3.14 - Raider Kinetic Blast/Power Siphon League Starter and Beginner Friendly. Very Flex Build
Hi, this is my second guide in path of exile, and I will try describe all my decisions. If you have trouble with the reading, i advise that english isn't my first language, so sorry about that. Let's begin:
Index: 0. Changelog 1. Introduction 2. Pros and Con 3. Main mechanics 4. Path of Building 5. Gear 6. Gems 7. Bandits, Pantheon and Ascendancy 8. Leveling 9. Currency and league tips for new players 10. My other builds 0. Changelog 3.14:
Build creation
I will change colors of the letters in leveling section, presentation of the forum with some image and maybe vids section (if my computer doesn't die) and maybe new pob soon, stay tuned! 1. Introduction This build was made at patch 3.14, based on a Raider KB/PS build of Justin Stitt (you can see their videos on youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainCrixus). If you are a new player and are searching a speed mapper and good wander league starter this is your build, cause I'm going to try explain step by step all leveling process and answer all posible questions. Advise: the build isn´t min-maxed, because this is a league starter and was designed thinking about build a second and solid build. But with this build you can do all content (except grandmaster) and you will have one of the best mappers to do currency. The last upgrade of the Path of Building (PoB) is the version of Justin and can do all the content, so I encourage you to go and check his channel. You can change KB and PS for Kinetic Bolt if you want, the build is flexible, but you will need do some changes. I will make changes based on the comments and certain parts that I can see that need to be corrected. 2. Pros and Cons Pros + Very fast mapping (Top S+ mapper, 2 off screens clear) + Very nice movility (near 150/200% movility) + Simple to scale damage (need accuracy and flat damage) for leveling + Not need to work + All content viable + Flex tree and gear + Nice mapping deffenses: Can cross through enemies, nice movility and good evasion + No uniques needed, so SSF viable Cons - Bad boss killer, need a lot of currency to work well - Can't do elemental reflect maps - No regen mana maps are anoying (mana flask needed for travel skills) - Expensive min to max - Bad vs Bosses in terms of tank: Squishy, you can die one-shoted a lot of times - No hardcore recommended 3. Main mechanics (Advanced players can skip this part) Offensive
Kinetic Blast fires a projectile from a wand that causes a series of small explosions surrounding its point of impact, each damaging enemies caught in the area.
Power Siphon is an attack skill. This wand skill fires a volley of projectiles that are are both empowered by and generate power charges. Projectiles also have Culling Strike. It will be your single target damage supported by Barrage Support. Exposure is a debuff that lowers a particular elemental resistance (in this case, lightning). Elemental Penetration is a property of hits that reduces the target's effective resistance to elemental damage types (fire, cold and lightning). Shock is an elemental ailment associated with lightning that causes the affected target to take increased damage from all sources. Onslaught is a buff that grants 20% increased attack/cast speed and movement speed. The movility can be very defensive too (more easy manual dodge mechanich bosses and do you need less investment in boots if you don't have a lot of currency). Intimidate is another debuff that causes the enemy take 10% increased attack damage, in our case, only on full life of the enemy. Flat damage is the main upgrade of the damage in this build, through your gear and in the finals states, with your abyss jewels with mods like "Adds x to y Lightning Damage to Wand Attacks" or "Adds x to y Cold Damage to Attacks". Defense Elemental Immunity thank to your ascendancy, you can't be affected by ailments. Ailments: Ignite, chill, freeze, shock, scorch, brittle, and sap are collectively referred to as elemental ailments. Chill, freeze, shock, scorch, brittle, and sap are collectively referred to as non-damaging ailments. Bleed, poison, and ignite are damaging ailments. Blind is another debuff that lessens the chance to hit of the affected target by ¡¡50%!! The duration is 4 sec. High Dodge and evasion chance: Dodge: dodge is a layer of defence that grants a chance to prevent a damaging hit. The chance to dodge is a random roll made per attack/cast; it is not entropy-based like evasion nor is it affected by accuracy. Dodge is capped at 75% and is rolled before block. Damage avoidance is a separate mechanic and is rolled after block. Evasion: evasion is the first layer of defence that increases a character's chance to evade incoming attacks. Evasion is opposed by the attacker's accuracy. Dexterity also affects to the evasion rating Phasing allows move throught enemies or abilities, walls created with spikes or things like that, ¡very useful! Duration is 4 sec. Chill is a debuff that applies a slow effect, reducing the animation speed. Wind Dancer is a passive of the tree, and give us a nice boost of evasion when we are hit, and a 20% less damage taken if we haven't been hit recently. 4. Path of Building Build with the leveling process and some guides for the levelling process in the note section (check the configuration to see the real damage. For expample, the final state of the build should do about 12 million damage of single target vs endgame bosses): 5. Gear
Here we have to initial options: Life and resis are our initial goal, but the final upgrade you want to have a warlord influence helmet with "Socketed Gems deal 30% more Elemental Damage", "+1 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems" and "Projectiles Pierce an additional Target". Here is where your Kinetic Blast is going to be when you have this prefix and suffixes.
