Herbalism

At this point you can ascent as Pathfinder and start taking flask and mana nodes.

Is not very League start friendly as your Dmg items are Conquer/Elder drop
Also you will need timeless jewel, Omeyocan boots and Cluster Jewels.
Without cluster jewels you will have problem sustaining mana.

Hope this will help.

As for the shot gunning - tested on Standard - still works :)

I'm planning to make it again(fastest, safest and most fun build I have played in 3.13), but first will collect all required gear.
Have idea that I think can double the dps(or more) but need to be tested and can be also broken mechanic so GGG can fix it.
Will share after testing :)

Cheers and let all you crafts be T1.
Poor_Exile 님이 작성:
Hi there,

I have leveled this build in the following order without any issues:
Lvl1 - 4 -Kinetic bolt only (any wand will do the job)
Lvl4 - 8 add Volley
Lvl8 - Ballista Totem - KB - Added Lightning - Volley
lvl16 - Arcane cloak (on left mouse button - dmg is enough for clearing)+

Lvl18 - 31 - add Ele focus and Ele dmg with attacks
Lvl24 -

lvl31 - 38 - Add Lightning Pen and remove Added lightning
Lvl 38 Switch Volley with Greater Volley

As for Passive tree this was my pathing:
1- Totemic Zeal for placing speed
2- Dynamo - for buffing Arcane cloak
3- Point Blank - shortest route
4- Watchtowers
5- Acrobatics
6- Battle rouse
7- Surveillance
8- Golem Blood
9- Revelry
10- Herbalism

At this point you can ascent as Pathfinder and start taking flask and mana nodes.

Is not very League start friendly as your Dmg items are Conquer/Elder drop
Also you will need timeless jewel, Omeyocan boots and Cluster Jewels.
Without cluster jewels you will have problem sustaining mana.

Hope this will help.

As for the shot gunning - tested on Standard - still works :)

I'm planning to make it again(fastest, safest and most fun build I have played in 3.13), but first will collect all required gear.
Have idea that I think can double the dps(or more) but need to be tested and can be also broken mechanic so GGG can fix it.
Will share after testing :)

Cheers and let all you crafts be T1.

Hey bro

Thanks for this but can only test the bug fix in standard once the league starts (otherwise it's not applied yet).

I'm still trying to find any confirmation from GGG what exactly the bug fix is but if it's shotgunning that gets removed then I think this build along with many kinetic bolt builds doesn't survive nerf.
Eathb 님이 2021. 4. 14. 오전 10:11:55에 마지막으로 편집
I think the shotgunning is intended as is happening when projectiles change directions, so depend of the positioning.

Just found it in the Patch notes:
- Fixed a bug with Kinetic Bolt dealing more damage than intended to Enemies at a specific distance.

So need to be tested, I don't think that the build will be death.


Poor_Exile 님이 2021. 4. 14. 오전 10:37:43에 마지막으로 편집
Feathyr 님이 작성:

Thanks for reply, but i mean like how to level with a ballista ele hit, like the trees, what stats on the gears should I go for ...

I actually didn't level with this build or as a ballista. I leveled as a miner as I was trying the mana miner build. but I found out that I really hate mines :)

Poor_Exile posted his leveling process you can check his comment out
Poor_Exile 님이 작성:
I think the shotgunning is intended as is happening when projectiles change directions, so depend of the positioning.

Just found it in the Patch notes:
- Fixed a bug with Kinetic Bolt dealing more damage than intended to Enemies at a specific distance.

So need to be tested, I don't think that the build will be death.


They didn't actually mention multiple projectiles in this bug fix and left us guessing.
But I am not worried about it much as the build will still do strong damage with barrage support. I am actually not sure that all of the projectiles were shotgunning since I had so many
Btw I also added a leveling tree for explosive arrow ballista in case someone wants to start with this build
Anyone test on standard?
Eathb 님이 작성:
Anyone test on standard?

I did a quick test

shotgunning seems to be fixed

chainbreaker is totally unusable

barrage support seems to be the way to go now
I league started this build and it's been a lot of fun. As the build guide says, this is not a great league starter since it takes time to get going with some expensive items. That said, a lot of the upgrades can be made in small increments as you get more currency, with Cloak of Defiance being the biggest jump. Also, Kinetic Bolt feels pretty terrible while leveling, so be prepared for that if you don't use a different leveling skill.

I went with something closer to Poor Exile for the tree, but feel free to look at my character if you want to see where I currently am. I also modified the skill gems a bit to make it work better for me.

A level 100 PoB of what I'm going for is here: https://pastebin.com/fruLk2wP

Once you start collecting currency, this is my recommended gear upgrade priority list.

Build up mana recovery to sustain costs:
* Dream Fragments
Cheap and can be picked up while leveling. In addition to the mana and regen boost, freeze and chill immune are very useful.

* 1 medium four or five skill Cluster Jewel with Distilled Perfection and Spiked Concoction.
* 1 medium four skill and 2 small two skill Cluster Jewels with Liquid Inspiration. Don't worry about a second skill on the medium right now since that gets very expensive since Distilled Perfection is the only one that helps.

Start building damage and survivability:
* Manastorm
Dirt cheap (~1c) even in the first week of the league, and brings a huge damage boost from "When you Cast a Spell, Sacrifice all Mana to gain Added Maximum Lightning Damage". This is why you need the mana regen above.

* 5L Cloak of Defiance
Get it as early as you can since you need MoM for survival. We get almost no life scaling from the tree, so this is huge. I would take a 5L Cloak of Defiance over a good rare 6L because even white maps are hard to survive without MoM.

* Atziri's Foible
Helps with mana sustain, but "Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements" is huge to help with stat requirements for gems and gear. You only need 29-51 Int from gear to fit things once you have this.

* Indigon
This is expensive at league start, but quickly drops 1-2 weeks in. The damage boost is big, but even more important is what it adds to survivability from "Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life". All those boosts to mana flasks you've been getting? Now it also recovers your life, and doesn't stop when it's full since it's coming from an Enduring mana flask. You can also drop your life flask now giving another slot for damage (Diamond Flask lucky crits) or survivability (Basalt Flask phys dmg reduction).

* Omeyocan
Onslaught is nice for damage, and opens up a flask slot. Bigger is the survivability from chance to dodge "2% chance to Dodge Attack and Spell Hits per 500 Maximum Mana, up to 20%". With all the mana we've been getting, this is instantly 20% chance to dodge.

* 1 large eight skill Cluster Jewel with 3 notables around level 85 when you start running out of things to put skill points into. Scintillating Idea is expensive, so go with any two notables that are helpful, like Prismatic Heart, Disorienting Display, Storm Drinker, etc.

* 6L Cloak of Defiance
You obviously want that 6L for damage, so fit this in whenever you can afford it.

* Watcher's Eye with "X% increased Mana Recovery Rate while affected by Clarity"
Expensive and less important than the ones above, but another boost to our mana recovery which helps keep mana cost damage and MoM survivability up.

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