[3.17] strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator -- League Start & End Game v3.

strTrader 님이 작성:
Makaree 님이 작성:
On a side note im pretty sure the more damage on multistrike doesnt affect bleed, only base damage does. Or am i wrong?

Per gem description, Damage (since not specified) applies to both hit and ailment.

Also confirmed by Mark_GGG in the following post:

And also the less attack damage part of MS does not affect bleed damage. It all makes sense now, thanks !
Makaree 님이 작성:
And also the less attack damage part of MS does not affect bleed damage. It all makes sense now, thanks !

You got it. :)
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
All damage types that affect bleed:

Physical Damage
Damage over Time
Physical Damage over Time
Damage with Ailments

So it's always worth to search for those on gems, skill tree, items, etc.

The other damage types that have "Attack" or "Melee" in the name scale only on hit damage and not bleed, so are rather useless for this build.
artisanix 님이 2021. 10. 12. 오후 5:35:44에 마지막으로 편집
worth playing this in scourge? you think it will be viable?
dairin 님이 작성:
worth playing this in scourge? you think it will be viable?

It all depends on your preferences and what you like.

If you want to try a bleed build but more ranged then even after slight nerfs in scourge SST may be better for such a play style.

And if you like the mechanic of lacerate then it's still a decent choice.
I played it on SSF during current league after those huge nerfs to support games, and it carried me to lvl 97. T16s, lvl 83 Heists, Delve 200-250, Blight, Delirium 1 or 2 layers - all were no problem.
However, beyond that, my version lacked the damage - on Trade with access to better equipment and awakened gems this can be only better.
thanks for the insight, will try it next week. =)
artisanix 님이 작성:
dairin 님이 작성:
worth playing this in scourge? you think it will be viable?

It all depends on your preferences and what you like.

If you want to try a bleed build but more ranged then even after slight nerfs in scourge SST may be better for such a play style.

And if you like the mechanic of lacerate then it's still a decent choice.
I played it on SSF during current league after those huge nerfs to support games, and it carried me to lvl 97. T16s, lvl 83 Heists, Delve 200-250, Blight, Delirium 1 or 2 layers - all were no problem.
However, beyond that, my version lacked the damage - on Trade with access to better equipment and awakened gems this can be only better.

Thank you for your response.
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
strTrader 님이 2021. 10. 16. 오후 1:51:32에 마지막으로 편집
dairin 님이 작성:
worth playing this in scourge? you think it will be viable?

It will be viable for sure. Our damage is not nerfed. Awakened gems are buffed slightly. Our block chance may be nerfed but defense is buffed.

If Ryslatha's Coil continue to be under 1ex next league then I think the build is very strong (in terms of league start). In which case, we will have both Jack, the Axe and Ryslatha's Coil as cheap unique to Scourge corrupt. Lioneye's Remorse is also a good league start corruption target. I cannot wait to see what modifiers are available in the item slot.

Also looking forward to Bleed Mastery, currently there is no interesting modifiers for bleeding/axe other than the generic damage/speed/DoT multi/bleed faster.

There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

strTrader Max Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Guide:
Also looking forward to Bleed Mastery, currently there is no interesting modifiers for bleeding/axe other than the generic damage/speed/DoT multi/bleed faster.

Unless I'm missing something, Bleed Mastery looks pretty underwhelming.
changes to the tree seem to have nerfed that build pretty hard. not only on damage but on the block chances as well.

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