The lab enchant you will need is "Power Siphon fires 2 additional Projectiles". Gloves
Initially you will need life and resistances, but in the early game, thunderfist are the best option with kinetic blast, cause give you a free 5L In this instance I recommend using Poacher's Aim jewell, obtained in act 5 in the King's Feast mission.( ). The final upgrade will be gripped gloves with warlord influence and with an abyssal socket and attack speed.
Another rare item, in this case you want life, resistances, movement speed and chance to get eluvise or tailwind (in the final boots). If you can obtain boots with abysal socket, they will the nicest option with the modifiers said above. The best enchant lab is "Adds 1 to 160 Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently" A enchant increasing your critical chance if you haven't crit recently or boosting your attack speed are good options too.
Body Armour
Your starter option is a good chest with life and resist, a tabula or a unique with huge evasion boost, like kintsugi, for leveling process. The final option is Shroud of the Lightless for improve you damage. A good doble corruption will be nice for min-maxed
Link for Shroud of the Lightless: https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Shroud_of_the_Lightless_(1_Abyssal_Socket)
We use a wand, with nice roll of spell damage implicit on it because our wandslinger passive node Wandslinger causes increases and reductions to spell damage to apply to attacks while wielding a wand. With the new changes on Essences, now is easier hit our desire wand. We use essence of Wrath to hit this modifier: "Adds x to y Lightning Damage". Try to roll tier 1 of added ligtning damage with nice attack speed and crits modifiers.
We need to find or buy a good shield with high roll in life, resistances and spell damage. If you hit high roll of evasion, that would be perfect.
Both rings will be rares, but they could be diamonds rings or opal rings. I prefer diamond for the critical strike chance, but opal could be nice too if you have already good critical strike. You will search life, resistances, and flat damage. Flat damage is the main goal, then search life or resist with the highter roll (tier 1 or 2).
A onyx amulet or a corrupted amulet with next stats: flat damage>crit chance>crit multi>life>resistances. Would be perfect a talisman with the "increased maximum life" corruption and this stats for a build more tanky or a corruption with "increased lightning damage" for increase your dps.
For leveling with life and resistances you will be fine, but a stygian vise is best option here (another abyssal socket, that upgrade your damage a lot)
Use a bubbling or seething life flask with stauching, but I recommend trying to hit some abyss jewels with "20% avoid bleeding" and one with corrupted blood immunity, so that allow you to change your flask with another modifiers. You can use Diamond flask with Warding mod and the next unique flasks: Vessel of Vinktar (with the added flat damage to attacks), Dying Sun, Atziri's Promise and The Wise Oak (if you highest resistance is lightning, or better, if you balance your resistances to be equal). Also for leveling I recommend a Jade flask, upgrading your evasion chance and a Alchemisth Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline for best movement speed possible.
The best jewels would be the abyss. They help you with the damage, so if you can hit with double flat damage modifier that abyss will give you a lot of damage. The new abyss jewell could give you 20% chance to avoid bleeding, helping you with bleeding. With the corruption in one with the modifier: "corrupted blood cannot inflict on you" you have another thing not to be worried about. Cluster jewels are very flexible, you can follow if you want the version of the path of building. If you prefer, you can use a Watcher's Eye with modifiers of Wrath and Precision (expensive option, but upgrade your damage)
6. Gems
Follow the order in which they are written. It is the order of preference. Use awakened version when you can:
Main Clear Skill: Kinetic Blast + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Inspiration (if you don´t have the pierce mod in helmet or in jewel, change inspiration for pierce).
