(3.16) NERFED DO NOT PLAY THIS Raider Archmage BF/BB [CHEAP, Tanky, HCSSF viable, (100m+ dps)

hakawa 님이 작성:
Hey, im the classic retarded casual, who plays quite some time, still dont gets forward, so please help me out here.
I followed this guide and it is awesome up until red maps, but then suddenly im stuck, mostly on bosses. I would say i lack the single target damage, but but not because BB doesnt do enough damage, but that most of the time im out mana and cant cast BB in the first place. Then i run around and spam arcane cloak to regen and can BB every 3-4 secs.
Can you guys check my setup and tell me where should i upgrade it? (I have huge amount of currency to do so, like 2ex total.)

IMO, you really need something else than Tabula Rasa for red maps. Defiance cloak is good, but any 6 links with two or three good affixes would already be way better.
And Mana Regen enchant on boots is also a great help for bosses.
grimjack68 님이 작성:
Scappotto 님이 작성:

Could someone please review my character, i'm dying too much... i think i'm low with life... or i'm missing something other


Bladefall and Spell Cascade should both be level 1. We don't care about the damage it puts out, only the number of lingering blades and we want the tightest AOE we can get.

You seem to be using both general's cry and vigilant strike. You don't need two sources of fortify. Personally, I'd drop general's cry - and it's supporting jewel, The Vigil. Replace that with Ancestral Call support so your vigilant strike will hit.

Remember you need to trigger Vigilant Strike manually. Your trigger sceptre only triggers spells, and all fortify related skills are attacks.

You won't need Desecrate if you drop General's Cry, so replace that with Enduring Cry for endurance charge generation. Again, remember you'll have to trigger it manually.

Farm the lab for the mana regen if you've cast a spell recently enchant on your boots.

After that, it's really a matter of keeping an eye on your mana levels. If you've just cast Arcane Cloak, wait a second for your mana to recharge before hitting blade blast, or you can find yourself in the situation of no mana to absorb a big incoming hit.

Thanks a lot for the help, i really appreciate it.

I will take a look at bf and spell cascade level.

About General's Cry, you need vigilant because, the summoned guys uses the skill linked.

However i've problems with stuns or/projectiles, so if i set the pantheon for one of them i've problems with the other side....
ragnarok911 님이 작성:
It does - you can get the build going with what you find yourself, crafting basics using essences/fossils/bench/etc.

If you are on trade league and can buy even the starter sets shown through pob/discord, you are good to go. If you can already get mid tier weapons, cloak, crown, foible, etc....you are good to begin clearing endgame stuff.

So. I am picking random shit from the ground and I can do all content?

Alright, good to know.
Sup, just got super lucky and got a HH drop from a no mana regen map, hahaha
Well, seems hard to put 1 on this build so my question is:

Should I move stuff around to equip it (mostly resistances will be bad after swap) or sell it and get a lot of improvements?

My POB: https://pastebin.com/pz8hxKZ0

Doing almost everything in rare or AW8 kinda easy, having sometimes trouble wih dmg output, anyway, thx in advance and still having fun, not so much zdps but really solid.
Power and responsibility :P
glimpse of chaos looks to be really nice for archmage. especially if you get a nice corruption (blind, malediction) and remove the reduced lightning res+ inc. ES mod. also helps with chaos res and being an evasion base. thoughts ?
Hey all, first of all loving this build - have a mapping/farming build but this is the smoothest boss killer with clear ability I've played in a few leagues.

Looking to step into mid-end(ish) game weapons and prices immediately jump into the 50ex+ range for even decent rolls. More than happy to drop 10-15ex but 50 is a whole character worth of gear. Was wondering if someone had a suggestion for filters to look or examples of weapons they run that won't break the bank.

