[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Hi, ive decided to play the build as my started and its going well except fps, however i'm starting to feel a lot uncomfortable with only having 4.1k ish life, but i'm at that point that if i take something to get more life somehow i would have less survival than what i would gain......
My current gear:

My animated guardian has the recommend starting gear.
My POB: https://pastebin.com/pCu5dRSu

Best regards,
CamarãoComunista 님이 작성:
Hi, ive decided to play the build as my started and its going well except fps, however i'm starting to feel a lot uncomfortable with only having 4.1k ish life, but i'm at that point that if i take something to get more life somehow i would have less survival than what i would gain......
My current gear:

My animated guardian has the recommend starting gear.
My POB: https://pastebin.com/pCu5dRSu

Best regards,

pretty sure you could easily get more life on helm, boots, AG +2 ring, and abyss jewel. Your amulet could also be better (more dex, more resistances). I run at 4.3k and it's fine, apart from me facetanking sirus corridor blast by habit and getting 1 hit by that. Also looks like you need a source of fire/lightning to spells on wand/rings and to swap frost bomb for increased duration, otherwise you are missing out on applying EE which is a ton of damage especially with your AG's Eye of Malice.

I also run with Glancing Blows and Bone offering + Mistress of Sacrifice instead of Bone Barrier which seems to help a lot with mapping survivability.
Hey guys, im kinda new on a summoner's builds :D Could you check my gear and tell me step-by-step what do i have to buy/make to improve? :)
Ik that i need mostly cluster jewels, but maybe something else also.

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/9wMGyqSv
camb00sted 님이 작성:
CamarãoComunista 님이 작성:
Hi, ive decided to play the build as my started and its going well except fps, however i'm starting to feel a lot uncomfortable with only having 4.1k ish life, but i'm at that point that if i take something to get more life somehow i would have less survival than what i would gain......
My current gear:

My animated guardian has the recommend starting gear.
My POB: https://pastebin.com/pCu5dRSu

Best regards,

pretty sure you could easily get more life on helm, boots, AG +2 ring, and abyss jewel. Your amulet could also be better (more dex, more resistances). I run at 4.3k and it's fine, apart from me facetanking sirus corridor blast by habit and getting 1 hit by that. Also looks like you need a source of fire/lightning to spells on wand/rings and to swap frost bomb for increased duration, otherwise you are missing out on applying EE which is a ton of damage especially with your AG's Eye of Malice.

I also run with Glancing Blows and Bone offering + Mistress of Sacrifice instead of Bone Barrier which seems to help a lot with mapping survivability.

I'm already applying EE throught frostbomb and blade vortex, i allocated Glancing blows bc i dont have a skin of the lords, you sure the buffs from bone barrier aren't better than mistress of sacrifice?

The amulet i choose was to give some res an 100+ life to the build, the ring with frostbite also adds lightening damage to attacks, and i have avatar of fire to garantee that my damage is lock to fire for EE, i had to reduce my resists i had over 35% of each elemental resist.

Vou also refereed to switch frostbomb to increase duration, is it better to have 100% uptime in offering instead of the -15% cold res?

Best reggards,
I'd be glad if someone could explain this to me. I just finished gearing up for the low budget variation of the build, bought all the crucial flasks and jewels, I checked what dps I should have on my carrion golems and it seems that my dps is 6 times lower than it should be. (250k vs 1.45m)

My pastebin

Cheap variation of the build

What I might be missing? 6x times more dps is just insanely far away from what I have.

I have tried to replace my skill gems to 20/20 all of them and it still doesn't provide as much.
aquarose_#5126 님이 2021. 4. 27. 오전 4:27:59에 마지막으로 편집
elucas6 님이 작성:
Does the crafting jewel section still apply? Friend said he thought augment harvest crafts were gone but maybe just been unlucky and havent seen one?

It still applies but harvest was annihilated this league and getting augment crafts are basically impossible unfortunately.
TroLoloGusta 님이 작성:
Deadandlivin 님이 작성:
TroLoloGusta 님이 작성:
Hi! Love the build so far.

