Agroveuin 님이 작성:
BTW, in theory u'r build can farm blight maps semi-afk with few towers (ofc with investments)?
It could but you need quite alot of investment.
AFKing blight is VERY hard after ultimatium because you want to max juice your blighted maps now.
I was able to do it in Ultimatum but completely afking them required me to invest ~100 exalted orbs. Don't think that much was necessary though but that's what I ended paying to be able to do 95% of all blighted maps afk.
I needed to build a different gear specific for Blight to be able to do it. The reason was because Chaos damage is extremely dangerous when AFK blighting due to a poison spider spawning a cloud almost oneshotting you.
To manage AFK blights I was using The Queen's Hunger chest and stacking Increased Duration. I also had to equip special items with Chaos resistance to cap it out. I also had to use a Glorious Vanity and small clusters with Born to Chaos. This got me up to 84% max Chaos Res which was enough to outregen the Chaos Clouds. I also had to fit Stone Golem and Vitality to hav enough health regen to survive stuff, while also using a CWDT Stoneskin setup.
When all this was setup the defenses were in order and I could AFK the blights. I had to sacrifice Skitterbots to fit the Liferegen and I had 60 million dps running that setup. In this league, this would've been ~40 million dps which I think is enough.
글 작성자:Deadandlivin#27452021. 7. 22. 오후 12:37:13
Wow! This is truly an awesome guide. Super detailed, understandable for every player and just... great. thank you so much
글 작성자:v0rtEk3001#49762021. 7. 22. 오후 1:24:57
Deadandlivin 님이 작성:
Agroveuin 님이 작성:
BTW, in theory u'r build can farm blight maps semi-afk with few towers (ofc with investments)?
It could but you need quite alot of investment.
AFKing blight is VERY hard after ultimatium because you want to max juice your blighted maps now.
I was able to do it in Ultimatum but completely afking them required me to invest ~100 exalted orbs. Don't think that much was necessary though but that's what I ended paying to be able to do 95% of all blighted maps afk.
I needed to build a different gear specific for Blight to be able to do it. The reason was because Chaos damage is extremely dangerous when AFK blighting due to a poison spider spawning a cloud almost oneshotting you.
To manage AFK blights I was using The Queen's Hunger chest and stacking Increased Duration. I also had to equip special items with Chaos resistance to cap it out. I also had to use a Glorious Vanity and small clusters with Born to Chaos. This got me up to 84% max Chaos Res which was enough to outregen the Chaos Clouds. I also had to fit Stone Golem and Vitality to hav enough health regen to survive stuff, while also using a CWDT Stoneskin setup.
When all this was setup the defenses were in order and I could AFK the blights. I had to sacrifice Skitterbots to fit the Liferegen and I had 60 million dps running that setup. In this league, this would've been ~40 million dps which I think is enough.
Okay, thanks for this big reply) Last time, when i was AFK on blights - 3.12 (pure golemancer with ~70exa gear). In 3.13 2exa gear skelemage and pure Tower-Build hehe. Prob now also will use towers.
Also prob ill pick u'r version of build, if it'll be bad for me - respec to another version (as i said)
Agroveuin#5122 님이 2021. 7. 22. 오후 1:41:15에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Agroveuin#51222021. 7. 22. 오후 1:38:36
This is a great guide. Thanks for putting this together. I will be trying to follow this guide for this league. I see that you have a bunch of different POBs for everything, all of them are a single skill tree and gear set. Is there a main POB that has everything with all different skill trees? I'd like to try to follow your leveling suggestions and it would be nice if there was a POB that included skill trees at different stages of leveling, then the low, medium, high etc budget setups.
글 작성자:Vindicit#28232021. 7. 22. 오후 6:54:31
Deadandlivin 님이 작성:
Seroega0815 님이 작성:
What do u think about Necro and Elemtalist for the leaguestart? And as u said to avoid pure phys, do u suggest to go lightning (Slave drivers) untill reaching lowbudget goals or even stay till medium budget as Elemtalist?
We'll do the same as we did last league :)
Start elementalist. Once you get Anima stone and Primordial Might et.c. Swap to Necromancer.
Going Necro in the start results in the loss of 2 Golems (3 total with Necro, 5 total with Ele) which is too much of a loss.
The pure phys nerf et.c. won't affect us in the early game I think. It'll mostly be felt mid and lategame.
During Ultimatum I ran my leveling setup (5-link, Wraithlord, pure phys et.c.) until I got to T13 red maps. At that point, the dps really started to feel slow and I used all currency I had gathered to upgrade the build to low budget.
This league I think I will have to make the transition much earlier. The leveling setup will probably only last until mid yellow maps.
That being said, my plan is to:
1. Use leveling setup for as long as possible running pure phys and Elementalist.
Before Syndicate Operatives are available I'll use Carnage and Host Chieftains to buff my golems.
2. I'll use the build until I feel like my clear starts becoming too slow.
Then I'll swap to low budget.
Priorities are getting gloves and +3 Helm with Life to make the swap into Cold Minions for scaling.
Priority two is getting Primordial Jewels.
Priority three is speccing into Necro and finishing low budget version at which point I'll be able to clear all relevant content. (Obviously stuff like Invitations and 100% delirium won't be possible on this budget) I'm certain Guardians and Sirus should be fine though.
