[3.15] Pathfinder ranger explosive concoction I NEED HELP
" With Frostferno? |
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Hi guys, my first post in a few years. I got up to running maps with a lvl 70 Inquisitor (there is no EC thread on the Templar builds, so is it normal to post outside of them like this?).
I went for as much AOE and extra projs I could handle. x2.49 AOE modifier. I use EC/Increased AOE, Volley/LMP, GMP/Elemental Dmg with Attacks. 9 projectiles, 86k dps when you add them all up. Also my build is VERY tanky, especially considering my items are not so great. I'm kind of lazy with this game compared to other people, crafting and building items is a bore for me. I'm using the consecrated ground ascendancy and the one connected to it, plus the 30% mana before life and Eldritch Battery, so have HP and ES regen at about 500-650 (Stone Golem, Vitality, could add Holy Relic). 2.7k life, 400 ES which should get to 700-900 with a few gear changes. I imagine the dmg could be scaled into the millions if it were geared properly and levelled. The AOE is good but it still could be better. I'm surprised with this build, its actually working better than my league starter which was a Spark Raider designed for ez clear. I'm bored with the build though, I'm used to Spark hitting everything on the screen and more. |
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Here's my PoB if anyone is curious. https://pastebin.com/cxwGyAeC
I find running Greater Volley and Volley in the same link to be far better than GMP. GMP and LMP creates far too much spread. Shield nodes with Ahn's heritage is the way to go imo, get your Endurance charges to 0/0 with fragility gems for perma Onslaught. |
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Someone on Reddit suggested using Berek's Respite ring, if you have bad time with clearing. I've tried it and it does help a lot. No more of those pesky single monsters left, which you have to kill with another EC cast and waste your precious flask charges. I play as an Elementalist tho, so ignite is extra powerful.
But he said, that just taking the Burning Brutality node and having enough crit to proc ignite is enough for this setup. |
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" Right now I am rocking a corrupted Ewar's. So, haven't tested these next words, truly. Just tried it before posting in a tier 6 map. But try Mutewind Pennant instead of the Ank. Select your warcry and bind it to left click for 'automated' warcrying ensuring that Onslaught was always recently done. I was thinking of using Infernal Cry because it hate porcupines (infernal explodes enemies), covers in ash increasing fire damage, and that other thing ash does which is less movespeed. Main issue is that the CD for Infernal is 8 seconds! General's cry is the only warcry with a 4 second CD. Feels good so far. I prefer the Ewar's corrupted weapon though. Just so many projectiles! Luckybed#0420 님이 2021. 7. 30. 오전 4:49:06에 마지막으로 편집
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Hi guys, wanted to share where im at rn. Im a raider lvl 88 and im doing pretty well to be honest. Im still using a shield tho, wanted to change it for a replica's cold iron point mby. Got some clusters but not shure if the best ones, im a bit poor yet so mby later ill try to find better ones. Already done some tier 15, pretty fast clearing and not bad single target for the items i have so. Still need anoint for marked for death, a belt with ele damg and then try to swap shield.
https://pastebin.com/rA2dx5ea I think that with enough currency this could be a very good skill, specially if they don't change the offhand thing. Using kaom's would help dmg and life but without main hand weap you already have very limited sockets to use so not sure if it's a good idea. Any suggestion is very preciated. Sorry for my english |
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" Is this your actual gear? It's pretty great. Your tree looks straight forward and great. I went for crit but might opt out of that idea for cluster jewel because dang does that look great. Using grand spectrums looks really smart. I really like that idea. Switching away from the weapon will of course cause you to change your cluster jewel. Do your golems ever actual survive for fights? Ancestral Protector is a great boost for attack speed. I would definitely use that over golems. Luckybed#0420 님이 2021. 7. 30. 오후 10:37:02에 마지막으로 편집
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" Actually, he never does, i got some new clusters and got ancestral protector, the idea is using him + elemental proliferation so i take advantage of sadist, he is at 30% chance to shock and chill and 40% ignite. this is in case skitterbots doesn't proc sadist wich i think they dont. I also wanted cooked alive and doryani's lesson but got out of currency. Got rid of dying sun since it is a ruby flask and explosive concoction uses it first almost every time, even tried with "used when full" enchantment but it activated 3 times only in a map. https://pastebin.com/yK1ehxJN |
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I completely agree with cutting Dying Sun. I bought one recently and was super confused when it was basically always empty!
I am still going with crit. Only have like 15% crit chance, but feels really good. |
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" As a pathfinder I’m getting pretty decent uptime on my dying sun, even while bossing. Went with crit as well, I can really recommend using Secrets of Suffering since brittle will give you flat crit chance and make it easier to cap out, and the last patch lowered the ailment threshold to make it easier to apply |
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