I'm going to change my helmet and maybe belt but other than that what should I focus on next? Getting all the cluster jewel first or getting better equipments? Thanks!!!


If you find survivability isn't an issue, get the clusters.
Getting all clusters will pretty much double your damage.
Also, if you don't have a medium tier AG yet, get one of those before clusters.
Also.. get divergent Hypothermia and Awakened Melee physical if you don't have those yet. Massive dps increases to the build.

Thanks for the reply, I think I cant do anything about survival issues because I have a potato laptop, my game freeze quite often and I died quite alot too. But overall the map clear is really good.

Just bought Divergent Hypothermia and Awakened Melee Physical, and going to work towards other Awakened Gems as well.

I also had massive FPS issues this league.
Watch this video and implement exactl what he's doing there.
Also, update graphic drivers to latest itteration and re-install game if you haven't. Fixed all frame issues for me, feels like playing on a new computer.
TroLoloGusta 님이 작성:
Deadandlivin 님이 작성:
TroLoloGusta 님이 작성:
Hi! Love the build so far.

I'm going to change my helmet and maybe belt but other than that what should I focus on next? Getting all the cluster jewel first or getting better equipments? Thanks!!!


If you find survivability isn't an issue, get the clusters.
Getting all clusters will pretty much double your damage.
Also, if you don't have a medium tier AG yet, get one of those before clusters.
Also.. get divergent Hypothermia and Awakened Melee physical if you don't have those yet. Massive dps increases to the build.

Thanks for the reply, I think I cant do anything about survival issues because I have a potato laptop, my game freeze quite often and I died quite alot too. But overall the map clear is really good.

Just bought Divergent Hypothermia and Awakened Melee Physical, and going to work towards other Awakened Gems as well.

I also had massive FPS issues this league.
Watch this video and implement exactl what he's doing there.
Also, update graphic drivers to latest itteration and re-install game if you haven't. Fixed all frame issues for me, feels like playing on a new computer.
Zellez 님이 작성:

Hello, this is the gear i have atm and im doing tier 9-10. 4k2 hp. I have no issue with damage but with survivability. I always get stuned . It happens many time during encounters like ultimatums or big juicy maps. Mobs stun me like 2 or 3 times in a row and i die.
Any ideas to compensate that ?

Read the alternative defense setup I put out in additional information.
I mde that variation specifically for this league because Ultimatum is an issue for our survivability as we're confined in a very small space.
CamarãoComunista 님이 작성:

I'm already applying EE throught frostbomb and blade vortex, i allocated Glancing blows bc i dont have a skin of the lords, you sure the buffs from bone barrier aren't better than mistress of sacrifice?

The amulet i choose was to give some res an 100+ life to the build, the ring with frostbite also adds lightening damage to attacks, and i have avatar of fire to garantee that my damage is lock to fire for EE, i had to reduce my resists i had over 35% of each elemental resist.

Vou also refereed to switch frostbomb to increase duration, is it better to have 100% uptime in offering instead of the -15% cold res?

Best reggards,

my bad, I didn't check your skill tree. Lightning damage to attacks does nothing for BV which is a spell. I guess Avatar of Fire works, I can't comment on your skill tree since I'm running clusters and path quite differently.

Blade Vortex and the trigger craft both got nerfed this league, BV losing 1 second of base duration (5 to 4) and the trigger craft going from a 4 second cooldown to 8. If you don't run increased duration or Mistress of Sacrifice you will have at maximum 50% uptime on BV which imo feels really bad during mapping. I dropped Bone Barrier for Mistress of Sacrifice so I can have 100% uptime on BV for a super lazy playstyle, and I can run Bone Offering instead of Flesh Offering for more block. OP has a section somewhere in the guide where he explains there is some funky weapon swap trick you can do to use frost bomb but apparently it isn't worth bothering with until high budget so I didn't try it.

Also you might want to swap the quartz for a jade since Skin of the Loyal boosts armour/es/evasion, not dodge.

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