[3.15] Gryph's Burning Vengeance! Cast on Crit Bladefall + Blade Blast!

I haven't used any recoup, but am using an enduring mana flask and leech and lot of a mana cost reduction. Are you still using a mana flask? Or does the recoup help that much?
SniggidyDiggidy 님이 작성:
I haven't used any recoup, but am using an enduring mana flask and leech and lot of a mana cost reduction. Are you still using a mana flask? Or does the recoup help that much?

I am not using a mana flask at all. Not even for no regen maps. :)


Made a quick video showcasing and talking briefly about it.
SniggidyDiggidy 님이 작성:
I haven't used any recoup, but am using an enduring mana flask and leech and lot of a mana cost reduction. Are you still using a mana flask? Or does the recoup help that much?

For now no mana flask and recoup, I just run attack mana leech, tireless and replica Conq Efficiency. Maybe recoup is needed when I add desecrate and offering in cwdt loop (currently only have WoC - combustion - assassin's mark) .

Giving out all my luck to my teammates D:
fidhell 님이 작성:
SniggidyDiggidy 님이 작성:
I haven't used any recoup, but am using an enduring mana flask and leech and lot of a mana cost reduction. Are you still using a mana flask? Or does the recoup help that much?

For now no mana flask and recoup, I just run attack mana leech, tireless and replica Conq Efficiency. Maybe recoup is needed when I add desecrate and offering in cwdt loop (currently only have WoC - combustion - assassin's mark) .

I am using recoup as I don't have leech yet (Overlord Large Clusters are expensive af) but will likely try to drop it to save points later. It IS good though and if you get it on gear (veiled mod on rings) that does help a lot with mana.
quick question in the video you had a debuff or curse? how are you self igniting? is it just from u hitting urself with fire damage?
rageface1355 님이 작성:
quick question in the video you had a debuff or curse? how are you self igniting? is it just from u hitting urself with fire damage?

Replica Reckless Defense has 10% to be ignited, with Eye of Innocence hitting ourselves
Giving out all my luck to my teammates D:
I did the investment as i told you before Gryphen and just made a quick showcase of Awakener 8 Conqueror so people can see what is still achievable


As you can see dmg is still awesome and sufficient enough to easily clear all content. You can find my POB in the description of this video
reggie_gakil 님이 2021. 8. 2. 오후 9:46:38에 마지막으로 편집
reggie_gakil 님이 작성:
I did the investment as i told you before Gryphen and just made a quick showcase of Awakener 8 Conqueror so people can see what is still achievable


As you can see dmg is still awesome and sufficient enough to easily clear all content. You can find my POB in the description of this video

What's really sad is that this is like 10-20% of the DPS of what it would have been last league. haha. Nice work though. :)
Yeah dmg is low in comparison to last League but it is what it is.

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