Main Single Target Skill: Power Siphon + Barrage + Added Lightning Damage+ Elemental Focus + Elemental Damage with Attacks (if you don`t have Shroud of Lightless yet, use Inspiration
Auras: Wrath + Herald of Ice + Precision
Defensive and movility:Smoke Mine + Immortal Call/Steelskin + Cast When Damage Taken
Free slots: Blood Rage - Ice Golem - Vaal Grace - Sniper's Mark - Wave of Conviction - Conductivity. You can only aply or Sniper or Conductivity. For leveling, Conductivity is better, in endgame gear vs bosses, sniper's mark is better.
PS: All gems with level 21 and quality 23 are the best option, but 20/20 (or 5/20 for awakened) still pretty nice. 7. Bandits, Pantheon and Ascendancy Bandits:
Kill all, but if you want some crit multi and elemental resist, help alira, but normally an abyss jewell is better than this passive.
Major God: Soul of Lunaris for clearing and Soul of Solaris for bosses. For chaos bosses Soul of Arakaali
Minor God:Soul of Ryslatha for leveling and labyrinth and Soul of Tukohama to helping facetank bosses. Soul of Shakari to help with chaos damage Ascendancy:
Your pick order is the next: Rapid Assault -> Quartz Infusion -> Avatar of the Veil -> Avatar of the Chase. If you want more speed, choose avatar of the chase as a second option. If you want more damage, change Quartz Infusion and Avatar of the Veil for the Frenzy nodes, but you will be more squishy so I don´t recommend do this, only for the advance players that want a glass cannon build
8. Leveling
Cause the leveling it's very personal I will give some tips for new players like it's the beginning of a league and we don't have any unique objects (you will need use all passive regrets points obtained in the quest, because you will level like a elemental bow character). You have this tips in the notes of Path of Building.
Level 1-2 G-G: Burning Arrow (BA) +Pierce Best base weapon: Crude Bow Level 2-12 G-G-G: Caustic+Mirage Archer (MA) + Onslaught (Ons) G-G: BA/Puncture+Added Cold G: Dash (Smoke Mine) G: Precision Get the quicksilver flask in the Mercy Mission (go to Tidal Island and kill the boss, he will drop the medicine chest). Change base weapon to short or long bow if you don't have a rare nice crude bow with flat elemental damage. Essence of hatred is the best now, but contempt is good too. Save essence of greed for amour and woe for quiver. Level 12-15 G-G-G: Rain of Arrows (RoA)+ Added Cold Damage (AC)+ Onslaught G-G: Puncture+MA G: Smoke Mine G: Precision (stop leveling around the level 9 of the gem) Get your second quicksilver flask. Composite Bow if the best base bow now. Essence of Anger and Hatred best to use, but i reccomend save it for later unless you will lacking damage. Level 16-23 G-G-G: RoA+AC+Ons G-G-G: Puncture + MA+ Faster Attacks (FA) G: Smoke Mine G: Precision G: HoI (Herald of Ice) B: HoT (Herald of Thunder) G: Blood Rage (BR) If lacking damage do the quest of Yeena (Through Sacred Ground) when you do the trial of that zone: pick survival Secrets jewel Kill all bandits. Best bow is Bone bow, but Recurve Bow is pretty good if you have some critical chance. Level 24-35 G-G-G-R: RoA+AC+EA+FA (Rain of Arrows, Added Cold Damage, Elemental Damage with Attacks and Faster Attacks) G-G-G-R: SA+EA+FA+MA (Scourge Arrow, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Faster Attacks and Mirage Archer) G: Smoke Mine G: Precision G: HoI B (side weapon): HoT G: BR B: Wrath (if can't run because out of mana, use HoT instead). Royal Bow is pretty good, because give you some elemental damage, so normally is the best bow now and you can use a essence on it if you find a nice one with 4L sockets. If you have a essence of wrath, use it. If you have one prefix free, you can craft more damage when you kill Piety, +add x fire damage to attacks in the work bench (4 transmute needed). Use this recipe in the amulets or gloves too for more damage. Normal Trial: Rapid Assault (movement and clear speed). Level 36 - 50 Upgrade Ele Resist (reach 75% if possible) G-G-G-R: RoA+AC+EA+FA -------> If 5L: G-G-G-R-B (RoA+AC+EA+FA+Added Lightning) or G-G-G-R-R (RoA+AC+EA+FA+Added Fire) or G-G-R-R-B (RoA+AC+EA+AF+AL) G-G-G-R: SA+EA+MA+FA G: Smoke Mine G: Precision G: HoI G: BR B: Wrath G/B: Lightning or Ice Golem Jewels of optional King's Feast mission: Assassin Haste for leveling or Poacher's Aim (for swap to KB) mapping clearspeed until get Anomalous KB. In act 6 take all gems needed for KB and PS and leveling in your secondary weapons (2 wands for example). In act 7 take diamond flask. Best Bow until 50 could be your Royal Bow with nice stats, a nice Reflex Bow (cause give you mov speed) or a Sniper Bow if you have now a better crit chance. Cruel Trial: Quartz Infusion more safety (recommended path) or Avatar of the Chase for more speedy. I recommend do it before Arakali, but