[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore

Leckarion 님이 작성:
Ragnar6994 님이 작성:

I'm at 90% at high budget.

The thing is i'm still on lifetap support, should i switch to pierce? It will require alot of effort on gear, and POB says theres no diff in DPS.

Heya! Pierce will increase your clearspeed, but you can get pierce on the passive tree and on jewels and gear.

Well okay, it will increase my clearspeed, what about bossing?

Also you said i can get it from tree.
What do you exactly mean by that? The only node i can see with pierce is Piercing Shots which would require from me 5 points, and following the guide+tree theres no chances for extra 4 nodes lol.

That's why i asked if i should switch lifetap for pierce.

Also it would require 4 tree nodes while we got 0 nodes spare.

Let's make my question more specific,

Is it worth to doing all the effort to switch from lifetap to pierce, and following that handle all the -cost channeling gear?
Ragnar6994#8267 님이 2021. 5. 21. 오후 8:27:55에 마지막으로 편집
Hi mate
can you help me ? pls
sirus 9 is very very very very....hard
update on my build....not sure if its an upgrade but feels better mapping and bossing and ultimatums

tried a different body armor, rings, amulet......

Sascha_LL88 님이 작성:
Ok, Hope it works now? Thanks for ur time:)


Sorry for the delay! You need to get a helmet with the Lancing steel fires an additional projectile enchantment and a pair of gloves with +1 maximum frenzy charges, it will increase your damage(maximum frenzy is a must for this build). Try getting in the near future a implaes lasts 2 additional hits while using pride + -x to non-channelling skills total mana cost while affected by clarity Watcher's Eye, it will improve your dps.
Getting jewels with critical strike multiplier will also increase your dps.

The body armour you're currently using actually increases the damage you take because it converts physical damage into chaos damage and you have negative chaos res.

Can you tell me how is your playstyle and how frequently you use call of steel and stuff? Your current full buff dps is decent.

Hope that helps a bit.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
angrytorres 님이 작성:
Hi mate
can you help me ? pls
sirus 9 is very very very very....hard

Heya! Sorry for the delay. What are you having trouble with in his fight?
Your character has a good dps, are you feeling like your damage is not enough to kill him? Or are you getting one shot by his attacks?

Will be waiting for your answer.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Monster0310 님이 작성:
update on my build....not sure if its an upgrade but feels better mapping and bossing and ultimatums

tried a different body armor, rings, amulet......


Heya! Pierce will only help you with pack clear, but you might as well just craft some boots with pierce and keep your current setup, you'll have to change a lot of stuff for it to be worth to drop the Lifetap. I'd reacommend you to try to get a pair of boots that has projectiles pierce targets, it will be almost as good as a pierce support.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Still crafting stuff

Also fractured the ammy... ;-)
Hey there!

First of all thanks for your beautiful and detailed guide. :)

I have a question regarding the "dmg while leeching" effects.
Inspired by your use of lifetap in the chest i recently changed my gloves from OTTS to Rare gloves, so i cannot profit any longer from the effect "life leech effects are not removed at full life".
Now i am wondering if the dmg while leeching on cluster etc. still working properly, because i also use poachers mark on hit and both ring got hunters LGOH, so i am feeling like i am full life pretty fast and often. I am not really sure i the life spending by lifetap is enough to be "leeching" most of the time. Hope someone can help me.

Kind regards and have fun!
Miou123 님이 작성:
Hey there!

First of all thanks for your beautiful and detailed guide. :)

I have a question regarding the "dmg while leeching" effects.
Inspired by your use of lifetap in the chest i recently changed my gloves from OTTS to Rare gloves, so i cannot profit any longer from the effect "life leech effects are not removed at full life".
Now i am wondering if the dmg while leeching on cluster etc. still working properly, because i also use poachers mark on hit and both ring got hunters LGOH, so i am feeling like i am full life pretty fast and often. I am not really sure i the life spending by lifetap is enough to be "leeching" most of the time. Hope someone can help me.

Kind regards and have fun!

Heya! In your case it probably isn't working properly. I don't have a lot of Life gained on hit and my lifetap is able to keep my leech on most of the times. I'm even dropping some life gained on hit jewels to increase consistency. But hey, I'm going full glasscannon. I see you're probably going the pure LGOH route, if you get rare gloves using that version with warlord's mark, you may as well swap your cluster with feed the fury, fuel the fight and smite the weak for one with deadly repartee, vicious skewering and smite the weak. The other one with run-through, feed the fury and smite the weak can be swapped for one with vicious skewering instead of feed the fury.

OBS: All while leeching effects, unless specified, will trigger during ANY kind of leech, be it life, mana or ES leech. So if your're not having mana issues without Lifetap and and are constantly at full life while fighting because of your life gain on hit + life leech, I'd recommend swapping Lifetap for Damage on Full Life and keeping the clusters as they are since you'll still be using mana leech and it will proc all while leeching effects.

Hope the answer was clear enought and helped you. Have a great one and take it easy.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Leckarion 님이 작성:
Miou123 님이 작성:
Hey there!

First of all thanks for your beautiful and detailed guide. :)

I have a question regarding the "dmg while leeching" effects.
Inspired by your use of lifetap in the chest i recently changed my gloves from OTTS to Rare gloves, so i cannot profit any longer from the effect "life leech effects are not removed at full life".
Now i am wondering if the dmg while leeching on cluster etc. still working properly, because i also use poachers mark on hit and both ring got hunters LGOH, so i am feeling like i am full life pretty fast and often. I am not really sure i the life spending by lifetap is enough to be "leeching" most of the time. Hope someone can help me.

Kind regards and have fun!

Heya! In your case it probably isn't working properly. I don't have a lot of Life gained on hit and my lifetap is able to keep my leech on most of the times. I'm even dropping some life gained on hit jewels to increase consistency. But hey, I'm going full glasscannon. I see you're probably going the pure LGOH route, if you get rare gloves using that version with warlord's mark, you may as well swap your cluster with feed the fury, fuel the fight and smite the weak for one with deadly repartee, vicious skewering and smite the weak. The other one with run-through, feed the fury and smite the weak can be swapped for one with vicious skewering instead of feed the fury.

OBS: All while leeching effects, unless specified, will trigger during ANY kind of leech, be it life, mana or ES leech. So if your're not having mana issues without Lifetap and and are constantly at full life while fighting because of your life gain on hit + life leech, I'd recommend swapping Lifetap for Damage on Full Life and keeping the clusters as they are since you'll still be using mana leech and it will proc all while leeching effects.

Hope the answer was clear enought and helped you. Have a great one and take it easy.

Thanks for the fast response!
I really like the idea of getting advantage of leeching effects via mana leech only, i did not thought of that by myself. I think with -mana costs on one ring it should work pretty well. Maybe i have to downgrade my precision a bit till i have the intelligence for enlighten lvl 4 or get my hands on the awakened one.
Also like the use of dmg while full life. I would have just simply used slower projectiles, but i will definetly try your suggestion of dmg while full life, thank you! :)

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