Stress-Free PoE :-) | BONE ZOMBIES: No Required Items, 1-Button Play, SSF League Start-End | 3.15
Is Shield charge really that good on this build? What I noticed is that I need to actually hit without Accuracy and more often than not only 1 or zero Mobs out of the group gets the curse.
So in reality I seem to get more mileage out of your second setup under all circumstances. |
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Hi, thank You for this nice Build.
I'm in Act 7 now, and had no Problems so far. But i have a Qustion about stygian Silverbacks vs. carnage Chieftains as Spectre. Both buff my Minions and me with Frenzycharges. So what is the Difference (if there is one)? Wich one is better? Thank You, have a nice Sunday. |
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"Hey bojzee! Yup your statement makes sense with your gear. Remember, levelling is hard. You only have what the game gives you. So just keep focusing on life and resist modifiers on your gear and as you progress through the tree as I suggested, you'll find that the build will start filling out nicely. "Hey AeronarDremar! I'm glad you like it so much! Thanks for the kind words. It's so nice to have a "go-to" build that you really enjoy. Thanks for the kind words. In terms of changes, I obviously wouldn't suggest it as I prefer the guide's layout ;). You'd lose a love of defence for either yourself or your minion no matter what you choose to replace. But that's the life of ascending, they are all hard choices. Sorry I wasn't much help. There's nothing wrong with using some regrets to try thing out though. "Hey wnuczeq! I don't normally have time to give gear suggestions. I took a glance at your gear and it looks great! You have some nice bases and mod values! Just keep looking for the same bases with better life mods and you'll be even better! Nice setup! I wish I had some of that gear. Keep on searching and maybe some influenced gear will drop and help out too! Nice work! "Hey Elocara! The filters focus on rares so I'm not sure what the issue is. So if you start over, just load the "everyone" filter. After you've copied it and such, just go the VERY top of the guide and add the flask and accessory commands up there. They'll overwrite all the other ones below. This is where I test my filter setups to see if they're working: This is where you can see all the different things you can do in the filter: For flasks you can go something like: Show Class Flasks Quality >= 1 SetBackgroundColor 250 150 50 Accessories could be: Show Class Amulets Rings Belts SetBackgroundColor 50 150 250 Make the colours anything you want with the RGB colour scale. And obviously, you can change the text and border colours too. Hopefully, that works out. "100% depends on what you've found already. It depends on your gear too. I always say unless it costs a Golden Oil, feel free to change your Anoint as often as you need to based on the gear you have. I always prefer the +1 to maximum resists but adding Redemption or Golem Commander is never bad either. "Hey SalvatoreBlack! Thanks for always being so kind :). I appreciate your kind words! I'm glad the build suits you so much and that it lets you play around to your heart's content. I'm glad your setup is treating you so well. I'm also playing around with Reaper so we'll see what happens. Arcanist Brand makes great sense if you're up for it. For me, it's an extra button but it makes perfect sense if it suits your style. I love Petrified Blood. Maim is already on the Zombie link so replacing Flesh and Stone with Petrified Blood would 100% work. It almost made the guide as such! Thanks again for your constant encouragement :). "Hey otteje! It totally depends on how you play. But on paper, it makes sense for sure. When I have played with Shield Charge, I've found that I've had Fortify most of the time. But I wasn't the type of player to be in riskier situations because I had Fortify. I would always try and be 100% safe for a couple of seconds, then I'd SC in. I'd then get safe again for a couple of seconds and repeat. So in that regard, Fortify and the curse were just perks (but they were up quite a lot I found). But at the end of the day, use which setup you have the most fun with. Fun/hr is always the best way to go. "Hey c_m_r! Thanks for the thanks! I'm glad the build is treating you well. I don't actually know the difference between the two apes. I have had Carnage Chiefs before but that was SO long ago I don't remember them. I always just use the Silverbacks because they're the easiest to find. Their health is more than enough for harsh content as they never die on me. I'm not sure if this site is up to date or not. I assume it is: Thanks for the kind words and well wishes :). The same to you. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thank you for maintaining this great guide/build!
The console experience with this easy build is being great. |
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"Thanks fladson! That's really kind of you to take the time to be so kind. I'm glad the build is working well for you. And a console player too! Hazaa! I played on console for a while with this build the other night. Loved it. Thanks again for taking the time to be encouraging :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey Wrecker_of_Days!
