[3.15] CI Forbidden Rite Occultist - RIP

I'd love to see some videos of this in action.
livejamie 님이 작성:
I'd love to see some videos of this in action.

With that I won't be able to help you. I don't have any social media presence.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
livejamie 님이 작성:
I'd love to see some videos of this in action.

Overhaul, pretty much every videos you can find about it represents well how it works, main difference is if you play life or ES
Life Version with ED via Devouring Diadem. Not a starting version, need like 5 Exalted at least (without Clusters)

Judaspriester 님이 작성:
livejamie 님이 작성:
I'd love to see some videos of this in action.

With that I won't be able to help you. I don't have any social media presence.

Should be able to upload a video to Streamable.com or something without registering an account. :)

Shemper 님이 작성:
livejamie 님이 작성:
I'd love to see some videos of this in action.

Overhaul, pretty much every videos you can find about it represents well how it works, main difference is if you play life or ES

The only versions I can find are a ton of totem builds and a few life versions. I can't find any ES versions, assuming because the ES version doesn't scale as well.
Greater Volley might be worth considering over LMP/GMP. Same bonus projectiles, but less penalty. But not sure about any alternate qualities.

Also, with the tracking complaint, Faster Projectiles Support is something a lot of totem users are adding in videos I see. Just a consideration if having problems with the spell missing.
Ophilias13#0036 님이 2021. 7. 27. 오후 4:24:02에 마지막으로 편집
Ophilias13 님이 작성:
Greater Volley might be worth considering over LMP/GMP. Same bonus projectiles, but less penalty. But not sure about any alternate qualities.

The projectiles behave a little different, but yes, it's an alternative.

Ophilias13 님이 작성:
Also, with the tracking complaint, Faster Projectiles Support is something a lot of totem users are adding in videos I see. Just a consideration if having problems with the spell missing.

Either that, or another medium cluster jewel (projectile damage) with Streamlined (+20% projectile damage and speed).
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
I planned on starting with forbidden right (LL version, no poison or any shenanigans) but so far the Skill just feels clunky and slow.
Now my Skilltree is still designed for curse effect because I used Bane to level and it still just destroys in Maps (on a 4 Link).
After going LL and getting max. Chaos Res Forbidden Rite became very useable (1500 max HP, 6400 ES atm) and I played around with it a bit on my very suboptimal skilltree. So far it holds no candle to Bane (or Soulrend, ED/Contagion) on like every metric I can think off.

It feels so clunky that i think about going Blight CWC Forbidden Rite...
Allright, I just played around with PoB a little and decided to drop the poison stuff.
I've gone through different setups and noticed, I can also end up with similar dps values with lesser investement. I will think now over the replacements I'll want to take and update the main post then.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
Updated the Tree for the setup without poison.

Also did a short experiment with Knockback via medium cluster jewel, but, at least with only 10% knockback chance, it's barely noticable, so I dropped it again.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.

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