EDIT: I'm actually changing my mind. We will ALL start as necromancers!
Scrap Elementalists, the golems are not worth it because their dps is too low.
I'm currently making changes to my PoBs and will update the buildguide afterwards. I'll have everything setup for tomorrow so don't worry :)
AWESOME JOB MAN!!! How do u use Phase Run? Together with Quicksilver or other Flasks or for Phasing to get through packs?
Wish u a great Leaguestart! :)
Seroega0815#4822 님이 2021. 7. 23. 오전 12:14:55에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Seroega0815#48222021. 7. 23. 오전 12:13:10
I'm posting just to say I laughed so hard at the "buffs" spoiler tag in "patch analysis" of 3.15.
Thank you, just for that you deserve a cookie :D
edriel86#6177 님이 2021. 7. 23. 오전 1:01:54에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:edriel86#61772021. 7. 23. 오전 1:01:01
Agroveuin 님이 작성:
Deadandlivin 님이 작성:
Agroveuin 님이 작성:
BTW, in theory u'r build can farm blight maps semi-afk with few towers (ofc with investments)?
It could but you need quite alot of investment.
AFKing blight is VERY hard after ultimatium because you want to max juice your blighted maps now.
I was able to do it in Ultimatum but completely afking them required me to invest ~100 exalted orbs. Don't think that much was necessary though but that's what I ended paying to be able to do 95% of all blighted maps afk.
I needed to build a different gear specific for Blight to be able to do it. The reason was because Chaos damage is extremely dangerous when AFK blighting due to a poison spider spawning a cloud almost oneshotting you.
To manage AFK blights I was using The Queen's Hunger chest and stacking Increased Duration. I also had to equip special items with Chaos resistance to cap it out. I also had to use a Glorious Vanity and small clusters with Born to Chaos. This got me up to 84% max Chaos Res which was enough to outregen the Chaos Clouds. I also had to fit Stone Golem and Vitality to hav enough health regen to survive stuff, while also using a CWDT Stoneskin setup.
When all this was setup the defenses were in order and I could AFK the blights. I had to sacrifice Skitterbots to fit the Liferegen and I had 60 million dps running that setup. In this league, this would've been ~40 million dps which I think is enough.
Okay, thanks for this big reply) Last time, when i was AFK on blights - 3.12 (pure golemancer with ~70exa gear). In 3.13 2exa gear skelemage and pure Tower-Build hehe. Prob now also will use towers.
Also prob ill pick u'r version of build, if it'll be bad for me - respec to another version (as i said)
Yeah, afk blights were very easy to do on minion builds when we ran them White and when minion builds were alot stronger. The peak of minion builds were during Harvest. Ever since then Carrion Golems and Spectres have been nerfed every patch making the requirements tighter and tighter.
Ultimatum made them the hardest they've ever been, mainly because we run them corrupted and rare now. 150% quant map blight bosses got like 200-300% more health than white blight bosses. So expect that your build will need 200-300% more dps than you did when you ran white blighted maps afk. And as said, the damage taken is MUCH harder now. I don't think it's possible to do afk blighted maps with the same setup as you have when mapping (which we could before). Maybe some mirror tier Aura stacking minion build could do that, but I don't design Aura stackers.
글 작성자:Deadandlivin#27452021. 7. 23. 오전 1:47:03
v0rtEk3001 님이 작성:
Wow! This is truly an awesome guide. Super detailed, understandable for every player and just... great. thank you so much
Thank you! :)
Yeah, my intent when I made this guide was to make a super comprehensible guide that would cover EVERYTHING a new player could need to have a succesfull league.
I remember when I followed my first build and it didn't really teach me anything about the build or how to play the game. It just told me to get an item filter, how to specc, link and which items I should look for.
I learned nothing about the build or how it scales and that league was very unsuccesfull.
I want to give you all the tools you need to understand how this build works indepth so you learn the mechanics for the future when you want to design your own stuff.
New players especially need extra help because most buildguides do nothing for them other than giving them directions. Usually, build designers don't explain why certain stuff are in their build, they're just there. This doesn't help anyone understand the game.
글 작성자:Deadandlivin#27452021. 7. 23. 오전 1:52:10
edriel86 님이 작성:
I'm posting just to say I laughed so hard at the "buffs" spoiler tag in "patch analysis" of 3.15.
Thank you, just for that you deserve a cookie :D
We all need a laugh during these dark times ;)
글 작성자:Deadandlivin#27452021. 7. 23. 오전 1:53:02
Vindicit 님이 작성:
This is a great guide. Thanks for putting this together. I will be trying to follow this guide for this league. I see that you have a bunch of different POBs for everything, all of them are a single skill tree and gear set. Is there a main POB that has everything with all different skill trees? I'd like to try to follow your leveling suggestions and it would be nice if there was a POB that included skill trees at different stages of leveling, then the low, medium, high etc budget setups.
I'm very inexperienced with PoB as I made the buildguide last league.
I'll see if I can cook something up before league starts.
The order of how to put your points are in the buildguide under the leveling section for each act. But I understand that can be clunky to use so I'll see what I can do.
글 작성자:Deadandlivin#27452021. 7. 23. 오전 1:56:52