[3.17]⚡Velyna's Storm Brand Occultist⚡ 5M+ DPS Leaguestart | Hidden and Feared Viable

We don't have fortify or a massive health pool, you need to use your mobility well and not take one shot hits.

simple translation : Just don`t get hit !!!
CyrusBlackXXX 님이 작성:
We don't have fortify or a massive health pool, you need to use your mobility well and not take one shot hits.

simple translation : Just don`t get hit !!!

Not that bad. Freeze is a big defensive layer as are flasks and Malediction. I'm really bad at dodging and I do fine.
What do you think about taking the profane bloom instead of forbidden power and using cluster jew for power charge generation?
Flampera 님이 작성:
What do you think about taking the profane bloom instead of forbidden power and using cluster jew for power charge generation?

I'm not even sure you would need to change clusters, Assassins Mark with 20% quality might be enough.
Just tested and yea profane bloom feels better, updated the PoB's a bit.
This this build looks really interesting, a tip regarding the body armour is to use the other gem tags of storm brand to scale damage from corruption, a +2 to AoE gems and/or +2 to duration gems would most likely provide more dps since we don't double dip with empower, a generic +1 to gem level will provide less dmg
What's the consensus on the nerf to 'trigger a socketed skill'? I saw the newly updated PoB that fits Assassin's Mark into the MH weapon, so does that mean (at least for now) we're sticking with trigger despite the nerf?

Either way, looking forward to league starting this build and taking storm brand to endgame. Thanks for the guide!
Roflwafflezzz#6477 님이 2021. 4. 14. 오후 9:31:07에 마지막으로 편집
Roflwafflezzz 님이 작성:
What's the consensus on the nerf to 'trigger a socketed skill'? I saw the newly updated PoB that fits Assassin's Mark into the MH weapon, so does that mean (at least for now) we're sticking with trigger despite the nerf?

Either way, looking forward to league starting this build and taking storm brand to endgame. Thanks for the guide!

I removed one skill from wand, it should be ok now...we might lose some WoC uptime but it's ok.
I have not tried Brand skills before, what are the pros/cons of Storm Brand versus Armageddon Brand? Which is better at mapping or bossing?
Is there something better than brand recall.

With Swiftbrand i find myself not clicking it ever.

Any suggestions?

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