Enkryptions#6895 님이 2021. 5. 26. 오전 8:21:36에 마지막으로 편집
love this build so far. but i have a few questions.
1. everyone is talking about dps of 5-30mil, i have like 280k all buffed up, when i look ingame for my bladeexplosion skill.
2. ive exportet my character to poeplanner but the resistances are way to high there, im currently 76%, 75%, 101% and 21% for chaos. and the max mana displayed there is also wrong, ive got 9.3k+ ingame. any ideas?

heres the link: https://poeplanner.com/b/dbM

also, any sugesstions what i should update next?
Jenkem420 님이 작성:
love this build so far. but i have a few questions.
1. everyone is talking about dps of 5-30mil, i have like 280k all buffed up, when i look ingame for my bladeexplosion skill.
2. ive exportet my character to poeplanner but the resistances are way to high there, im currently 76%, 75%, 101% and 21% for chaos. and the max mana displayed there is also wrong, ive got 9.3k+ ingame. any ideas?

heres the link: https://poeplanner.com/b/dbM

also, any sugesstions what i should update next?

Get PoB fork version. is easier and everyone can help you to configure it, import your char and you will see a lot of differences, like on skills, you can calculate the dmg for 1, 10, 40 and 50 blade explosions, usually people do 10 as base dmg.
That flask give you resistances, almost all planners count flask to be 100% active unless you deactivate them, didn't check more, like if you can generate endurance charges, they give +4 res per charge so maybe the planner is also counting them.

Grace is active in the planner also, you only use vaal grace when needed, this lower a lot your unreserved mana and directly affects the dmg that archmage gives to BB, you need to find a way to turn off grace, I only see the option to deactivate it, so dunno how to do it, never used that planner.
Power and responsibility :P
Ulizeus 님이 작성:
Jenkem420 님이 작성:
love this build so far. but i have a few questions.
1. everyone is talking about dps of 5-30mil, i have like 280k all buffed up, when i look ingame for my bladeexplosion skill.
2. ive exportet my character to poeplanner but the resistances are way to high there, im currently 76%, 75%, 101% and 21% for chaos. and the max mana displayed there is also wrong, ive got 9.3k+ ingame. any ideas?

heres the link: https://poeplanner.com/b/dbM

also, any sugesstions what i should update next?

Get PoB fork version. is easier and everyone can help you to configure it, import your char and you will see a lot of differences, like on skills, you can calculate the dmg for 1, 10, 40 and 50 blade explosions, usually people do 10 as base dmg.
That flask give you resistances, almost all planners count flask to be 100% active unless you deactivate them, didn't check more, like if you can generate endurance charges, they give +4 res per charge so maybe the planner is also counting them.

Grace is active in the planner also, you only use vaal grace when needed, this lower a lot your unreserved mana and directly affects the dmg that archmage gives to BB, you need to find a way to turn off grace, I only see the option to deactivate it, so dunno how to do it, never used that planner.

yeah, ive found out that the poeplanner didnt remove the -60% u get after akt10 or whatever.
Well, I hit level 95 and killed Sirus with this build, neither of which I had done before and those were my two goals this league, so thanks everybody for your help. I'm just working on 100% completing the atlas right now and deciding what I want to do next. Probably kill Atziri/Shaper/Elder. Two questions:

1) How should I modify this build to kill Atziri and survive the damage reflect? Swap bladefall/blade blast for desecrate/cremation, leaving other links the same? Something else?

2) I'm thinking of swapping out my current setup (essence worm + supreme ego + wrath) for clarity + divergent righteous fire + a watcher's eye. Is it worth making this swap if I can only get a watcher's eye with one of "% damage taken recouped as mana while affected by clarity" or "%increased mana regen while affected by clarity", or do you really need both mods for it to be worthwhile? I can afford a single clarity mod watcher's eye, but the ones with multiple mods are out of my price range. If one mod is enough, which one is better? If I make this swap, I'd gain a passive skill point (from dropping supreme ego), would gain all the stats from another cerulean ring that would replace essence worm, and I'd also gain the watcher's eye clarity buff plus the divergent righteous fire spell damage buff. On the other hand, I'd lose the enhanced wrath buff, and I'd have to drop enduring cry + urgent orders support, so I'd have no source of endurance charges. What do people think?

Edit: forgot to mention, I guess I'd also lose the benefits of my Clear Mind jewel if I have clarity reserving mana.
Kwyjibo20#6807 님이 2021. 5. 26. 오후 3:46:56에 마지막으로 편집

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