Don't know if you remember me (if you don't it's all cool :) ) I'm from South Africa (which means 190ms ping at best lol), and I've been playing your zombie build since I can remember. Many leagues now, and I keep coming back to it since it is so easy and player-friendly. We're all so grateful that you keep making and updating these guides, especially this one! Two things... I have a suggestion for people who might be struggling initially. As soon as I could get my hands on the Raise Skeleton gem I started using it for this league, along with a Minion Damage gem. I just spam it in front of monsters and on top of bosses and it's been so useful since we don't have all the links set up properly yet. (I'm Act 6 now and it still works super well) The skellies don't do too badly since they get bonuses from the minion nodes on the tree, and they keep distance between me and my enemies nicely. Another thing, I see you're quite a while into this league now. I've been hearing so many complaints of insta deaths and monster immunities and many builds having been wrecked that I"m a bit worried about maps... Do you foresee problems or have you experienced problems with survivability this league playing this build? I'm very curious to hear what you think about the changes and how you have been experiencing them (not sure how far you're into mapping yet). Lamonica#0514 님이 2021. 8. 4. 오전 2:43:21에 마지막으로 편집
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First time ever posting. Just thought I'd let you know I enjoy your builds and am having no issues levelling with this one.
Shield Charging into packs is a little scary at first but I've adapted to the style. Thanks for doing what you do! :D |
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Hello, im playing your its fun :) Unfortunately dmg on T14-16 boss is small :) propably coz of nerf ;)
Could you check my ZomMaluk and help me improve dmg? |
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"Ya know, I don't even remember my kids' ages/birthdays...but I do remember you! Nice to see you Lamonica! Thanks for popping by! I really appreciate you taking the time to be so kind and encouraging :). Thanks so much for what you wrote! And! Great levelling advice too. I'm a huge Skeleton fan. They cost so little mana for having 2 or 3 skeletons show up at once. In terms of the new game, only league content has "immunities" for the most part. The core game doesn't. I personally think that immunities are stupid in any game, but they are easy enough to avoid here. It just means that I care less about the content; I get used to seeing content that's impossible for my build to get, so over time I become apathetic to the possible rewards. It's possible to make monsters take really reduced damage to your damage type...but it's the same as building a metamorph. At the end of the day, the user gets penalized for not paying attention to the "mobs they're creating". I think it's all fine. The insta-death thing is a little different and something we'll have to be patient with. I've always hated not knowing why I'm dying. And off-screen damage is always going to be something that drives me nuts. The game is SO cluttered with enemies that it's SO hard to see what's happening. So when GGG only improves the monsters of only Act 1, we'll have issues. Those monsters are also in maps as well. So the Act 1 monsters that are in T10 maps are going to be way tougher than all the other T10 mobs. So now you have a damage inconsistency between normal and magic mobs. So there are going to be some huge spikes of unexpected damage until all 10 acts have been improved. It'll be frustrating but it's something GGG told us about ahead of time. At the end of the day, this is one of the most stable and well-balanced leagues that has existed in a long time. It's 111% worth playing like every other expansion. Thanks again for the kind words! "Hey masanity! Aw. You shared your first time with me! How sweet ;). I really appreciate you taking the time to go out of your way to be so kind. I'm glad you're liking the build! Shield Charge takes getting used to for sure. You saw that I don't use Shield Charge, right? There's a little section in the guide that shows how I play instead (if that interested you and you missed it). Thanks again for your kindness. I really appreciate it. "Hey Cenwargh! I'm glad you're having a good time. Ya, damage across the board got hit pretty good. Along with some enemies getting some big increases as well. So the higher the tier, the more you'll feel it. I don't have time to do thorough character evaluations but I took a quick look at your character and things look great. There can always be improvements but your stuff looks good for sure. You've followed the tree and your gems are almost the same. You have what matters for damage. I think it's just a difference of familiarity. Obviously better gear can do content faster, but in terms of the gems and tree, it's lots of offence. I just think this is the new normal. GGG will obviously continue to make big balance changes until they are happy, but you've done well for yourself. Nice work. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Hi Wrecker! Thanks for the explanation for the filter. I had previously tried to modify the existing lines, but that never worked out. Adding it on top did and everything shows as desired! The new state of the game on the other hand does leave much to desire, it was hard enough for me with my limitations as it was. Since you talked about petrified blood, I tried that and wondered why it was not more of a thing, it felt like it's a one shot preventer! But then I figured out it works that way up to T5 magic maps, but not yellow and alched ones sadly. Even though we have a bunch of defensive layers with the bone armour and fortify, but we also have a quite small life pool and reserve a good chunk of it too. I wonder if there is any way to improve the life pool, but I'm also aware that we can't really sacrifice any damage, since monsters are so much stronger now. At this point I can't even imagine to play any other build than your Bone Zombies under current circumstances. Since I mapped bone armour on my move button, it's a zero button build now and I can have my fingers on the life flasks at all times. Have linked a jade flask to use on life flask use (curse and bleeding removal comes with), and a quicksilver to use on freeze with antifreeze in he suffix, so for me the new flasks functions work out pretty well and I can actually use flasks at all due to the easy handling of the build. Thanks so much once more to keep this one in shape every league!! |
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