[3.24] Holy Flame Totem Scion -- League Starter -- HC / SSF viable

Low armor, no evasion, no spell supression, 5.7k life.
diegomineiro 님이 작성:
Low armor, no evasion, no spell supression, 5.7k life.

I'll change how I organize the builds for 3.21 to have suppression as default for every endgame build. Will keep only the budget version without. It's easy to get 100% supp in this build because of Scion's suppression at the start of her tree.

Armor isn't low, as we use determination, def banner and armor base gear.

For softcore trade, it's good enough to have 5k7 life, but if you check HC SSF version, it has 7k life.

Thanks for the productive feedback.
I updated the POB in first page with a more polished and explained one, and with 100% suppression as default.

Now I'll wait for patch notes and POB updates to see if it's worth it updating for next league.
Been playing some more HFT with bad gear and dps, but got a tip for anyone in similar situation.
If you have the staff from exarch: Annihilating Light - you can put it in off hand and weapon swap for burst dmg when you have your decoy totem up and you are sure you are safe ;)
Waiting for 3.21 version. As much as i like HFT, it dosen't scale well in ultra late game (my own build). I'll try to use this build as starter, if you ever update it in 3.21. Thanks.
Updated for 3.21

We will still get damage from Arcane Surge (10% more from ascendancy, and extra effectiveness from tree), but this will work as soon as POB 2.26 releases.

Good luck & have fun!

Edit: POB released, so all gucci now!
gui_orioli 님이 2023. 4. 2. 오후 9:16:46에 마지막으로 편집
Wanna add that, to manage mana (if you don't use Diadem), it's possible to switch Cruelty for Inspiration, and it's also possible to pick the new life mastery which makes 30% of the cost be taken from life instead.

Will add these to POB notes later.

Also, for these who didn't notice, Sniper's Mark at level 4 helps a lot with having damage during leveling. And the fire mastery which gives 100% inc damage against ignited enemies too.

And we got other DPS buffs, so be sure to check POB and the different versions of the build in there.
gui_orioli 님이 2023. 4. 4. 오후 1:01:15에 마지막으로 편집
I'm going to give this a try on console next week :D

I did notice that in the PoB trees you have the life mastery in the Tireless cluster selected for trees 'Level 50', 'Level 60' and 'Level 75 - early mapping'. I doubt that is intentional since it is the most useless mastery to take when it is only the second life mastery ;)

superdreddie 님이 2023. 4. 6. 오전 8:47:54에 마지막으로 편집
superdreddie 님이 작성:
I'm going to give this a try on console next week :D

I did notice that in the PoB trees you have the life mastery in the Tireless cluster selected for trees 'Level 50', 'Level 60' and 'Level 75 - early mapping'. I doubt that is intentional since it is the most useless mastery to take when it is only the second life mastery ;)

You are right! It was changed when converting these to 3.21 and I forgot to double-check. I fixed it now. Thanks!
gui_orioli 님이 2023. 4. 6. 오전 9:21:56에 마지막으로 편집
I can start soon on console, can't wait :D
Couple of questions:
- Are there any suggested/'required' cluster jewels, or can I mostly skip Delerium?
- The PoB has two Hybrid Flasks. Are those required or more of a personal preference?

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