Petition to have Kay Gaming (Kayella) as Voice Actor for Witch

I think it would be cool to have her as the Witch voice actor or at least the voice actor for Necro ascendancy. Even if it was optional through a mod or other means. Also why not include other streamers into the game in this or other ways. Having a unique you helped create is nice but we need something else since PoE has so many uniques created this way already.
마지막 추천 2021. 3. 31. 오전 2:20:52
She does have a lovely voice.
Don't want any replacements for current PoE, but maybe she could voice someone in PoE2? Doesn't have to be Witch as they may already have a VA
ThunderBiome#0813 님이 2021. 3. 31. 오전 2:21:49에 마지막으로 편집

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