[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)


+3 to level of socketed Minion gems = Gem link



It's just 1 point since I specced out of the other pathing inteligence node, but yes.. I want it back :)

Yeah, it's definitely not the entire world. This is also just the beginning of the league and fortunately for us, minion wands wasn't nerfed too badly this league apart from 5% double dmg, 66% minion dmg temple wands being unable to be beast split.

We will still be seeing alot of GG wands in trade later on where ppl just frature 79% minion damage on a wand and Fossil craft it.

I'm slightly afraid 40% increased hatred effect on our minion wands will be extremely hard to come by though :(
trungtiu 님이 작성:
Hi, thanks for the nice build. I tried looking in the guide but didn't see how to summon Spectre. Can you tell me which Spectre to summon and where to catch them?

We're using Syndicate operatives! I thought that was apparent in the build guide :D

You can read how to get them in FAQ at the bottom of the guide.
+3 to level of socketed Minion gems DOSE NOT COUNT AS GEM LINK
Even all ppl in the chat says that even one whispered me too
Satisfaction 님이 작성:
ragepower_EatSoap 님이 작성:
Hello all just to make sure you know some thinks. This guide is good but the guy is only like 3 leagues in or 4 and his attetute is really bad to people i just wanted to notice u to be cerful with this guy . And no worth arguing to a WALL!

+3 to level of socketed Minion gems = Gem link

NO its not it is sattled im out now [Removed by Support] and try to tell him how its a gem link YOU ARE WRONG and @Deadandlivin is wrong too I never said that but u guys start to trigger me WHY TF DOSE METTER FOR U GUYS what i THINK ABOUT THIS IF ITS GEM LINK OR NOT now BYE there u have it its not
Lisa_GGG#0000 님이 2021. 4. 22. 오전 8:45:25에 마지막으로 편집
+3 is totally worthy of being called a gem link. Even if it is technically not , it really should be treated as such especially since minions get by far the most out of additional levels than any other gem type in the game.

I would go so far as to say that getting the +3 is more important than a gem like say hypothermia and especially minion life.

I actually do not know why helmets with a minionlife mod are worthy of being mirrored since the minions you would throw in said helmet should already be plenty durable.

Especially since effective hp is one of only things a summoner can reliably stack without compromising damage
Saltychipmunk#1430 님이 2021. 4. 22. 오전 10:08:55에 마지막으로 편집
Saltychipmunk 님이 작성:
+3 is totally worthy of being called a gem link. Even if it is technically not , it really should be treated as such especially since minions get by far the most out of additional levels than any other gem type in the game.

I would go so far as to say that getting the +3 is more important than a gem like say hypothermia and especially minion life.

I actually do not know why helmets with a minionlife mod are worthy of being mirrored since the minions you would throw in said helmet should already be plenty durable.

Especially since effective hp is one of only things a summoner can reliably stack without compromising damage

I never said its bad to have +3 all i jsut said i dont think its counts as a gem link and i wont think that till ggg conferms it and they all tryed to convince me it is well i showed them its not thats all from me thanks all ! [Removed by Support]
Lisa_GGG#0000 님이 2021. 4. 22. 오전 11:19:51에 마지막으로 편집
At this point your intention is irrelevant. The result is all that matters and that result is an active derailment of a build thread. Also witch hunts and slander posts are kinda against the terms of service for this forum so I would ask you to just stop posting here.

We understand your point. But this is not the place for it and it is definitely not the right way to go about expressing it.
Question on Primordial Might and golems later...

How do we use the +#% damage when summed a golem ect on Might? Is there a wep swap mechanic that we are suppose to be using, because with skitter and aura up we cant summon anything besides stone golem and that will take the place of a carrion if spawned.

2nd question: How many carrion golems should the Medium/final build have? I'm at 4 atm with Necro and the claymaker, but if I drop that I'm left with 3. Do we gain a significant dps boost from dropping 1 carrion golem?
Tree1 님이 작성:
Question on Primordial Might and golems later...

How do we use the +#% damage when summed a golem ect on Might? Is there a wep swap mechanic that we are suppose to be using, because with skitter and aura up we cant summon anything besides stone golem and that will take the place of a carrion if spawned.

2nd question: How many carrion golems should the Medium/final build have? I'm at 4 atm with Necro and the claymaker, but if I drop that I'm left with 3. Do we gain a significant dps boost from dropping 1 carrion golem?

First question, you don't.

2nd question : I think 3.
You use 3 carrions and 1 stone, you get the extra 2 golems from the anima stone + 3 primordial jewels.

EDIT: But I suggest you to use only carrions until you have enough Primordial Harmony so the buff from the stone golem to other golems is worth it.
killdeadnow#6013 님이 2021. 4. 22. 오전 10:33:39에 마지막으로 편집

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