if you are struggling, do it after the fight. Level 51-65 Upgrade Resist 75% and Life about 2400 G-G-G-R: RoA+AC+EA+FA -------> If 5L: G-G-G-R-B (RoA+AC+EA+FA+Added Lightning) or G-G-G-R-R (RoA+AC+EA+FA+Added Fire) or G-G-R-R-B (RoA+AC+EA+AF+AL) G-G-G-R: SA+EA+MA+FA G: Smoke Mine G:Precision G: HoI G: BR B: Wrath G: Ice Golem Now the best bow could be a Highborn Bow until you swap for KB/PS or find another best bow. Steelwood Bow is pretty good for some mov speed too. Nice craft with essence will help a lot with your final leveling. Best essence for bow now: Wailing essence of Wrath, Hatred or Anger. For gloves (if you need more damage before resist or life) use: Wailing essence of Torment, Suffering, Anguish, Zeal or Loathing. Merciless Trial: Avatar of the Veil Level 65-70 Swap weapon: Start using wand and could farm Aquaduct to find Tabula or buy a corrupted 6L if you prefer. When you cap ele resist and have nice clear, go to maps. If you didn't find a nice wand, use a (Screaming if you have it, but you can't find one until go to maps) essence of wrath on it (normally a good base of wand in league start is a Opal Wand with the passive on the three Wandslinger). B-R-R-G-(B): Kinetic Blast (KB)+ Elemental Damage with Attacks +Inspiration +Greater Multiple Projectiles (+ AL if thunderfist and Poacher's Aim feels like 6L). When you can change KB for Anomalous KB and remove Poacher's Aim Jewel. B-G-B-B-R-R: Power Siphon +Barrage Support +Added Lightning +Elemental Focus+ Elemental Damage with Attacks +Inspiration G-G-B-G: Smoke Mine+Second Wind+Flame Dash+Blood Rage G-B-G: HoI - Wrath - Precision G-R-R: Ice Golem- Cast When Damage Taken (CWDT)+ Immortal Call (IC) or Steelskin B-B-B/G: Wave of Conviction + Arcanist Brand + Conductivity (recommended) or Snipers Mark. G-G: Vaal Grace - Vaal Haste Tytykiller have a good video leveling a character bow, so here you can se how to level until maps. I advice you, he use a diferent tree that mine, he has more damage, but you will need regrets orbs to change the tree for the wander version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UmGoa9J2os&t=14264s 9. Currency and league tips For some people that is lost in the world of wraeclast (the name of the continent of path of exile) I did a short guide of tips for help you to do the things right when you start the trip.
1. If you try to do leveling fast, don´t stay long time in town or hideout, don't play the league encounters and prepare your rute of gems and leveling. You can watch Tytykiller to learn about that. 2. Ritual league is very helpful with the new players, because it give you exalts and some currency that for the newest could be very hard to achieve. When you do the ritual, the top-left options are the expensive ones or the deffered items, so if you want a item that appear 2 or more times, pick de cheaper (bottom-right) unless the expensive have better stats ore more quantity in the relation cost per unit. Big tip about the ritual. Normally you when you reach at least 4000 units to spend in the ritual the best you can do is reroll trying to find a exalted orb o some nice divination cards. Only reroll if you have items or currency equal to the value of 2 chaos. If you have enought points you can defer the item you want in this line and reroll to try defer again a valuable item. 3. Try to expend the maven ascendancy (engame content) to boost your quantity of mobs, like more legion o harbinger encounter, it helps a lot with some nice quantity maps and leveling your character. 4. Don´t expend currency leveling, or try not to use a lot, only when it's mandatory. Don't trade either currency like fus or alteration unless you do not use them. I recomend trade with low tier maps when you have enough and use your currency to do some craft and try to sell good items. Guides that can help: English:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leYZUk27hpw / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILgxy_wdz30&t=0s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVLxhkvyeck&t=566s / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a63qO4Nm-A8
