[ 3.18 ] KissMeQuick's Smooth Sailing Shadow— A Short & Easy Beginner's Build for Running Acts Fast

Well, now that makes sense. But still your pob is kinda weird. Are you sure you did it with this setup?
Hello all,
my friend want to level a CoC ice nova build and decided to level with this guide, he is currently level 45 with tabula and my mageblood (yes nice for leveling) but even with that he struggle to kill monsters, he can activate his auras but then he have a LOT of mana issues. He tried with caustic arrow or tried to switch with Toxic rain but it doesnt change anything

we dont understand why it's not easy as all the people seems to say in this thread. can you help ?

char : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/JohnDeTizac/characters/tizacoc

thank you !
Altistic 님이 작성:
Hello all,

Buy a physical bow which has high physical damage so it gets converted to chaos damage.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Oh thank you ! I’m so used to quill rain for toxic rain that I don’t thought about this. He will try and we’ll see if it works !
Made it through the campaign in Standard with this guide. Standard is a little easier since you can sponge gear and other resources from a well stocked stash but it's still a great way to level a character quickly. Died a dozen times but several of those were due to server lag or silly mistakes (I was getting lazy). All bosses deathless.

It's a little unclear how to transition to the Shadow Assassin build here. You have to respec quite a bit (or wait for a reset) and the gear and some of the gems are completely different. Need to transition after mapping to get level up a bit (finished campaign at level 69).

A POB that goes to 90 points here would be icing on the cake (finished the 80 around Act 9 so Act 10 is left hanging a bit). Highly recommend for those like me who wanted to try the Shadow character without too much investment.
BowWizard 님이 2023. 1. 8. 오후 3:58:32에 마지막으로 편집
Ty for sharing this build, i just looted a divine in act 9, very satisfying ! How far do u think this build can go in the game ? Initially i wanted to fork for your Assassin Reap build, but i realize now that i need something like 50 refund points... Maybe the build transition has to be done after Siosa's quest as soon as you can get Reap.

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