[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore

dboySasha 님이 작성:
Leckarion 님이 작성:
dboySasha 님이 작성:
0 dps on acts. what i do wrong?

Heya! I tried checking your character in PoB but you're with a poison toxic rain setup. Would you kindly send me ther PoB link to your character with the gear and gem setups you were using? The only thing I'm able to see right nouw is that you are underleveled for early mapping and you probably didn't follow the passive tree progression in the different trees inside the leveling PoB(in the passive tab you need to click on the drop down menu in the inferiour left corner of the screen, there are passive trees for progression from act 1 up to mapping before converting into low budget).

Hope you have a great one and take it easy! Will be waiting for your response.
thanks for the detailed answer i am aperciate for the help. I did everything according to your guide but in the 6th act I had no damage and I switched to toxic rain. I want to save up currencies and go to switch your build. but I have one question. can i make red cards without savior and paradoxica? Thank you

Heya! With proper setup you may use 2 beltimbers without much problem, maybe you'll have trouble with t14+ ultimatums. Ya can do it. I myself started red tier maps while using 2 beltimbers.

Hope that answers it.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Thanks for the quick response. I will definitely try your build.
Loving the build.
Very fun to play and satisyfing.

I have a question about Call of Steel though.
Is there any way to guarantee you always have it up?
Right now it's basically spamming both buttons but lancing steel spammed a bit faster.
And a lot of times, Call of Steel just doesn't trigger even after pressing it twice.
It's kinda hard to focus when I'm having to constantly check my skills on the bottom right to see if Call of Steel triggered or not.

Is there an easier/better way to have a constant uptime on call of steel?


What about the correct gem setup?
I see different gem setups between the POB's and your explanation here.
Which one should we follow.
PrimusLightNova#4304 님이 2021. 5. 1. 오전 9:41:55에 마지막으로 편집
Okay, i gave up about searching paradoxica on xbox, it's impossible.

I made this, really happy with it, and the dps boost is noticeable after replacing one of belt~
Ragnar6994#8267 님이 2021. 5. 1. 오전 10:21:40에 마지막으로 편집
Hey Leckarion,

Thanks for helping me a bunch of times I have now entered the late game doing tier 16 maps with ease. I must say it is one hell of an expensive build late game in an early part of the league, think I am about 50-70 exalts into the build.

I wondered if you did all the end game bosses with your standard league character. Maybe you could put those "credentials" on your guide too to show it actually works :P.
Hi. I feel like sometimes my damage is insane and sometimes my damage just isn't there. I'm opting for the more glass-cannony build. Am I missing something obvious in my build (I can invest up to 5ex atm), or am I just not using Call of Steel properly?

Loving the build so far though
PrimusLightNova 님이 작성:
Loving the build.
Very fun to play and satisyfing.

I have a question about Call of Steel though.
Is there any way to guarantee you always have it up?
Right now it's basically spamming both buttons but lancing steel spammed a bit faster.
And a lot of times, Call of Steel just doesn't trigger even after pressing it twice.
It's kinda hard to focus when I'm having to constantly check my skills on the bottom right to see if Call of Steel triggered or not.

Is there an easier/better way to have a constant uptime on call of steel?


What about the correct gem setup?
I see different gem setups between the POB's and your explanation here.
Which one should we follow.

Heya! Regarding call of steel, you need to time it right because if you use CoS while you're attacking you wont cast the still. When you have impales on the enemies around you you'l pull up to 12 shard with the first pull. You may also look at the back of your character to check if you have the broken blades floating behind your back, each complete broken sword/blade composed of shards equals 4 shards, bein 3 the cap of full broken swords/blades if your shard cap is 12. There is a convoluted interaction you can proc. If you use CoS when you enter a map and attack right after regaining the first 4 shards, the skill will keep regaining shards for a extended period of time if you manage to spend the 4 shards it will regain before it regains 4 more shards. If you let the skill reach more than 4 shards before attacking this will stop and you'll have to go at it again. I don't use that because it's a pain. But some people are using that situationally.

About the correct gem setup, for the time being follow the ones in the PoBs and change maim support for lifetap if you're having mana issues as Raider. If you're Deadeye swap slower projs for lifetap. Do the same if you're Raider using Lioney's vision or if you allocated piercing shots in the passive tree not to use pierce in your setup.

Hope that helps!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Ragnar6994 님이 작성:
Okay, i gave up about searching paradoxica on xbox, it's impossible.

I made this, really happy with it, and the dps boost is noticeable after replacing one of belt~

Heya! Congratz! Really nice crafted foil!
Hope you manage to melt maven soon!

Have fun! :)
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
xxXDragonSlay0rZzzXxx 님이 작성:
Hey Leckarion,

Thanks for helping me a bunch of times I have now entered the late game doing tier 16 maps with ease. I must say it is one hell of an expensive build late game in an early part of the league, think I am about 50-70 exalts into the build.

I wondered if you did all the end game bosses with your standard league character. Maybe you could put those "credentials" on your guide too to show it actually works :P.

Heya! Glad I was able to help! And yes, since there is no easy way to craft in this league, we are in a seller's market situation in which good items are rare to come by and are coveted by a lot of players(actually made some currency earlier in the league crafting clusters and selling them). I'll try to make some guides on how to craft the basic stuff for the build in order to help people craft their mid-budget stuff.

Regarding the credentials thing, I killed all the bosses in the videos with my character from last league when it was still ritual league. Actually went through almost all content(didn't go for uber atziri since she reflects and I didn't want to invest into a setup only to kill her). Even killed some delve bosses I had openned up with my zHP icicle miner. I don't really understand what you mean by credentials, maybe post more videos killing other bosses? I'll update the guide soon since I'm getting a day off work soon. If you could explain what you meant I would be greatly thankful so I can implement that in the next update.

Thanks for replying! Have a great one, buddy! Sorry for my bad english.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
RabidBunny43 님이 작성:
Hi. I feel like sometimes my damage is insane and sometimes my damage just isn't there. I'm opting for the more glass-cannony build. Am I missing something obvious in my build (I can invest up to 5ex atm), or am I just not using Call of Steel properly?

Loving the build so far though

Heya! Glad you're liking the build!
The damage with this build kinda ramps up with Pride aura's effect and after you impale the enemy with the first attack. So your full max dps is only up after the 4 seconds needed to get the enemy fully debuffed by Pride aura. That's why sometimes you'll start kinda slowly dealing damage and then suddenly your damage will ramp up and you'll simply burst the enemy. I use Call of Steel after attacking using my last shards. Then I start attacking again as soon as I get some shards.

Hope that helps!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.

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