[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" When you feel like it. Doing this swap is going to be the biggest damage increase you can get, but it's what requires the most preperation to do as you want to do the swap at the same time as you change your wand and get a pair of green triads. I haven't changed yet, I've just gotten to T16 maps and have not swapped yet. Mostly because I haven't had to so and seconly, because the market is moving very slowly so most items do not exist yet. I focsed on other upgrades before hand. But I feel my dps is starting to lack alot now in T16 maps, especially league mechanics like Harvest and Metamorph are especially tanky. I also stopped using the yellow sentinel on all map bosses now after bricking a Burial Chambers when the boss became close to unkillable. |
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Hi man.
I'm playing your build, with hyrri's watch + phantasm as clear support. Sorry if its in the post, but i couldnt see it. What are the support gems for this setup? I only see the crabbies + zombie one. Thanks in advance! |
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Oh.. Thanks for the reply! I already got triads... should I not be using them yet if I'm still using frost autoscouts? Also your boots on your end of act build.. March of the legion... does that mean you're constantly casting hatred and all your other skills?
Thanks! |
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" Oh seems like I've forgotten to edit that part of the guide. No, March of the Legions were nerfed and they're super bad now. Don't use! Well, if you use Triads and got resistances covered, use them. Try to get a proper wand and Crushclaws asap and you should be good. Looking at your gear you should also try to get some of the cheap 21/0 gems. Skeletons, Spectres and Zombies cost me like 10 chaos each. Carrions were 25 when I bought it. If you do you have pretty much identical gear to me. Some people were wondering how it looks when I play higher tier maps so I'm gonna upload a video so people can see. In that video, my gear is very close to yours, meaning: Absolute trash gear :D |
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Some people wanted to see how mapping look in League start gear so I recorded a video to showcase it. My gear is absolute trash but it gets the job done.
This is a video of me running a T10 and a T16 map. I got a cheap 6-link, 21 gems that I bought for ~15 chaos and the rest is absolute garbage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arB9ST0iCn0&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m And yes, this is an extremely brutal league. Rare monsters are harder than Guardian bosses pretty much. |
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worth getting a +2 helmet with minion damage/hypo at this point? seems expensive atm and dunno if worth
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" lefthanded? those are some cursed keybindings for a righthanded at least :P |
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I want to ask after switch to the rare shield with +2 min power and frenzy charge. It it worth it to like have host/carnage spectre to get the remaining one or not worth it?
Also how do you summon your spectre for the white map build where you use a wand with built in spell echo? RexZShadow#4542 님이 2022. 5. 16. 오전 2:57:23에 마지막으로 편집
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" Yeah, I'm lefthanded :P |
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" When you have a endgame shield it's worth running x1 Carnage Chieftain and x3 Crushclaws. Assassin's Mark with Ashes of the Stars is strong enough to get 3 Power Charges most of the time. Getting 4 Spectres with the wand is super annoying. It's just RNG spamming desecrate until you get good desecrate pools with many FAS. So what you do is use Desecrate until you get a pool with 2+ FAS corpses. Try to "clean" up the pool by desecrating things that aren't FAS hoping you don't get a FAS corpse. Then Raise the FAS and hope you get 2. For the last 2, keep spamming FAS until you get pools with as many of them as possible and roll the dice. I personally position myself between two FAS bodies, feels like it increases the chance of grabbing them that way. Then just Raise them and pray it RNGs and gets both of them. |
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