[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" Honestly, Redeemer was a BITCH for me this league too. All my minions died and I had to manually resummon Carrion Golems until she died early on. The problem is when she does her spin attack and shoots 50 whirlwind missles from the middle of her. These things shotgun and if your minions stand underneath here they will tank all of them at the same time. This is what will oneshot your minions. This is the ability: ![]() To counter it you have to convocate your minions as far away from her as possible when she charges that thing to avoid them from getting oneshot. I had issue this league though because my golems are aggresive and just ran into her and died. The problem during the fight is that we don't have any leech so minions won't heal. When the Spectres die they can't spawn Phantasms and heal the Carrion Golems. This leads to the fight becoming extremely misreble. Some things you can try to do to make the fight easier is specc 8% max ele res on a defensive mastery aswell as getting 1% leech. |
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" Get Helm first. Your wand is pretty good, upgrading it is low priority for you :) |
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If I don't have a Garb of the Ephemeral with % life regen what chest piece can I use instead for AG?
Fallbringer#4485 님이 2021. 11. 6. 오후 7:55:05에 마지막으로 편집
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" I wouldn't use Garb any longer. I'd either use a Doppleganger if I wanted my AG to be tanky or an Inpulsa if I wanted explode together with Gravebind Gloves. |
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" Thanks for all the help, really appreciate it! It is a fun build and I'm hoping to better optimize my single target DPS to somehow reach 20 million eventually as a goal. Hopefully I can still be somehow tanky in the process. |
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Edit: Nevermind I finally corrupted myself a determination shield!
Asuto#0328 님이 2021. 11. 6. 오후 11:34:25에 마지막으로 편집
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Hello, this is the first time I'm playing minions and I'm sort of lost what to upgrade/what to fix. I'm having a hard time farming red maps. Here's my pob (I'm still leveling my gems, recently qualitied them): https://pastebinp.com/D79Ml3Svss4MiCJCr0azQ#HqcGwjQbAJoArc29nfl2--rCnL6LV21zyzye0eo_LJ4=
Where should I go from here? Should I make the switch to Primal Crushclaws? (Still using SOs) Should I get a wand or a helmet? Any input is deeply appreciated. |
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One last thing pls, I don't understand how you apply EE tho? I see on your profile that you only have frostbite as a spell
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Hopefully I'm up to date on AG gear and this should be sufficient enough for his survival against Sirus/endgame dangerous bosses? *edit* I also have Indomitable Army dokidokidango#1768 님이 2021. 11. 7. 오전 2:00:30에 마지막으로 편집
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Hmm with the new POB what points do you recommend to takeaway for the typical lvl 93-95 that most people reach?
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