5. When you do this build, prioritize resist, the mandatory unique items and your clear speed setup (TS), then continue upgrading your barrage setup and damage. 6. The flask are very important, so try to use the correct prefix and suffix, will help a lot with damage and some trouble situations. 7. With the ritual, delirium and some incubator, the player generate a lot of fossil without going to the delve, so you can achieve a lot of fossil with help a lot with your crafting doing only delve for resonator. The harvest and the essence can help you a lot too. Search some information about crafting and learn all you can, it's very helpfull, both to make your items and to understand how much an object should be worth in the market. 8. All the low level essence that you find, use it to upgrade your items during your leveling. 9. Don´t have fear to spend currency, lost time farming and fail in the crafting, try to learn first and understand what you are doing, if you play, you will get enough currency sometime. 10. Try to join in a discord channel or guild that can help you. Path of Exile is normally a solo game, but people can help you with questions and the group play it's fun if your computer can support it. 11. I will post some tools that may be useful to you. There are some, not all that exist, so as you learn about the game, look for more. a) PoE-TradeMacro: It's a macro (it's legal use macros in poe) help a lot with the price of the market and doing fast check to the price. b) PoEdb: a page that can help you with the craft. Very usefull. c) PoEMap: when you don't want spend some currency and need some maps, you can use this tool to trade your maps for another without currency. Help a lot doing all the atlas bonus. d) Path of Building Community: the mandatory tool to download the trees and build of another people and testing the numbers. e) PoE Ninja: can help consulting the price of a item and decide whether to wait or not to buy it or sell it. f)Trade-Companion: help you with your trades. I recommend to use it. 12. Do the chaos recipe. Help a lot when you start a new league. The chaos recipe is 1 belt, 2 rings, 1 amulet, 1 helmet, 1 boots, 1 gloves, 1 body armour and 2 one handed weapons or 1 two handed weapon. If all unidentified it will give you 2 chaos. If all are unidentified and 20% quality the recipe obtain 3 chaos. I recomend the recipe for 2 chaos (unidentified) with two handed weapon. 13. Follow the neversink filter loot. You can choose the restriction level follow diferent filters, like the regular for start the league and stric/verystric to the late game: https://www.pathofexile.com/item-filter/ladder/follower 14. If you have some doubt or think that the guide could be change in some way, post your comment. 15. Some streamers and youtubers that can help you: Tytykiller, PoeMath, Steelmage, mbXtreme, Mathil, Zizaran, Esoro, Jaamon... For the spanish community: xTai Gaming, KokoOP, ADN Gamer, makupower,BilalDelValle. 10. My other builds -TS/Barrage Phys Champion: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2956166 Have fun and stay safe Exile! Atohs#1892 님이 2021. 4. 17. 오전 4:18:52에 마지막으로 편집 마지막 추천 2021. 7. 20. 오전 7:54:26
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Looks beautiful. Ty!
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How do you get onslaught with this build?
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" Hello! You get onslaught with the ascendancy, in the first lab if you want (is the recommended path too) Stay safe exile! |
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New people will have no idea what all these are. Split Arrow? (SA?) Scourge Arrow? (SA?) EA? etc... | |
" Hi! Yep, sorry, will update. Sxourge arrow, elemental damage with attacks, mirage archer and faster attacks. Have fun! |
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Do you recommend this for SSF?
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" Sure, the leveling is very easy and when you get a nice essence of wrath for the wand you can start leveling like a wanderer (I recommend do it in blood aquaduct when finish your third lab and finding a tabula for your power siphon, it should be nice until yellow maps, then you will need some time to find and craft the right items with nice rolls (good flat damage in rings, amulet and wand). Stay safe! |
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im playing the build rn in act 3 and i have 0 damage
i even got the jewel from yeena ive yet to find a 4 link but im fighting dominus and it takes 7 hours,i cant do the league mechanic at all im a new player but its not the first character i leveled im not sure if im missing something but i can barely finish act 3 and im sure i wont be able to finish 4 |
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" Hi! I just chek your character account and I see that you are on lvl 48... I don't know if you have troubles right now, but if you lack damage, level in blood aquaduct and search for a nice elemental bow, cause your actual bow is really bad... you need modifiers of flat damage or "increased elemental damage" modifier. I leveling this league with this character and I didn't have issues with the process at all, so I can tell you that it works. If you have troubles you could see this video. It's long, but it give you how the leveling process work with a elemental bow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UmGoa9J2os Have fun! |
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